Kozu'e (KO-zu-ay)

The White Death; Mysterious Number One to God-Emperor Ina'ut

Kozu'e was a Colonial God and Lieutenant Lichlord to God-Emperor Inum'indiron'aravaut on First Age Waking Materia. Ina'ut's mysterious and rarely-seen Number One, she is widely regarded to be the in the top three most powerful Colonial Gods of the First Age, alongside her High King and the Rozsan God-Empress, Nir. Like all Kelpeater Lichlords, she bore the title Šaru'um ("Great Lord") under Ina'ut, who was the Šar'šara'ani ("Lord of Lords").

Kozu'e was known to be a specialist in anatomy, psychology, disease, toxins and bioengineering as well as a powerful archwizard, specializing in transmutation and conjuration.

Her ultimate fate is unknown; no mention of her exists after Ina'ut's descent into monstrosity.

The White Death's alignment is unknown but was likely Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Image Gallery: Kozu'e (External)
Not known to take other bodies aside from her mortal form, Šaru'um Kozu'e was slight to the point of being almost childlike, with pale skin and a thick mane of white hair which inspired half of her famous title, "The White Death".  


Though all Lichlords of The Kelpeater Empire were worshipped as undead gods, Kozu'e's Domains, Favoured Weapon(s), Divine Skill(s), etc. are no longer known, though they likely involved medicine, healing, plague, pain, alchemy, artifice or transmutation.  


Kozu'e's mortal origin is unknown. There is almost no mention of her being present on Lorgain, prior to the Kelpeater Empire colonizing Materia, which suggests she may have been a Material native. There is also no mention of her mortal ethnicity, and illustrated portrayals of the Lichlords are irrelevant to genetics as they could wear whatever bodies they pleased.

Her most infamous act was the release of a contagion that wiped out nearly half of the Insurgent Goddess Emeliat Reis's Wardens, when they mounted a major offensive on the independent stronghold of Kintyria-Mors. As the White Death didn't want to leave any hint of the trap, not even the locals were informed, and twelve thousand unwitting Kintyrians also perished. This event is widely considered by historians to be the point at which Insurgent God Reis began to retreat into herself, eventually transforming her into the Lady of the Mountain.  


There is a female god figure in Maraian origin mythology who bears the name Kozue (without the Alanthian glottal stop). This Kozue is one of three great progenitor heroes of proto-Maraian culture before the creation of the Commonwealth, said to be the first Empress of the Sokenzan, who ruled the Heartlands while her brothers Asura and Iyō ruled the Highlands and Lowlands to the east and west, respectively. Both are said to be of a quiet and contemplative disposition, but aside from this there is no other evidence—mythological or archaeological—connecting the two figures, so the shared name may just be a coincidence.


Ascendant (Early First Age), now thought deceased (Deluge?)   Alignment
LE or NE   Domains
Unknown   Favoured Weapon
Unknown   Relic Weapon
Unknown   Warbody


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