Session 49: Out of the Frying Pan... Report

General Summary

The party, along with Davil Starsong, Ziraj, and Yagra Stonefist, find themselves in Skullport, the seedy underbelly of Waterdeep located deep underground.
They are aided by an awakened rat named Gary, sent by Lady Phaulkonmere of the Emerald Enclave. He leads them to a local pet shop where the owner Ulvira Snowveins pushes the party to purchase a giant fire beetle to their confusion. They also meet a keyhole dragonette named Pok.

Ulvira says she may know of someone who can help them escape but they need to do something for her: tell Mirt that she has been stranded down here on assignment. They agree and she tells them it will take her time to make contact. The party takes refuge in The Flagon and the Dragon, sleeping late into the day. They are rudely awoken by one of Skullport's aging flaming skulls.

They return to Ulvira who tells them to meet her contact at a place called Deepfires. One their way to Deepfires they stop by the Sword and the Sextant a mapmaking shop. There two halfling brothers try to sell the group maps of Undermountain.

Eventually, the party makes their way to Deepfires only to find a burned out husk of a tavern. They speak to a nearby woman selling preserves and jams. They purchase a few items from Gwendolyn Rutterkin asking her about the place. She tells them since the Xanathar took over Skullport many establishments have suffered. One of his dwarf lieutenants (most likely Ahmaergo who's room the party found minotaur paraphernalia in) burned this block down when he saw a minotaur suffering in a cage nearby. As they speak a hooded woman with a long staff arrives who seems to know Gwendlyn. She introduces herself as Irusyl Eraneth. She and Gwendolyn seem to know each other from days past. Gwendolyn comments that Irusyl has not been back to see her friends for some time. Irusyl replies her time is not her own these days.

After leaving Gwendolyn, Irusyl leads the party behind the burned out tavern. She tells there there is a secret exit nearby, but they must go one by one as to not attract attention. She casts fly on everyone and centers them under a hidden tunnel overhead. Most fly upward without a problem, but Ziraj catches the attention of a gazer. He manages to dodge the creatures ray and pulls himself up to safety. When the party looks down Irusyl is gone.

The party climbs upward for many hours eventually finding themselves in a cell within Castle Waterdeep. They discover, to their dismay, the cell is locked. Andryn Stormpeak casts Thunderwave (I think?) and the door flies open. As they step out, City Watch guards flood into the prison, ready to take them prisoner. As a tense standoff lengthens a captain comes running in saying they were expected and tells his men to stand down.

The party begins to head out of the prison, realizing they are in Castle Waterdeep high atop Mount Waterdeep. They look out and see the sun rising over the city below.

Rewards Granted

  • Jams and preserves - gave a jar of Bluecap preserves to Irusyl
  • Giant Fire Beetle
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Runt Thundermount
Cameron Overholt
Andryn Stormpeak
Caelynn Amastacia
Report Date
06 Dec 2020
Primary Location


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