Triwe Holm Geographic Location in Windrule | World Anvil
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Triwe Holm

Our people have lived on this land far longer than most of your nations existed.
—  Adolphe Prudd
There is nothing special about Triwe Holm, at least none that I know of. A medium-sized island by New World's standards, with a Hummish colony near one of its harbours. Quite a distance away from the Old World as well. The settlers though? Now that is where it gets interesting.   The colony is old, very old. Locals say it was found during the Second Wave of Colonisation, some 200 years ago. It has little changed since, peacefully coexisting with local Vurradian tribes who inhabit most of the island. That goes in stark contrast with how most growing colonies rapidly expand their territory - yet the Prudd clan seems reluctant to change their ways.

Natural Resources

No one can really tell what resources are hidden deep in the island, aside from obvious forests and lands. Albeit the Hummish settlers do consider themselves to be locals at this point (debatable), even Vurradian tribes know little of what goes in each other's lands. There is some degree of trade between the local communities, Hummish included, but mostly in basic necessities. One thing known is that the island has significant deposits of iron scattered throughout its lands.   There is rumour on Sol Meridia that one of local merchants has sent an expedition to map Triwe Holm, led by a renowned explorer named Roberto Vanez. This must surely mean gold beyond measure, right? Apparently, a pirate crew led by Georg the One-Armed thought so as well.


The colony was founded by a small clan, barely a few dozen people. Which is already a miracle by the way, them sailing safely so far into the ocean in pre-Mitria times. The locals (Hummish and Vurradeans alike) would tell you all of the island's long history, but by our standards it can all get summed up in one sentence: slow growth of population, complicated relationships, occasional clashes. Nothing particularly interesting.  
The only times pirates make things better are in stories or on the gallows.
Recently, the island got some new experience they did not quite ask for. A pirate crew started raiding the Eagle people (love the name), kidnapping villagers and demanding ransom in gold. Did that for a few months too, from what I have heard. They even caught Roberto Vanez himself, prompting his employer to send a group of adventurers to find out the expedition's fate. Luckily, the adventurers have managed to negotiate an alliance between the Eagle people and the Prudd clan, leading them into battle during which the pirates were ultimately defeated.    

Notable people

Governor Adolphe Prudd - current head of Prudd clan, therefore acting as governor of Pruddholm colony.   Ronald Prudd - Adolphe's brother and acting commander of Pruddholm militia.   Chatah Quick Foot - chief of the Eagle tribe.   Eztli - an old Spirit Warrior, the last one of his kind in the Eagle tribe. Has a grandson named Ushka, whom he trains in the old ways.

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Cover image: WorldAnvilCover_Location by Vertixico


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