
The City of Secrets

Kintyria-Mors is an ancient and populous city-state and capital of the province of the same name in the Midlands of the Broken Empire. At about 190,000 people, it is the second-most populous city on the continent of Gondara (after Fauregand) and fourth-most populous city on the archipelago overall. The province is located Corewest of Ket, across the Sea of Sarenom from the Allesans. Several islands in the inland sea are also in its possession.

Due to its historical reputation as a place of spies, mercenaries and info-mongers, Kintyria-Mors is sometimes known as the City of Secrets.  


The Broken Empire
And its myriad peripheries. Map represents much of Waking Materia's Gamma Quadrant.


Kintyria-Mors is one of the most ancient cities on the plane, dating to the Great Fractionation in the Late First Age, having broken away from the New Rozsan Empire. One of the earliest examples of a burgeoning planar economy as the First Empires receded, the city flourished as a lawless but enterprising place, setting aside old cultural boundaries in the name of gold and silver.

Particularly influential were the cults of the newly-ascendant demigoddess of night, Asphodel, who was rumoured to use the city as her seat of power in her attempts to rival the more ancient Insurgent and Colonial gods. Here, her holy couriers, prostitutes and mercenaries sold stolen information to the highest bidder, leveraging both coin and secret to destabilize the dominant planar powers.  

Late First Age

Kintyria-Mors, being independent, often acted as a gathering place for churches and militias of the Insurgent Gods, who aimed to overcome the planar hegemony of the Lichlords. It was the site of a major attack by the Kelpeater Lichlord Kozu'e against the Wardens of the Lady of the Mountain, releasing a biomantic contagion that not only devastated the Warden communities but a large number of innocent Kintyrians as well. This was known as The Kinyria-Mors Incident. Though Asphodel was already rival to the Lichlords, this event made Kozu'e a particularly hated figure in the church until her disappearance.  

Third Age

Though Asphodel's influence has waned in recent millennia and Kintyria-Mors has become a cosmopolitan place of many callings, the roots of her cult run deep and the city remains a holy place for the religion. Some of the most ancient cultic libraries and brothels can still be found intact here, having been carefully hidden away from the chaos of the Second Age.


Geopolitical, City-state



The Midlands


Banner: Edvardine Castle (Centre). Entryway to Edvardine Castle (Left). A Kintyrian alleyway (Right).

Profile: A plant nursery in Edvardine Castle. The protection of hardy yet edible plants is supremely important on Voidward Gondara.
  As with much of the Broken Empire, Kintyrian architecture is highly space-efficient to leave maximal room for cropland and pastureland. There are usually multiple floors, with each floor being narrow. Dense with shelving, walls are often used for storage.

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