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4. Welcome to Port Damali

As the Cerberus Assembly disappeared back through their portals, taking the Aasimar Karselle with them, the adventurers were left to survey where they had emerged from.
They were in what appeared to be in a repurposed colosseum, its large oval wall structure encompassing them, a smattering of buildings, shops and homes built into its levelled walls. Towns people remained behind watching the scene, speaking to one another about what they had witnessed. Filling new passersby in on the damage done to that part of the wall.
The adventurers approached them and found that they were in Port Damali, what could be presumed to be the capital city of the Menagerie Coast. It was 11th Unndillar, meaning more than a month had passed since they were in Crenda, and the attack on the settlement by The Vampire Duo.   It was dusk and the adventurers weary and wounded from the recent events. With reports to make to his order and hoping for guidance, Gabriel sought directions to the nearest temple of Bahamut, agreeing to meet with the rest of the party the folowing morning as they preferred alcohol and food to sooth their aches.
Finding their chosen respites lay in different directions, Gabriel took the comatose woman who bore a likeness to Karselle's lover with him south-west of where they began. He passed through the affluent part of Port Damali and ultimately found what he was looking for in the temple district.   Meanwhile, the rest of the adventurers travelled North West, working their way through the beaded alley. A more run down portion of the city, given a lively feel by the decorative cords, banners, streamers and beads hanging overthe intersections running through this part of town. They ultimately found suitable place to eat and sleep at the 'Tavern' a new sign hanging from the wall indicating a very recent change of name. Most of them decided to have a good drink after their recent encounter, and Ned slipped some gold to the wench to keep the ale pouring.   In the temple of Bahamut, Gabriel met the highest ranking member of his order in this city 'Platinum Father Alander' and requested guidance. Hearing about the events, the priest suggested that Gabriel contemplate whether indeed he had 'found them' as his vision quest had commanded, as this was what he was instructed to do.

  Gabriel contemplated this and thought he may need to return to Crenda, if at least to see if the villagers here were safe following the attack from over a month ago.
The Platinum Father also mentioned that although the Cerebrus Assembly was a self contained group and would be nigh impossible to contact, the Cobalt Soul could potentially help. They were followers of Ioun and fanatical keepers of knowledge.   The following morning as the main group left to meet with Gabriel at Erathis' Promenade, Dick Punch nearly ran into a straw-haired child playing in the street, with some fancy footwork enabling them to avoid colliding one another. The child hurled insults before he realised he was speaking to a halfling adult and not another child, though some of the compatriots were a little worse for wear following last night's excess.
As Dick Punch tried to pursuade the group to help him earn gold by finding a lost cat, Suriel's quest to drink a gold pieces worth of alcohol had unexpected consequences and she moved aside to expel her demons behind a nearby cart. Her moment with the wagon was interrupted by a blonde haired kid being chased by a vendor, the child claimed the man was trying to hurt him and pushed up behind suriel seeking protection. The Vendor had another claim however, explaining the kid had stolen goods.
Trying to get to the bottom of things and using all diplomacy available to her the goliath promptly grabbed the child by the ankles and gave him a firm shake upside down. Two apples and gold pieces came falling to the ground.
Upon interrogation the child admitted to stealing the apples but claimed he 'never took no gold from the man.'
Suriel gave the gold pieces to the vendor and as she was paying the man for the apples came to the realisation that the child had been speaking the truth, the gold was actually hers! He must have robbed her when he was asking for her assistance.  
Gabriel shared what he had found out with the other adventurers. and they decided to search for the Cobalt Soul who apparently had a library in the city. Following instruction, they ended up finding the building of the Cobalt Soul to the South East of the temple district. The adventurers entered the building of the Cobalt Soul and arranged a private meeting with its High Curator, an elven woman reluctant to give the group any identifying information apart from her rank.
Hearing their story, the High Curator took their situation more seriously, and would investigate what they could asking the group to return in three days to see what they could find.
She also warned that the Cerebrus Assembly was powerful group of mages, who rarely paid attention to any who couldn't futher their own interests and despite it being a faction formally bound to the Dwendalian Empire, its interests were its own, If however they could find a way to interest the mages Rafaar was the representative to the assembly within Port Damali.
As the group went to leave Balor asked the High Curator if she had ever heard of DarkFyre seeds and she said she would add this to her search.   The adventurers left the Cobalt Soul's temple, and just outside of it a gang of children ran past playing a game, a dirty straw haired child ran past Balor, bumping into him as he ran by. Balor, Suriel and Dick Punch finally realising this child had been pestering them all morning demanded he stop.
The boy proclaimed astomishment at what terrible thieves this group were, and he couldn't believe his Uncle Gaelin had sent him to find them. He seemed disappointed that he had managed to almost rob them three times before they had caught him. He asked the group to follow him to his uncles as he had work for the group and may be able to help answer some questions.
The group had a quick discussion, Gabriel wishing to make haste to Crenda, and Balor wishing to go and send mail to his family they eventually decided to see what would come of this meeting.   The adventurers followed the kid through a winding tour of the city, Dick Punch recognising the child seemed to be trying to disguise the location of the place they were going and throw off and followers, he worked to memorise the route incase it was needed again, they ended up in poorer parts of the city coming to the area the child called the Tumbledowns and found their way inside what appeared to be a dilapidated building, but inside was luxuriously furnished, albeit without taste or reason.   They met a cowled man, who introduced himself as Gaelin Redfeather. The adventurers noticed that what he wore was similar to some of the dead they came across in Karselle's dungeon. The man in front of them also had a ring like the others, though of a bluish hue. When Balor and Dick Punch showed them the rings they had collected from the dead, Gaelin indeed confirmed that they were his men and thanked them for returning the rings, paying the group handsomely for their return.   Gaelin had a proposition for the adventurers. He had some information regarding Karselle and how to get to her. He would provide this information if the adventurers could fix a small problem for him - In their running battle against Karselle and her army of undead that she had bought to the city they had lost overall control of the city. A tavern that his organisation used to control named the 'Copper Coronet' had been taken over by a slaver gang known as the Redbrand Ruffians, and in doing so they had also captured one of his organisations men, Kote.   Gaelin's own men were too preoccupied keeping their other interests safe following an incursion of vampires and other undead creatures thanks to Karselle's actions. When Gabriel offered to take care of this threats instead, Gaelin said he wasn't prepared yet to show the inner workings of his gang.   Ultimately the adventurers agreed to the proposition. Coincidentally, the tavern where the adventurers were staying at was the place itself!  
  The adventurers decided to clear the tavern late that night, and spent the rest of the day doing their own thing. Suriel sleeping off her hangover, Balor set upon sending his letter to his family back in Grimgolir, though discovered that for some gold a mage could cast a spell to get the message there quicker. All the while, Ned, Arjhan and Dick Punch went to survey the Copper Coronet and Gabriel decided to go take stock of the poor part of the city.   The three adventurers who surveyed the tavern and the Redbrand Ruffians found that there was no real discernable way to attack when most convenient. The tavern didn't really slow down until the early morning.   Later that evening the adventurers sat at the tavern discussing how to undertake their task. At one point a large portion of the Taverns patrons rose and began to filter out a door at the back of the bar.
Gabriel tried to enter but the guard pointed to the man at the bar, noting that the cleric would need to pay the boss first to gain entrance.
Gabriel in turn spoke to the boss, who refused to give Gabriel his name. After giving a greeting of Bahamut to the barkeep with his token of worship to the god of justice on clear display, Gabriel was told that out the back was an area of high end gambling that he wouldn't find interesting and was denied permission to enter the back room.
Trying a different approach, the cleric spoke of the rumours he had heard that a slave trade was being run through the premises, to which the boss denied all knowledge, claiming all workers were paid for their work. Yet Gabriel persisted, until the barkeep grew tired of the cleric's accusations and had him thrown out by the guards.
With one of their number down the group decided they needed to cause a distraction to get out the back. Ned had a spell that could come in handy but would require one of the guards to be removed from the door.
Balor then moved to the bar and started to cause a bigger distraction, screaming at the barman of poor ale, eventually the barman called for the Dwarf to be removed by the guards. Balor escalating the argument further by throwing fists at the guards and putting on a show for the nearby punters.   During that time, Ned used her arcane powers of persuasion to gain access to the rear of the Copper Coronet, with Suriel, Dick Punch and Arjhan following behind her.
What they found through the back entrance was a large room filled by well off patrons, all watching a cage fight between a troll and a red headed man. Bets were being taken by the guards. Hearing from the other patrons, the adventurers found out that the man in the cage was Kote. The man was a very abled fighter, and after a brief combat, vanquished the monster, evidently using some kind of arcane power unfamiliar to the adventurers.   Following the fight, Kote was escorted out the back into a prison cage and the next fight was being prepared. Whilst the adventurers discussed what to do, the next fight was about to start - four children versus a couple of fierce looking wolves.
Suriel decided she needed to intervene, and jumped into the cage between the children and wolves. Dick Punch, Arjhan and Ned then started to attack the guards. The situation went to hell. The guards reacted quickly enough, whilst all of the patrons made their frenzied escape.
Meanwhile, Gabriel waited outside, oblivious to the goings on. When a few patrons came scrambling out of the building in evident alarm, the cleric grabbed one of them. Gabriel demanded that the man answer if there were any slaves in the building. The man, keen to get away from this entire district, had no reason to lie and told the cleric there were indeed slave fighters.
Gabriel saw this enough of a testimony to confront the barkeep once more and entered back in to the tavern. To see Balor fighting three guards while the barkeep looked on eagerly.
Upon hearing further accusations from the cleric, the bartender grew tired and replied he would now kill him. Balor knocked unconscious by the men he was fighting as Gabriel entered Combat with the Barkeep.   By the end, the floors and walls of the 'Tavern' were a mess, blood and viscera sprayed on the walls or pooled on the timber floors. the rooms were littered with the dead guards, wild animals and Ambrose the pitmaster. The unnamed Barkeep topping the cake of slavers who would not be missed.
It was a tough encounter for the bloodied adventurers and it had took them all their strength to prevail.   The tavern was now quiet.
  22nd January 2022  

5. Another Job for Uncle

With the tavern secure, a weary but rescued Kote offered the adventurers his thanks and a round of drinks. Whilst he met with Gaelin, returning from the meeting with a bag of gold for the party he sat with them and asked if they were interested in finishing the Redbrand Ruffians once and for all, with another substantial reward in return. After little discussion but some reluctance from the cleric Gabriel, the adventurers decided to take on the job.   The remnants of the Redbrand Ruffians were located across town, and Kote expected that the public entrance would be difficult and well, too public. He explained that they could gain access to the gang's headquarters via the sewers and provided instructions on how to navigate the underground tunnels. Embracing his role of town ratcatcher Dickpunch spent time examining the map of the sewers with Bast and Kote finding as many passages as he could.
The adventurers rested the evening and set off early the next day. The sewers were as expected - dank, dark and smelly. Kote had told them that there were several paths through the sewers. The easiest method would be to go through a kobold den, luckily Arjhan spoke Draconic and was able to decipher the code that would gain the safe passage. however the Kobolds ended up telling the adventurers that the passage had collapsed, so would have to find another way, but to be careful of the "squishies" and the "monster with many arms".   As they took the detour the adventurers bumped into a gelatinous cube. Arjhan and Gabriel, who were leading up front found themselves in a load of trouble and nearly perished. The rest of the adventurers manage to vanquish the creature, which was probably just cleaning the sewers, though Suriel was sure she had heard another one of the things at their rear, but must have slithered on elsewhere.   The next obstacle was the creature that the kobolds had warned them about - a massive creature busily guzzled and devoured all the scraps that were falling in from the city above. With some careful thinking and tactics, they kept the creature busy and made their way around it, figuring killing the massive creature would cause issues with the city waste management, not to mention be unnecessarily dangerous at this stage of their mission.   The final obstacle was in the form of a heavy, secured door with a mechanism of three scales beside it. The instructions lay in a riddle and required the scales to be pushed down by a certain weight. After a little while, the adventurers managed to open the ancient door.   The area beyond the ancient door was a cavern converted for various purposes, including storage.
After some exploration, they encountered a creature in a pit after Suriel had spied a hidden treasure chest. The chest was owned by a creature that called itself Nothic, and the adventurers felt little purpose of killing it. The Nothic explained that it had been here for a long time, and was fed scraps that the current humans who lived in the areas threw in, which were evidently human bodies.
Leaving it be, the adventurers continued to explore the area, and encountered small groups of the Redbrand Ruffians unaware and dispatched them quickly.
They proceeded through the rest of the underground area, with Dick leading the way. In one grander room, Dick sneaked in and saw a sorcerer busily scribbling away at his desk. A very well aimed shot, and the man was dead.
The rest of the basement was cleared quickly and mercilessly by Dick Punch and Balor, with the party finally finding a small group of slaves in an old dungeon. Knowing there were warriors apart from the wizard in the compound, the party prepared to move upstairs.
"I am Nothic!"
  19th February 2022    

6. The End of the Redbrand Ruffians?

The group of adventurers found a cell in the underground system and three prisoners - Olga and her daughter, and another young woman in a separate cell.
The adventurers unlocked their cells, but suggested that they stay put until the building above was made safe. Olga told them that she was the wife of the original owner, but she wasn't sure what had happened to her husband. She gave them also a brief idea of what lay above, though she didn't know too much about how many of the Redbrand Ruffians would be waiting for them.   After investigating the lower level as much as they could, the heroes then ventured further.
Dick Punch took the lead to scout ahead. After seeing two of the bandits in the room above them, retreated back to report this to the others, he accidentally made a loud noise closing the hatch.
Whilst the adventurers pondered whether to wait out to see if the guards would come down to investigate the commotion and then they could ambush them, Gabriel decided to ignore this and simply headed up.
The guards were indeed approaching towards the hatch and the cleric surged forward to meet them in combat, aiming to incapacitate them.
The rest soon joined the fray and whilst one guard was killed, the other was wounded and captured.
The adventurers squeezed the bandit for information, and the injured man mentioned The Clasp, being some kind of organization, possibly in the charge of the Redbrand Ruffians. One of the adventurers recalled that they saw mention of the Clasp in the wizard's book they had vanquished shortly ago.
The bandit seemed unrepentant of his crimes.
An evil cleric, wearing the symbols of a flail with shackles
The others looked around, seeing that the structure of the building interior resembed a ship, with rigging and other marine related furnishings. Kote had mentioned that the whole building resembled a ship, so the adventurers were not too surprised.
Hearing the barking of dogs further ahead, the adventurers carefully proceeded forward, with Arjhan holding the injured bandit in front to "lead the way".
The following room was large and curved, leading to what was the fake boat's fore.
A few heads popped up from behind a turned over table and took shots with crossbows. The bolts bit into the wood interior near the adventurers as well as into the injured bandit held by Arjhan as a shield, killing the man.
As combat ensued, more of the Redbrand Ruffians arrived and hurled themselves into the adventurers, led by a formidable warrior hefting a sharktooth blade.
They were also supported by a cleric, his robes revealing the symbol of a flail, its chains ending in shackles. This cleric challenged Gabriel to combat, who duly accepted.
Gabriel's eyes suddenly burned white, and two incorporeal wings unfurled from him, as he flung bolts of dark and radiant energy at his foe.
The adventurers worked together and ultimately defeated their adversaries, with the opposing cleric being turned to ash and dust by Gabriel's divine given powers. None of the Redbrand Ruffians survived.   Some of the adventurers returned to tell Olga and the two other women that they were safe now, but told the wife that her husband was dead.
Bloodied from the fight, the adventurers left the ship-like building and returned to the Tavern, meeting Kote. The man was impressed by the quick and effective action by the adventurers and gave them the promised reward.
He then offered them the patronage of the Shadow Thieves, which would provide the heroes some protection and influence in Port Damali. Kote said that they needed able warriors, which the adventurers had very much proven to be.
  One by one, the adventurers agreed to this, until it came to Gabriel to speak. The zealous cleric said he had but one patron - his Dragon God Bahamut, and that to work for those who admitted to thievery and assassination would be an affront. The man stood up and left the Tavern.   The other adventurers shrugged their shoulders, and enjoyed the ale proffered by the Shadow Thieves.
Kote, not sure what to think, continued and made mention that their agent that was sent to Crenda had not returned.

Chapter Epilogue

Arriving at the local temple of Bahamut, Gabriel was approached by the Platinum Father Alander, who seemed to see the look of concern over the young man's face. Despite what the Platinum Priest tried to convey, the young cleric was mostly alarmed by the news of dire events at Tal'Dorei.   Perturbed, the cleric then took rest, where in his dreams he was granted another vision from his god.
When Gabriel woke from his dream, he immediately put on his white cloak, edged with blue trimmings, and then navigated his way through the temple. Its halls were empty as its inhabitants sleep peacefully.
  Gabriel arrived at the prime altar, the visage of the great Dragon God before him, and kneeled.   "My lord, it is I, Gabriel, your humble and ever-stalwart servant. I have seen your what you have set upon me to see, and my eyes clear. You demand patience, for the chosen of your kin are still yet blind as to their divine purpose."
Gabriel furrowed his eyebrows, "Even your follower, Arjhan, is ignorant of the tides that propel us forward, but you have deigned me worthy as to the glimpse of what the fates converge towards."
"I will hold steadfast with these chosen mortals, and will help them draw forth their intended purpose, so that together we may bring your intention and destiny to realisation."
"In my haste, I have erred You. My soul is forever Yours, Lord, even if my flesh is weak and at the mercy of mortal folly and temptation."
From his side, Gabriel brought forth his dagger and cast his robe off, "Yet I will temper even my flesh to your Glory and Grand Purpose!" and with this the blade of the dagger bit in his left chest, a bead of blood trickling down. The blade sliced through the skin at multiple angles, until cut in the flesh was the holy symbol of Bahamut.
His hands then came ablaze with the power of the Sacred Flame, and the fresh wound over his chest was seared, scarring the symbol on him until his death.
Gabriel looked up in renewed vigour.
"For honour, justice and your Ever-Glory!"
  23rd April 2022


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