Session 53: When You're Here, You're Family Report

General Summary

(My notes aren't great on this session so let me know if anything important is missing)   The party readies in the morning for their attack on Kolat Towers. Broadsheets are delivered to Trollskull Manor and Tavern. Runt looks them over and sees Kelia Wintersbane has written about the demise of her boss and their kidnapping. She names Agorn Fuoco and the woman who tried to sacrificed her in the article. She also ID's the building where the Zhentarim agents took her and Manshoon's return after his reported death 100 years ago and the attempt to influence the broadsheets in his name. She also writes that the Zhentarim are after some kind of eye and indirectly hints that the Cassalanters also have a connection. The party is mentioned aiding her escape but she doesn't mention them by name.   The party realizes that the Zhentarim may now be waiting for them if they've read this broadsheet. They decide not to use the teleportation circle in Yellowspire, instead using the pass-amulet to walk into Kolat Towers from the ground floor. They inform the Doom Raiders of the change of plan. Tashlyn will still hold her mercenaries nearby and wait for their signal to attack once the party is inside. Davil Starsong tells them that Yagra Stonefist will not be joining them. She's keeping an eye on Skeemo Weirdbottle just in case Cameron Overholt's hunch that he's working against them is true.   The party swings by the Cassalanters to get a look at their eye. It's kept in a lead-lined safe. Andryn gets a good look for her Locate Object spell.   The party plus Davil and Ziraj head to Kolat Towers. They all notice that the snow that's starting to fall isn't hitting the dilapidated towers themselves. There is a force field around the property keeping all out unless they have a pass-amulet. The party heads through the force field. The two sad-looking towers are connected by a rickety bridge on the second story. They head inside and find a number of Zhentarim agents at a kitchen table. They manage to convince them that they're here on business with Manshoon. One of the agents offers to escort them to the portal to Manshoon's inner sanctum. They encounter a halfling cook who seems skeptical. He offers a Cameron a taste of what he's making. Cameron takes a bite. He thinks he may have just been the victim of a poison attempt but shakes it off.   Their chatty escort takes them up the tower. They encounter a group of mages holding a Balgura in a containment spell before finding themselves on the top story. They use Agorn Fuoco's ring to use the teleportation circle to the inner sanctum. They are whisked to a receiving room. Glass walls surround them on 3 sides. Outside they can see purple mist swirling endlessly. A bald woman is watching from a glass hallway next door. She indicates for the party to wait and disappears down the hallway. The party waits to see what the sanctum holds...
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Runt Thundermount
Cameron Overholt
Andryn Stormpeak
Caelynn Amastacia
Report Date
21 Feb 2021


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