Session 71: Cavern Crawling Report

General Summary

After a long rest the party goes to talk to the confused wizard they'd met the night before. Darribeth Meltimer was talking to her toad familiar, still very concerned about nearby demons. Andryn Stormpeak and Cameron Overholt studied the toad trying to figure out what exactly it was. Andryn was able to figure out it was shape-changed somehow. Cameron understood it was somehow innate in its nature. While they were studying the creature, Thredd Dorselar went to grab the creature, which immediately shape-changed into a quasit, a minor demon. The party quickly killed it and realized Darribeth had no idea her toad was a demon. They also realized she had been mentally corrupted during her time in the Underdark. They successfully performed a ritual to cleanse her mind. She gifted them with a rope of climbing and said she needed to finally escape Undermountain and find her wife Urgala who last lived in Amphail over ten years ago.

Darribeth told them about an alchemist and an ettin (two headed giant) who were friendly creatures nearby. The party visited the alchemist who told them he was there to collect fungi and search for his gem. The party questioned him about his gem but he only kept repeating it was "his" gem and Halaster brought him here while separating him from his gem. He would sell the party a Potion of Comprehension or Potion of Watchful Rest which cost 20 pounds of edible fungi and five tongues of madness plus 50 gp worth of adventuring gear. The party decline and head south toward the river into a smelly, moist cavern full of stalactites.

As they head south they realize some of the stalactites are not what they seem. They are pummeled by piercers dropping from the cavern ceiling. They are mostly able to dodge them but one hits Andryn. They race into the next cavern filled with crystals to find two xorns (crystal-eating elementals) snacking on the gems. They immediately attack the party but are vanquished after several rounds.

The party finally finds the river crossing. They hike across, but Thredd loses her footing and takes some damage from nearby rocks. They get to the other side and hear chanting in a cavern nearby. In the cavern they find a grotesque sight. The cavern is filled with carcasses of creatures and monstrosities in Undermountain. Three kuo-toa and a kuo-toa priest are in front of a macabre effigy fashioned from viscera with a long moss beard and a lantern with a gem inside for a head. It is fashioned to look like Halaster Blackcloack. They turn to the party and say "all hail Halagaloon!"

Rewards Granted

Rope of Climbing
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Thredd Dorselar
Cameron Overholt
Andryn Stormpeak
Report Date
06 Nov 2022
Primary Location
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