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Vorba is the capital of the city-state of the same name that grew around the wellspring of conjuration. It is the second-largest city in Winderia, with standing structures able to support upwards of 90,000 citizens. It is located on the western coast of Winderia and serves as the primary center of trade for the realm. Vorba’s forts, located on either side of the arch above the opening to Stillwater Bay, sport defenses both magical and mundane, and the numerous conjurers of the city-state have developed “creative” methods to deal with uninvited guests.   Impressive docks numbering in the hundreds can support trade ships from around Ao, and the wizards in the city have developed the greatest network of intra-city teleportation routes ever known to distribute goods. Due to the amount of traffic, no one would ever mistake Vorba for a "clean" or "pleasant" city, but it is kept in decent shape overall. The city is adequately managed, and basic elements one would expect of a metropolitan area are well attended to and available. Given the amount of wealth coming into and out of the city, significant resources have been invested into its fortifications. A substantial stone wall wraps around three fourths of the city, with only the western coastline left open. A few watch towers are placed around the city to monitor daily activity.   Highway travelers entering through the main gate must first pass by a noticeable makeshift settlement built against the exterior of the eastern wall. Most of these residents have been evicted from their homes within the city proper, but a few have willingly chosen this life over their cramped living quarters in the lower levels of Vorba. The city bureaucracy and law enforcement care very little about what happens outside the walls, but the the people have banded together to make the best of it.   Vorba's market square is the largest in Winderia and has space for dozens and dozens of vendor stalls and storefronts. Merchants are required to pay in advance (sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the market square, and they will do whatever it takes to keep their claim. A secure lease on a market space is one of the most valuable assets passed down through a family in Vorba. On the busiest days, excess vendors are permitted to set up stalls on the edges of the city, and while the spaces are less maintained and see lighter foot traffic, the City Watch will patrol regularly to increase security and promote the extra commerce.   Of the Party members, both Bartimus Codswallop and Hobart Shaw call Vorba home.

Government & Leadership

Historically, Vorba has been ruled by the Conjurer of the Eight — most recently, Geth Windrivver, the 108th Conjurer — along with their most trusted aides. However, ever since the Midnight Mountain Incident, Geth and the other wizards of the Eight have disappeared. In his absence, a coalition of the richest and most powerful merchants have seized the opportunity to enact policies and programs to further enhance their wealth and status. Enough important people have benefited that any protests against this new direction for the city have been squashed.


Vorba is the most diverse city of Winderia and one of the most diverse in the world. The demographics of the permanent residents are similar to Mystryl's, but if one were to include the traveling merchants, visitors, temporary workers, and other transients among the people of Vorba, the largest ethnicity — humans — makes up only 10–12% of the population at any one time. The city is densely populated; there are few vacant buildings to be found, and the lower-cost housing packs multiple families into tight spaces.   If considering the entire population, one could say that the city is prosperous, with an average income level high enough that someone could live a good life. Unfortunately, that is a gross oversimplification. Wealth disparity in Vorba rivals any found in Ao; looking at the median rather than average income, a large portion of citizens struggle to meet their daily demands. The Upper Class district is ostentatious and extravagant, while the Slums are desperate and crumbling. The hostility between classes has nearly reached the boiling point. The devotion to personal prosperity has undermined the growth of any culture in the city.   Masses of visitors travel to Vorba each day, and almost all of them have economic opportunity in mind. Congestion can become a major issue on the busiest days, and the city's physical infrastructure and human resources occasionally struggle to cope with it. Despite the hassle, the permanent residents are open to all visitors, as long as they bring their coin purses. A substantial nightlife caters to everyone, and the city gates are rarely closed to allow even more people to join the party.   A robust City Watch patrols Vorba. A captain and two sergeants organize the personnel, and they openly focus law enforcement on the market square and the wealthier districts. All three officers live comfortably because of wealthy benefactors. Crime in the city is frequent but isolated to the poorer areas. If you look like you belong in the nice parts of the city, you can travel without much worry. Solitary travelers go through the Slums at their own risk. Bartimus' brother Jon serves on the City Watch and does his best to look out for his city, but sometimes you have to go where you're told.   Meanwhile, the Guild operates openly throughout the city, and most residents view the Vorba chapter more like a corporation than organized crime. They hold open meetings with merchants in the center of the market square, and the poor view a position in the Guild as a coveted opportunity for upward mobility.


Much of the city isn't segmented in any particular fashion. One can find any good or service they can imagine in any almost any neighborhood — one benefit of being a global trade hub. However, some areas are recognized as distinct districts with their own characteristics. There are six such districts in Vorba.

Merchant District

Other than the Docks — and it's still a bit of a toss up — there is no better example of Vorba's true character than the central Merchant District. Here, the wealthy cut deals amongst themselves but offer little opportunity for the lower class to achieve. A mainstay of the Market District may make it here every now and then, but the people of the Merchant District insulate themselves from the rest of the city as much as they can. Only limited housing is available within the gated-and-guarded entrances and is typically occupied by the well-off merchants who can't quite afford an estate in the Upper Class District. Once the wealthiest merchants leave for the night, law enforcement pays little attention here, and crime is common during the late hours.   Since the disappearance of Geth Windrivver, a citizen seeking out the city's leadership should head to the Merchant District first. A further summary of the shops and services found in the district is available here.

Upper Class District

The city's elite may work in the Merchant District, but they go home to the Upper Class District. The streets and buildings are kept in magnificent condition, and anyone coming to the district must go through the gated-and-guarded entrance. The City Watch patrols the district constantly, and crime is an uncommon occurrence. There is only a moderate amount of housing, but the estates are large enough that residences still make up the majority of the area of the district. It is located in the northern part of the city, and a small section of the district reaches the edge of Stillwater Bay, causing the only interruption in the Docks along the entire western shore.   A summary of the shops and services interspersed among the estates is provided here.

Arcane District

In the heart of the Arcane District stands the Sapphire Spire, the traditional home of the Conjurer of the Eight and the de facto seat of the city government. Unlike the Arcane and similar districts found in the other city-states, Vorba's is a bit more chaotic and active than it is quiet and serene. This is an expected results of the masses of people and the light guard stationed at the district's entrance, as well as the complete lack of housing and residents who might have an objection to the commotion. The district is kept in impressive condition, and crime is not common.   If one is searching for knowledge and instruction — at least the kind that doesn't come with a Guild cost — the Arcane district hosts the city's largest library and university. A summary of the other shops and services in the Arcane District is available here.

Market District

The Merchant District is where the wealthy spend time and cut deals; the Market District is where actual commerce happens. Nearly anything one can imagine can be found in Vorba's market, and dozens of small- and medium-sized artisans, farmers, traders, and other vendors set up shop for the foot traffic of the city. The entrance is kept lightly guarded so visitors at least think about whether it's worth making trouble, but crime is still common.   Shops and market stalls take up significant area, but there is a moderate amount of housing, most of which is occupied by the middle and upper-middle class who can afford to live near work but can't quite reach the Merchant or Upper Class Districts. Not only does Codswallop Arms have a nice spot in the market square, but Barty's family also keeps a home nearby. A further summary of the shops and services found in this district is provided here.

Docks District

The Docks District is the largest in the city and spans nearly every foot of shoreline along the bay. In fact, the docks extend well beyond the walls until they start to blend into the fishing villages and smaller trading ports that encircle Stillwater Bay. The district is kept in decent condition, but mostly to maintain efficiency and avoid interruptions to the movement of ships full of commodities. The entrance to the Docks District is guarded to try to keep an eye on things, but the sheer volume of ships, crates, goods, and people provide many hiding places, and it is considered a dangerous place for those who don't know how to handle themselves.   Most of what comes off the ships makes its way elsewhere in the city, but a number of shops and services have popped up in service of the dockworkers. A summary of what's available is provided here.


The term "slums" might seem harsh when describing the similar district in Mystryl, but it probably isn't strong enough to describe things in Vorba. It is simply a squalid place; it's not that the important people have forgotten this place, it's that they willfully ignore it. The population density of the district is almost oppressive, and crime is rampant. Entrance into the district isn't restricted, but law enforcement and other parties are interested in who comes out of there.   The orphanage that raised Hobart and Lola Trill is located in the Slums. A summary of the other shops and services of note is provided here.
Western Winderia
Associated Arcane School
Current Ruler(s)
Associated Party Member(s)
Bartimus Codswallop
Hobart Shaw

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