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Ogres, Ogres Everywhere

General Summary

The Party was getting to know more about the land surrounding Miukav Keep. They investigated mountains and plains, developing strategies to scout and monitor the goings-on in the demesne. After some time, an envoy from Esterport arrived at the keep. They were bearing a message from Nickolas Nenskahr, a member of Esterport's council of wizards. In exchange for the Party clearing a new pass through the Hel Mountains, they would be rewarded with treasures and a new alliance. Despite their suspicions, the Party determined the value of a safe passage was worth it on its own. They accepted.   As they traveled, they came to a narrow valley that naturally cut the mountains from east to west. Suddenly, they heard commotion to their right, and numerous dwarves came running down the slope. In pursuit were several ogres, swinging their greatclubs and throwing large rocks at their prey. The Party jumped into action; despite Kuro suffering some damage, they defeated the ogres quickly.   The dwarves invited the Party back to their camp. They described their nomadic life in the mountains and the legendary curse that drove them out of their ancestral home so long ago that the clans can no longer find it. They also told them that ogres, giants, and other evil creatures had grown more aggressive. The Party agreed to fight back, as securing the southern mountain range was vital to creating safe passage to the east.   The Party found a war band of two ogres and hill giant arguing amongst themselves. While they were distracted, the Party sprung an ambush, using the terrain to their advantage. Moving on, they were accosted by two perytons and their pack leader out hunting for humanoid hearts. But the Party was experienced in fighting perytons, and once the dust settled, they had a large talon set aside to become an impressive short sword.   Deeper into the mountains they went, until they reached a natural depression in the rock. Below were five more ogres, one of which looked more powerful than the others. The Party tried springing a trap, though things began rather awkwardly. Bartimus was able to polymorph one into a lizard, which allowed them to focus on fewer enemies. Axelrod used a potion to become the size of his enemies and rushed across the stone bridge at their leader. The fragile rock collapsed under his weight, but their continued offense proved too much for the ogres. However, the last enemy eventually returned to his normal form, surprising Barty and nearly knocking him unconscious. Hobart, Shizen, and the others rushed to his aid, killing his foe.   As the (literal) dust settled, the Party investigated the camp. On the ogres' leader, they found a note signed by Eti the Spiteful. It told the ogres to keep pushing the dwarves away, though away from what wasn't stated. Soon, everyone saw a column of smoke rising to the southeast.   Just how spiteful is Eti the Spiteful? Why do they want the dwarves driven away? Find out next time...
Report Date
16 Oct 2021
Primary Location
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