BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

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As it did in the world before the bombs, religion in the Weird Wastes helps people cope with their harsh reality, gives them the courage to push through it, and makes them feel important. Currently there are no religions that have found their way to every corner of the globe; instead of following an organized institution, a vague spiritual colloquialism permeates most religious communities. Despite this, there are a few religious institutions that can at least be recognized across the united states wasteland.    
  • The Children of Atom - This eccentric cult worships radiation as a being called 'Atom'. As such, they are drawn to radioactive places or ruins containing nuclear artifacts. Depending on the sect, they can be anything from ascetic sages to militant zealots. Most of them see the great war as a righteous judgement day that cleansed the world of its iniquities so that the chosen may start anew.
  • Memorialism - This (mostly) peaceful cult of thought insists that they have awakened to the truth of the world: this is the afterlife. Most of them believe that the bleak world they find themselves in is a punishment for a life of sin when they were alive and seek to become a better person as a result, but there are others who are angered or indifferent to find themselves in this purgatory.
  • Mosetism - After beholding the intricate inner workings of a megacorporation as presented by several TV documentaries about the life of Clyde Moset, the first Mosetians came to believe that the corporations of yore or their leaders must have been gods, far above common people. They exalted Moset as the cardinal saint of all pre-war corporations and hailed him as the 'Father of Modern Business' just as the TV programs did. They collect all logos and other forms of marketing that belong to the company their sect reveres the most. All of these things, including the company's inventions and products, are considered holy relics.
  • Dendra - A cult of cannibals that obtain the thoughts and memories of those they consume. They do this to prevent the essence of the person they are eating from slipping into oblivion after they die, thus preserving them eternally. Despite this grim mode of operation, the Dendra are usually shamans and wise folk that prefer to help societies when they can. In places where their strange ways are tolerated, they can serve a community by cutting down on excess dead folks and even help solve crimes with their unique abilities. Some Dendra have even consumed a magical person's body and gained a modicum of their powers.
  • Cult of the Endless One - A pre-war CEO manufactured the power to live forever by switching his consciousness into progressively more powerful artificial bodies. He then noticed that if he ever transferred out of a body while it was still alive, that it would spontaneously generate its own personality and consciousness. Calling these creations Castoffs, he made hundreds of them, telling them to call him the Endless One. These Castoffs began to worship him alongside scores of wastelanders. However, one day, the Endless Man vanished without a trace. Ever since then, his wayward flock has searched for him, with each sect of the cult having a different motivation for the search and some with less than friendly intentions should they ever find their creator who abandoned them.
  • Unity - The first Orcs were created by West Tek using the F.E.V. otherwise known as the Forced Evolution Virus. The earliest among their kind were hyper intelligent and all of them said that a Master spoke to them, telling them to turn other people into Orcs. This process came to be known as Unity and is one of the well-known scourges of the wasteland. In their own words, 'all will become as we are'.

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