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E36 - The Red Room

General Summary

After a tense fight with monstrous fish people, the Protectors of the Pass dove deeper into the Sunken Prison. They arrived at a magically-bored hole, submerged in deep water, plunging straight into the depths of the earth. Out of options, the Protectors steeled their nerves, and began the long swim down. At the bottom, they found the water of the prison was held out of a large cavernous chamber, complete with a flowing lava river, a small bridge, and a garrison of Ragesian Empire orcs, ready to stop the intruding Protectors. The Protectors decided to do something crazy - tying themselves off to a line dropped down the hole, Jack used his wand, and dispelled the magic, draining the entire Sunken Prison into the cave.   After what seemed like an hour, the water finally stopped pouring in, and the Protectors dropped into the red-mist filled chamber. Making their way quietly and carefully, the party crossed the bridge over the lava river and found themselves at a door. Hearing the Ragesian garrison within, the Protectors prepared for a serious combat. Bursting the door open, the melee began. As the red mist poured in, Rayland Red became one with the darkness, and slashed and stabbed his way through the soldiers. Myetharia Faewarin and Winry Mountain Peak bravely charged into the room, punching, kicking, and slashing through the enemy defenses. Bryn lit up the mist-shrouded enemies with divine magic, and also dove in, mace swinging. Jack charged small fireballs, and chucked them into the fray, fiery explosions flashing brightly in the fog.   The battle was hard-fought and brutal. But as the mist began to fade, the Protectors stood victorious, ready to continue their trek toward Lee Sidoneth.

Created Content

In world date
16th of Nerulary 5754 AC
Report Date
19 Apr 2022

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