Withered Worlds


The motivation behind building Withered Worlds


Withered Worlds is the product of a long, long time of adoration to various types of entertainment that BUGHOLDER'S EPIPHANY has enjoyed. It is hoped that Withered Worlds will be an entertaining and fascinating look at fantasy as applied to a world set in the modern times, as set in an apopcalypse, and as set in regards to other worlds connected to it.


With the Wiki portion, it shall serve as a detailed exploration and in-depth look into a large, distorted world suffering from a disaster that effects everyone.


No one can go home.

The goal of the project

Quite simply, BUGHOLDER'S EPIPHANY wishes to entertain those reading. That's all. BUGHOLDER'S EPIPHANY wishes to fascinate and invoke a sense of wonder and confusion and awe and fear in those who read about Withered Worlds.

Withered Worlds's Unique Selling point

BUGHOLDER'S EPIPHANY intends to offer a wide and expansive experience with Withered Worlds in the form of showing an interconnected, wide and expansive system that ranges across multiple realms, each with their own stories and histories unfolding.


The interactive portion of Withered Worlds shall serve as an in-universe exploration of what the world is like.



Withered Worlds is not something one can define with a simple genre. It serves to be an experiment in prose that will take various forms over the years. It can serve as character exploration at it's heart, looking at what people can do in the depths of a world that no longer can sustain itself. A world at the end of everything. A look at the goodness in life.

Reader Experience

BUGHOLDER'S EPIPHANY wishes for people to be awed by the past and feel what the folks in-universe would feel about losing everything. The worlds presented in Withered Worlds shall be seen as dangerous and tragic, with danger around, but with the sense of hope that there'll be something better for the lives within the realms.

Reader Tone

It is not pleasant. But it's survivable. However, the denizens of the realms have often been exploited by their own governments, by the ghosts of the corporations that used to rule the world, and by the powers of beasts much greater than any of them. Yet, there shall still be that sense of hope in the dark.

Recurring Themes

"You Can Never Go Home."

No one is safe. The Species of Earth, the Species of Terra Eclipsis, The Demons of Sheol, The Lyudi of Strakh, The Reptilia of The Sands, and The Stars of Blackstar, none of them can truly go back to what they would have considered home. A sense of longing for everything.


"Your Only Path Is Forward."

There is no way to go back to the past, to what the world was like before. People shall try to get as close to it as they can, but it is a task that may never be accomplished. And so, you have to go forward and heal the best you can. Your memories are forever, but the present is now.


"What you are in the dark."

There will be many types of people in Withered Worlds. Some cruel. Some still hoping and surviving despite everything. Readers shall witness both of these at all times. A common thread, however, is that there will always be a good person in the midst of the darkest and cruelest activities and horrors seen.

Character Agency

To put it bluntly: the characters will only be able to change their own paths in life. The world as it is now is impossible to return back to normal. The world has changed, the tragedy has struck and damaged everything. Yet, the characters will be able to fight the hands given to them, and make their own positions-- and perhaps, the positions of those around them, better, a higher chance of survival and happiness in these worlds.


The World Has Ended

Although the species of the different realms have survived, in effect, the world has ended and nothing can ever go back to the way it was.  

The population of humanity has been halved and the landscape has become trecherous, magic is overflowing and distorting various parts of the world, and the skies will occasionally burst into horrific storms of fire and brimstone.
Strakh is breaking apart and crumbling at the seams with monsters becoming more and more aggressive, with no end in sight to either occurance.
The flora and fauna of Terra Eclipsis has become erratic and distorted with an seemingly-eternal eclipse occuring.
The Sands have begin to drop in temperature; with a majority of the sand within the realm transmutating into glass.
The barrier between the world of the living and the world of the dead has been shattered, with thousands of demons fleeing from Sheol. Alongside that, dying has become highly problematic now-- as anyone who now dies does not immediately end up in Sheol, resulting in thousands of lost souls to be wandering the realms.
No one knows what is occuring in the Blackstar, as no one, not even any Stars outside of the realm, have been able to access it for eons, even before the calamity.

War is brewing

Even in spite of this, there are a few places that find themselves underneath great conflict and struggle, with fighting still occuring in this new world.


A terrorist group that calls itself The Tower Of Babel has been wrecking havoc in the realms in the last decade, striking mainly at the new governments of Earth, the surviving government of the Elves in Terra Eclipsis, and the organized groups that remain within Strakh. These terrorists are varied, made up of various entities and persons from the realms, seemingly being led by an elf and an exile from Strakh.


Conflict has begun upon The Sands for resources, with Reptilia fighting for any scrap they can get. Sheol is facing increased pressure and tension from the differing social classes as a result of the chaos and infighting occuring.


Strakh is embroiled in a civil war amongst the different Bozhestvo and their SIGILS, with the leaders of the realm having fallen into paranoia and madness as a result of the effects the calamity has had on their mind. Terra Eclipsis, meanwhile is currently in a war of it's own, with the once-thought to be extinct Dragons having made a return, resulting in a large conflict between the different species and the Dragons in a fight for survival.

Rise Of The Supernatural

Supernatural elements have begun to rise across the realms, things that were previously unheard of or had no sense in regards to both science and magic becoming possible. From the strange, life-defying Necromatic Spore, to the bizarre transformations that people are forced through as a result of exposure to magic. From impossibly-shaped structures and locations onward and the locations between, to the entities that inhabit these shadows. Intangible. Unintelligible. Mindless and chaotic. Without reason or understanding. There are many things to fear and see in the realms now.

Sins Of The Past

Due to the destruction of prior governmental systems, as well as the oligarchies and what-not that sustained these systems in the various realms, ghosts and failures of the past have begun to make a resurgence throughout the realms. From the mistakes that propogated the fury and destruction caused by The Tower, to the remenants of the former Deepcore Foundation; the sins of the past have arrived, demanding payment.