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E22 - Bar Games & Warships

General Summary

After a night of bar games and frivolity, the Protectors of the Pass neared the end of their journey to Seaquen. They witnessed a group of Lord Megadon's guards collecting hefty tolls, a trio of witches with skeleton guards in a swamp, and experienced strange and violent storms that blew in from the north toward Seaquen. Using their feather token from Nelle, the Protectors boarded their eagle-inspired boat, and made their way to the coast.   Before they could arrive, however, they were stopped by a Shahalesti warship. Seeing an opportunity to gain some intel, Rayland Red stealthily boarded the warship and made his way to the captain's quarters. While Rayland did what Rayland does, the remaining Protectors kept the ship's captain Thallen distracted in conversation.   Rayland's findings in the captain's quarters confirmed the story Thallen shared with the party - their ship was preparing for the arrival of Princess Shalosha, the daughter of the leader of Shahalesti, Lord Shaaladel. But Rayland uncovered more information than that. Thallen's orders were to "secure the port" for alliance discussions, and that the princess was being accompanied by an armada of 17 warships. Knowing Shahalesti's reputation for bullying alliances, sometimes violently, the arrival of these ships seemed disconcerting.   As Rayland made his way back to the boat, the captain suddenly recognized Jack. She called him the son of Mel, the famous leader of the Masters of Mirth traveling troupe, and implied the family was very wealthy. Knowing they needed to stall for Rayland's return, Jack confirmed the captain's suspicious, asking her to put the good word in with his father if she returned to Calanis.   Information gathered and Rayland collected, the Protectors continued on their boat to the shining docks of Seaquen.

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In world date
15th to 23rd of Khalary 5754 AC
Report Date
30 Nov 2021
Primary Location
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