The Volgirre

The Volgirre were a feared paramilitary specializing in the tracking and elimination of magical corruption in the New Rozsan Empire. Considered exorcists and mage-hunters of the highest calibre, the Volgirre held something of a celebrity in New Rozsan society, and literature both factual and fanciful is not difficult to find in surviving First Age libraries. While ultimately beholden to Godlord Nir and the Temporal Vanguard, they were under the direct command of Lichlord Vierix Echidna. Records of the Volgirre end with nearly the entire Empire after the Deluge and the chaos of the Second Age.

The Volgirre were also known as the Order of the Magpie.  


Descriptions of the Volgirre are common in surviving First Age literature. They are described as looking like any other soldier, with armor of the black, muscular-flowing Rozsan style. But adorning this armour was a great Rozsan innovation called Orihalcum, a sort of "organic" stone that grew into odd shapes and caused magic to behave strangely around it, usually in ways that rendered the spell useless. The brightly-coloured orihalcum would grow randomly on each suit of armour, making each utterly unique. (Were they anyone else this would be highly illegal: In an educated magocracy like New Rozsa, magic-disrupting orihalcum arms & armour were strictly prohibited except in the most official capacities, in this case the paramilitary Volgirre.)

Only two pieces of orihalcum armour have been recovered in modern times, both from a tomb in Xois. They are the possession of the Noa-Aina-Koroa of the Firstsong Islands.  


Though New Rozsa was a highly magic-permissive society, any arcane action against the Empire was still impermissible, and so the Volgirre grew under an ambitious and deadly greyguard named Echidna, whose success would eventually grant her Lichlorddom and a seat on the Temporal Vanguard. Her success was not to last, and she would die, permanently, in the frontier wars against the Firstsong Islands, her soul tragically ripped apart by roving ghosts before reaching her phylactery.

The Volgirre were seen as such a threat that some publications openly wondered whether the twin Godlords Nir and Nef had Echidna killed to bring the paramilitary to direct heel. (Such open criticism of the ruling Lichlords seemed permissible in a talkative and information-hungry society, perhaps because it was always drowned out by competing theories.)

The Volgirre

Military, Paramilitary/Militia

Middle First Age

New Rozsan Empire

Vierix Echidna (Middle-Late First Age)
Godlord Nir (Late First Age)

Modus Operandi
Tracking/elimination of magical corruption

Favoured Classes
Greyguard, Ranger, Eldritch Knight, Diviner
Profile: The crest of the Volgirre: a magpie holding a magic orb.


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