
Cambrions are individuals whom are born as a mix of Humanity and Demons. Although they were considered to be rather rare eons ago, the Red Skies Incident that occured as a result of TOWER's and, by extension, The Deepcore Foundation's mistakes ultimately brought a huge influx of Cambrions into the world.



Before Red Sky Incident

Cambrions weren't particularly common across the realms for a long period of time due to interactions between Demons and Humans being particularly limited, with demons finding a human to mate with being a rare occurence. Typically, this only ever happened when a Demon managed to escape from Sheol or was summoned from there by an Arcanist.


Red Sky Incident

The Red Sky Incident itself, on October 31st, 1999, ended up bringing a massive flood of Demons onto Earth. While a good amount of them were eventually retrieved by FENRIR and returned back to Earth, a lot of Demons managed to remain upon Earth for a lengthy amount of time, enough that they were able to reproduce with humans. There would be a boom of Cambrions soon after, with the peak of this being in 2002.


Cambrions were eyed wearily by those around them due to their demonic nature, especially from extremists of religious faith that saw them as monsters. A good amount of Cambrions would struggle because of this, facing prejudice and such from those around them. Then, of course, the Deepcore Foundation got involved with their lives.


The Deepcore Foundation worked with the United States Government to obtain as many Cambrions as possible and bring them to Moonblight as part of a supposed "life improvement and assistance" program. Although Deepcore would claim that it helps them out, in actuality it caused a lot of problems for families of these Cambrions-- such as being seperated from their parents and taken from their homes rather forcibly.


The public was not made aware of this thanks to the usual propaganda machine that the Deepcore Foundation has. As a result, a large amount of Cambrions were put in the mineshafts beneath Moonblight, seperated from the other humans, and the only jobs any Cambrions could get were jobs working in the mining industry, making barely any money. They were never allowed to leave Moonblight.


The Withering

After The Withering occured and The Deepcore Foundation died soon afterward, the tales of the Deepcore Foundation's abuse and mistreatment of Cambrions would become well known afterward. They were able to freely leave Moonblight afterward and spread out across the continent, joining back up with their families that they were long kept from. A large amount of Cambrions, meanwhile, would leave the mainland altogether, coming to rest in Styx.


Beauty Ideals

Cambrions will typically love to adorn their horns with various accessories, making them appear fanciful or much larger than they normally are. This can include giant rings or feathers, among other things. Alongside that, Cambrions enjoy the idea of appearing exotic and larger than life as far as appearances go, so it's not unheard of for Cambrions, especially those from higher classes of Demons, to dress in eccentric and fashionable ways.

Gender Ideals

Cambrions have a similar view to gender as Humanity does, albeit with the addition that in their eyes, anything that doesn't fit the standard definition of 'male' or 'female' is to be valued and appreciated. As such, it isn't unheard of for Cambrions to be fairly loose as far as gender is concerned, with there being a lot more Transgender , Nonbinary , Agender , and Bigender folks.


Even if one does identify as 'male' or 'female', it'll still be likely that they won't entirely confirm to societal expectations of such things, so you'll be likely to see male Cambrions dress with women's clothing, and vicera versa.

A Cambrion. Notice the Black scalera, tall iris, and horns sticking out of head.
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