The Red Bible

The Red Bible was a mysterious religious text that was found in the 1860s. Passed down from generation to generation, the Red Bible is said to have been filled with various religious writings and text about a religion that, from what has been disconcerted, had never existed. It's a religion that was said to have existed since the time of Jesus Christ, being raised up alongside that of the birth of Christianity.



The Red Bible goes into detail about the history of this religion, describing it as a faith of escapism that demands the practitioners of the religion to cast away their homes and become one with the void between realms. It's described as a means to an end, as being a soul wandering in the endless infinity of everything and being warped by this chaos.


It's described as being a far better alternative than relying on the gods of the realms. Far better than waiting for the arrival of something much, much worse, an entity that's said to consume any realm it comes across.


With this, the Red Bible goes into detail about various aspects that are, oddly enough, ripped straight from other religious faiths and ideals about keeping your soul living on. It references various resurrections done throughout history, including that of Jesus Christ and Lazarus, as well as describes the various ways to extend your lifespan. It mentions becoming an Ignis to continually be reincarnated. It mentions various Strakhian techniques to keep your soul bound to something after death.


As it goes on, The Red Bible was said to devolve into madness, with the writings becoming more bizarre and erratic and describing techniques and stories that don't seemingly have any basis in reality, such as claiming that there was another country next to Rome that was in the sky. It makes vague references to The King Whom Must Not Be Named at this point, before eventually outright saying it's name repeatedly by the end of the book.   The Nightmare King.

Historical Details


The exact history of The Red Bible is unknown. There is no writer attached to it, and any trace or identifying mark that would lead to said writer has not proven conclusive. Suggestions are made that it was written by a Demon that had escaped from hell through The Void, and the experience warped them. Others suggest that it was written by a follower of the King Who Must Not Be Named in an act of clarity, before madness overtook them. One particularly outlandish suggestion is that it was written by Jesus Christ or one of his disciples, given the frequent suggestions about his life throughout the Red bible with details that only he or those close to him one know.


The Red Bible was discovered in Acreslia at the end of the American Civil War, during the first attempts by Humans to investigate it. They brought it out of the realm to give to one of the generals-- who would quickly advise to burn the book. When they attempted to do so, however, all those who were present for the burning of it were said to have all combusted into flames themselves, while the Red Bible remained unscathed.


The Red Bible eventually would exchange hands throughout the decades, with it being hidden away in various storage places. Even those who've tried to get rid of it would eventually find it back in their homes. As of present, it is being stored in The Forever Archive in Moonblight, locked in a vault on the top floor.

Public Reaction

Reading the book has been prohibited by ARC, due to the events that would come as a result of reading it. Those of a religious fascination would end up feeling an overwhelming presence watching over them as they got closer to the end of the book, before eventually falling catatonic. Those of an atheistic outlook towards life would habitually begin attempting to do some of the acts of life-extension described, with a good majority of thsoe cases failing and resulting in injury.


Anyone who would get to the section describing The King Who Must Not Be Named would find themselves feeling as though they're being followed for the rest of their days, as if something else was standing with them constantly, watching them. Their minds would feel as though they're being peered into, every thought they had being observed by something else. As the tales with The King go, it's suggested that it became them.

Text, Religious
Authoring Date
200 A.D.


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Jul 15, 2024 22:33 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I vote we leave the Red Bible well enough alone and never read it. O_O

Jul 16, 2024 01:33 by BUGHOLDERS EPIPHANY

lol lmao