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Axelrod Gunnarsson

Axelrod Gunnarsson is a half-orc fighter originally hailing from Mur.  


Axelrod is the middle child of Hagor and Mira Gunnarsson, half-orc farmers working the lands surrounding the city of Mur. The land that the Gunnarsson family works was granted to Hagor’s great-great-grandfather, Steepan, as part of a treaty to end hostilities between the city-state of Mur and the Iron Tusk Clan. Having gained legitimate claims to parcels of land, the clan settled down to a sedentary life of farming and cottage industry. Meanwhile, Mur finally had settlers for some of its most unproductive lands and a fresh influx of hardy recruits to reinforce its militia.   Hagor and Mira’s farm relies on olive vineyards, a small herd of highland cattle, and winter wheat fields to produce enough vitals to support the family and to sell in the markets of Mur. Axelrod’s older brother, Mikal, is resigned to his fate of farming and one day taking over his family’s land, a future that everyone agrees is best suited to Mikal’s physical stature and low opinion of the outside world. Marta, Axelrod’s younger sister, has displayed a penchant for limited prophecy and is registered to begin studies at the Academy in Mur next session.   At the age of 14, Axelrod left home after nearly burning down his family’s homestead when his magical abilities manifested. Seeking to learn more of his newfound potential and to escape the mundane life of farming, Axelrod traveled to the city of Mur and enrolled in the Academy. For the next two years, Axelrod studied at the Academy, worked as a dyer’s apprentice, and trained under the master swordsman Magister Sparthos. During his third year there, Axelrod joined the Open City Militia to aid in the upcoming expeditionary campaign into Zoreth.  

The Zorethian Excursions

Assigned to the Third Nomadi Division of General Myra Tribane's expeditionary force, Axelrod rode patrols deep into Zoreth. After having seen action in many small skirmishes with the followers of Cyric, Axelrod saw his first major engagement at the Battle of Still Creek, where his quick thinking and bravery were instrumental in turning the tide of battle against Zoreth and their turncoat ally, the Pennon Malconti. Although lauded as a great victory for the forces of Mur and Winderia, the Battle of Still Creek left the Third Nomadi Division decimated and severely depleted. As a result, Axelrod was personally promoted to Dekark by General Tribane and assigned to serve in her support staff. In this role, he learned strategy and military logistics, and aided in the uncovering of other Cyric followers among the Third Nomadi.   At the end of the campaign season, Axelrod returned with the beleaguered Third Nomadi to the city of Mur where the General and her troops were heralded as heroes. Fearing a larger conspiracy of Cyric followers within the militia of Mur and other city-states, General Tribane dismissed Axelrod from his duties as Dekark and ostensibly sent him to Mystryl to continue his studies to become an Eldritch Knight. Upon reaching Mystryl, Axelrod has been ordered by Tribane to deliver to the Holy Guard a packet of highly-sensitive documents concerning the activities of several Cyric devotees within Winderia.
Fighter (class)
Eldritch Knight (martial archetype)
Magic University of Mystryl
Mur Open Militia, Third Nomadi (previous)
Ruled Locations

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