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Geth Windrivver

108th Conjurer of the Eight

Geth Windrivver is a male human conjurer in his 40s, and he ascended to his place in the Eight only three years ago. He has a coy and playful demeanor in court and before the public, but behind closed doors, he has a keen mind and a ruthless manner when necessary. Under his watch, the wealth and influence of Vorba — already impressive — have grown at an even greater rate.   When Geth took his place as the leader of Vorba, the citizens were initially skeptical of his ability to lead. However, when a raiding party of pirates tried to plunder a group of trade ships outside Stillwater Bay, Geth singlehandedly wiped them out with an array of spells never before seen by many city councilors. He immediately gained the support of the merchant class, and the citizens quickly fell in line behind him. The loyalty of the city is absolute, as is Geth’s devotion to Winderia.   Geth wields Creation and rules Vorba from atop the Sapphire Spire.

The Midnight Mountain Incident

Following the Midnight Mountain Incident, Geth and the other wizards of the Eight vanished. Their current state and whereabouts are unknown.
The Eight   Title(s)
Conjurer of the Eight
Ruler of Vorba   Ethnicity
Human   Age

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