Session 72: The Easy Way Report

General Summary

The party has come upon a group of kuo-toa worshipping an effigy of Halaster Blackcloack made of viscera of dead creatures. They notice there's a gem in the effigy. Cameron Overholt recalls that the alchemist they met was looking for a missing gem.   The party decides that Thredd Dorselar will attempt to steal them. They distract the kuo-toa by declaring Andryn Stormpeak a religious expert that can help the kuo-toa in their worship. Thredd unfoturnately is seen by the priest when she tries to steal the gem. She convinces him that she is trying to make the effigy better. In tandem with Cameron's magic she pretends to make the effigy glow, but fails a Slight of Hand again to steal the gem.  
The kuo-toa go on about how "Hallagaloop" saved them and how he promised salvation if they take the effigy to the lake and perform a ritual there, but the "water dragon" has taken the lake as its lair. They try to take the gem back from Thredd saying they need it for the ritual. There is a stand-off over the gem. A thready female voice speaks mentally to the party telling them the kuo-toa's faith is a small but power font of power. The ritual must not come to pass.   The party hears movement nearby and realize there are families living in a cavern nearby. To move this along peacefully Cameron casts Vortex Warp on Thredd moving her 90 feet away out of sight. He cries out that Hallagaloop's wrath if great and terrible, pretending Halaster smote Thredd. The priest is pacified but declares the party in league with the drow and tells them to leave. Andryn says she can help and makes the effigy glow with the Light cantrip. The priest declares she is a true believer and has been touched by Halaster.   The priest tells them that the "water dragon" is a memory stealer. His people have been disappearing and somehow some of the members of the tribe forgot the missing people's very existence, which convinced the tribe that the water dragon was some kind of god, which is blasphemy. The priest finally decides that the party are true believers and permits them to help his tribe get rid of the water dragon. He tells them it took over a nearby grotto several weeks ago, which was once their home. Their food has been cut off since the dragon arrived. He tells them once a creature is consumed by the dragon it's forgotten by all who knew it.   The party head out and meet back up with Thredd. They return to the alchemist and present the gem. He is delighted. With an Arcana check Cameron begins to realize that this creature is a slaad who has shapechanged into a human. Cameron recalls that slaad have ties to Mechanus, the plane of law where he once resided. Slaad are chaotic and mortal enemies of modrons, the denizens of Mechanus. They are kept as slaves on Mechanus and if you have their power gem you can control a slaad. Cameron tests out the control gem on the slaad who tells them his name is Todd the Slaad. He reluctantly tells them he's from Limbo. Cameron eventually relents and returns the gem to Todd, who gives them 3 Potions of Comprehension and 3 Potions of Watchful Rest. He thanks the party and offhandledly says Cameron stinks of Mechanus (because of BB8). He also warns the party of hook horrors and Chulls nearby that are helping the water dragon that has taken over this level. The party invite Todd to visit them in Waterdeep.   The party try to learn more about the water dragon. Thredd speaks to a small school of fish, but they don't have much information. The party finally realize they can make their own raft to get out of here. Thredd punches some zhurkwood trees down and Andryn hauls them to a place Cameron can craft a raft.    After a few attempts and several hours the party has a sea-worthy raft. They set sail down the river. As they begin to drift down the river a male voice echos through the river cavern. "You would leave me when I am so hungry?" The party feels several heavy attacks to the bottom of the raft. A few water dragon-aligned kuo-toa attack the party along with lobster-like creatures called chuul.
Andryn and Cameron fall into the water. The raft is falling apart so the party swim toward nearby land. Cameron dimension doors Thredd to land using the Cape of the Mountebank. Andryn is grappled in the water. Thredd grapples the chuul grappling Andryn.   Cameron tries to get away to regroup and help but is pursued by a chuul and kuo-toa who catch him in a dead end cavern. Thredd is meanwhile taking heavy damage from the chuul. Cameron is able to deal with his pursuers and returns to help Andryn and Thredd. The party eventually triumph over their attackers but have taken heavy damage. The party comments they were so happy on the raft just moments ago, thinking they were escaping. As they do that male voice echos over the river, "you didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?"

Rewards Granted

3 Potions of Comprehension
3 Potions of Watchful Rest
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Thredd Dorselar
Cameron Overholt
Andryn Stormpeak
Report Date
04 Dec 2022
Primary Location


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