Ebony Marlowe Character in WIEA | World Anvil
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Ebony Marlowe

Ebony Marlowe, Ms.

A protagonist of WIEA. Raised in an abusive household, she developed fawn syndrome at a young age, and was more or less content to go along with anything, seeking to be the mediator in any conflict and letting others walk over her.  
"'It seems fine to me.' She said half-heartedly."
  In the book, she takes a rather passive role, prefering to allow Jay or Vera come up with their theories then offer up her own- however, she appears to show a level of intelligence equal to Jay. She is one of the first to notice that something is wrong, but doesn't reveal her information to anyone until confronted.   She is quick to run away at the sight of physical violence, and is quick on her feet, able to make fast and calculated decisions in times of stress. Similarly to Jay, she is somewhat aware of her own skill, but prefers to not show it, only bringing it up in dire circumstances.   In the past, she was in a romantic relationship with Guinevere "Vera" Arianwen Rhys. This leads to a subtle change in her personality, in which she became more open about her thoughts and opinions, and allows her to improve on her own self-worth and abilities.

Mental characteristics


She doesn't really "get" sexuality as a concept. She understands in a vague concept how sexuality works, and that not everyone likes the same gender, but thinks of it more as personal preference, like how people love differently.   In terms of labels, Ebony is Panromantic and Demisexual.

Morality & Philosophy

Ebony has a very twisted concept of morality. She understands, objectively, what is wrong or right, but views it more as something that should be held up for society's sake. Someone's life is, to her, less important then the lives of those around her, and she has no issue killing or otherwise sacrificing people for what she considers to be important. Upon request, she can calculate moral rules into her plans, but will not inherently act upon moral ideas or philsophies unless asked to do so. This only counts for the physical trauma to someone, such as murder or physical harm. This does not apply to other forms of harm.   Ebony is openly optimistic, and sees the postive in most scenarios.


Guinevere "Vera" Arianwen Rhys

Lover (Important)

Towards Ebony Marlowe



Ebony Marlowe

Lover (Vital)

Towards Guinevere "Vera" Arianwen Rhys




"...Are they dating?" Jay asks from his perch on the balcony. Torii snickers. "Duh."   They met in middle school, and became quick friends. Vera's insight let her see through Ebony, and, after a confrontation, is the first to ever learn about Ebony's home life. They become closer and closer, until they both, without their own knowledge, fell in love. Cue two years of pining and incredibly awkward flirting.   They became a couple rather suddenly- and neither would reveal what, exactly, happened. Vera maintains that Ebony, shy and graceful, asked her out while they were gardening, seemingly by accident. Before she could laugh it off, Vera accepted, and they went out together, leading to their confession. Ebony claims that Vera, during one of her random gift giving moments, blurted out that she thought Ebony was cute, leading to them awkwardly fumbling out confessions. Both seem incredibly plausible.   In terms of the book, Ebony and Vera rarely show much affection for each other, and don't appear to be dating until later on. This can be reasoned by Pittrice and Jay not remenbering that they were dating- more likely, however, is that they had some soft of diagreement within the hospital. In all likelihood Ebony must've wanted to keep Pittrice and Jay in the dark, and Vera wanted them to know. However, this rift is not visable to anyone but them, and they still seem quite close in the instances they do interact, clinging to each other at any oppurtinty they can. During the escape of the hosptial, Ebony and Vera do a back and forth on who is more important to survive, with both parties instisting the other is more important. At the escape, they appear closer then ever, and openly display their affection, much to the suprise of the others.   In the past, Ebony was pushed off a cliff by Pittrice, causing Vera to jump down with her. This leads to both of their demises.

Nicknames & Petnames

Flower, Petal, Darling, Honey, Love, Sweetheart, Dear, Sunshine, Moonlight, Precious, Ebbie (E-b) and Ve (Vae)

Relationship Reasoning

Ebony thinks that Vera is cute, and likes being around her. She just likes Vera as a person, and loves her as a lover. She feels safe and warm and fuzzy when they're together. She also thinks Vera is funny to tease. Vera thinks Ebony is adorable and feels warm and fuzzy and soft when they're near each other. She also feels a bit protective over her, as a reaction to knowing what her knows.

Legal Status

Not Married

Jay Aster

Half-Brother (Important)

Towards Ebony Marlowe



Ebony Marlowe

Half-Sister (Trivial)

Towards Jay Aster




"...Who are you?"   "I'm your brother."   "...Huh."   "Yeah, that's what I thought too."

Name: Ebony Marlowe Height: 5’2 (157.48 cm) Age: 15 Birthday: June 6th Personality trope (if applicable):     Likes: Books, Gardens, large bodies of water, Flowers, The Moon, and strawberries.   Dislikes: Rope, bottles, and pills.   Hobbies: Reading and going on long walks.   Skills: She gets along well with people, and can quickly adapt to different situations. She is fast on her feet and can pick out good hiding spaces in seconds. She can stay silent and still for long stretches of time.   Friends before the start of the book: Vera, Liu.   Enemies before the start of the book: N/A   Family: Pet(s) (if applicable): N/A Sibling(s) (if applicable. Specification on the aliveness of said sibling is also recommended) :  
- Gillia Marlowe, deceased.  
  • Jay Aster
  • Juniper Marlowe
  • Relationship with parents:   Ebony’s mother hates her with a burning passion. Ebony’s stepfather holds no strong feelings one way or another- however, Ebony really hates him. She is not in contact with her birth father, and has no plans to do so.   Mental and physical well-being:   Mental health(specify the state of mind they're usually in, mental health issues– ):   Incredibly self-deprecating. If anyone else was in her normal mental state, they would say they were about to have a panic attack. She suffers from PTSD and bouts of peritraumatic dissociation.   Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous.   Dominant eye: Right   Outdoor activities: Gardening and reading.   Appearance:   Wavy brown hair. A pair of circular glasses to correct her vision, though she can somewhat see without them. Often has a ribbon in her hair, or has one side in a braid. This is in remembrance of her sister, who used to do her hair. During cold months, she often wears a turtleneck to ward off the chill- during warmer seasons, she wears a white shoulderless shirt. She has light green eyes, which, when under the right lighting, can appear to be blue.
    Current Status
    Presumed Dead
    Circumstances of Death
    Unexpected Murder
    Jay Aster (Half-Brother)
    83.2 lbs
    Known Languages
    She understands and speaks English and Chinese.
    Ruled Locations

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