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Hobart Shaw

Hobart Shaw is a water genasi rogue originally hailing from Vorba.  


Hobart’s earliest memories were of the orphanage of the Broken Anchor in Vorba. When he was just a toddler, he was delivered to the caretakers of this home for children who had lost their parents to the sea. He possesses hazy memories of the woman who brought him, but nothing concrete.   Hobart was a quiet child and reluctant to trust or make friends. This was eventually overcome by the relentless hounding of one of his fellow orphans, a halfling girl named Lola. Hobart tried to remain withdrawn. Despite the fact that some considered him to be “touched by magic” as a result of his heritage, he still felt like an outsider. But Lola dragged him out into the wider world of the docks, and eventually Hobart became curious about the people who lived there.   When he was just 12 years old, Hobart received a true shock when a well-to-do family adopted Lola. For weeks, Hobart was inconsolable until he received a letter from Lola. She informed him that she was going to be formally trained in magic, and that her new family told her that she had a real aptitude for it. They would continue to correspond for years.   At the same time, Hobart had taken to spending more and more time away from the orphanage and on the streets around the docks. It was here that he met Gram, a half-elf man who seemed to know the ins and outs of the area. Gram ran groups of young pickpockets and even a few robbers. Hobart was taken in by the idea of rising up off the street. As he was, he knew he wouldn’t be able to see Lola ever again. He began working for Gram as a pickpocket just before turning 15, and he was quite adept at it.   With money coming in, Hobart approached Gram about taking on a more substantial job. Gram recommended Hobart to his contact in the Guild in Vorba. Hobart was drawn into the Guild and sent on various jobs, honing his skills. To his continuing dismay, Hobart showed very little aptitude for magic, which compelled him to prove himself in other ways.   On the day after he turned 16, Hobart received a letter from Lola. She was to begin her training at the magic university of Vorba. He heard from her again shortly after she began her studies, but she has gone silent since. For the past four years, Hobart has been attempting to ingratiate himself with the Guild to gain some information about what happened to her.   The Guild recently contacted Hobart to let him know that they had an important message for him to convey to their branch in Morten, after which he could follow a lead on Lola in Mystryl. Perhaps the Guild branch in proximity to the Magic University of Mystryl might yield some clues about the girl whom he considers to be his only family.
Water Genasi
Rogue (class)
Arcane Trickster (roguish archetype)
Magic University of Mystryl
The Guild
The Ebon Stars
Ruled Locations

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