Withered Worlds


The Laws of Withered Worlds

Magic and science exist intertwined with each other, with science making an attempt at decoding the secrets of magic, and magic being a massive, complex thing that doesn't make it easy, especially when it can bend the laws of reality and especially when the fundamental rules of reality have been warped beyond recongnition with the catastrophy that has befell the entire realm.


The supernatural, however, is on a level beyond that of magic and science. Bizarre and hard to predict, relying on a force of energy that matches up with that of the very essense of life itself. It cannot be controlled, it's rules are difficult, even impossible, to understand.


All living things are born with this energy. It is quite simply the ability to make the impossible happen. However, a majority of the population is unable to make usage of this energy. Humans especially, they show the lowest capability for this power. However, when one is able to make use of this power, they're able to make anything happen.


Eons ago, in the Void between realms, there was only darkness and chaos. From the midst of it, an entity that would be known as The Holy rested. It created the first realm, Origin. Upon the creation of this realm, The Holy would sleep for eons, letting it's world evolve and transform itself until such a time came for it to transform the realm.


The Nephilim were born. They had the most magical energy out of anything that would come after, being able to shape the terrain and transform their appearances into anything they desired. They would thrive for a long time in The Celestial City, a golden and massive city that spanned across half of the globe.


The Holy, an experimentive entity, would create hundreds of servants to assist in it's desire to creation-- known as Archons, of whom would observe and assist the Nephilim. At the same time, he would create three Vanguards based off of three different aspects of it's soul. The Sun, The Moon, and The Ocean.

The Sun, wrapped with a curiousity of life in difficult conditions, created a vast desert of which would create a realm for humanoid folks that took upon lizard-like characteristics. These would become known as Reptilia, whom would scavenge and survive off of the water and fruits they would find and the beasts they would slay. In time, they would develop a scattered civilization composed of large wooden structures and towns, one thriving off of steel and trains connecting the landscape...
The Moon saw a beauty in the nature which already was, and wanted to create an expansion to that. To facilitate this, she created an isolated realm that would act as a incubator for hundreds of plants and creatures. This realm would be known as Terra Eclipsis-- named for the eclipses that would occur regularly upon it. She would take various Nephilim to this realm to have them explore and take products of the realm back to Origin.
The Ocean did not fare as well as his brother or sister. A darkness brewed in his heart, one that would become indicative of a later tragedy to befall the realms. He would build from this darkness, creating a shattered, broken fascimile of Earth with chains holding it together, and a core eminating with the force few can comprehend. The inhabitants of this one created by The Ocean would be a twisted version of the Nephilim, becoming known as the Lyudi.

For the longest time, the realms would live on in peace. However, this peace was not a permanent one, as a consciousness became aware of the realms. It burrowed it's way into The Ocean's heart, kickstarting his death and opening a gateway for the darkness to enter. In future eons, it would become known as The Nightmare King-- a mindless force that only seeks to spread itself for the sake of propogation.


This would result in a war known simply at the 10,000 Days, followed by an event known simply as The Schism. The outcome of this was grave-- Realms would tear any connection they had together away, with Nephilim either tossing off their connection to the magical and mystical, or escaping to other realms-- most notably to Terra Eclipsis, whereupon the Nephilim would begin to morph into another form entirely, Elves. From this chaos, two more realms would become known:

Created by a powerful Nephilim that saved thousands of their bretheren from death, Blackstar is a strange realm with a sky as white as can be and stars as dark as the void. The Nephilim whom lived upon this realm would soon adopt the moniker of Stars-- becoming seen as angels by all other realms.
In the aftermath of the devastation, four Nephilim would opt to try and find out where the souls of the deceased have ended up in a bid to bring them back to Origin. While they eventually did find out where they ended up, they would be unable to bring them back. Instead, these Nephilim-- joined together into a single designation of Yahweh, opted to turn this 'waiting room' into a realm for their souls to be at peace in. And thus, Sheol was born.

Over time, the Nephilim that have survived and remained on Origin would eventually begin to lose their magical capabilities, but that energy within them never left. They would eventually become known as Humans-- unable to use magic, but able to do many things with their own smarts and strengths, relying on their intelligence. For the longest time, humanity would remain locked away from the other realms...

Initial Active Setting

The initial focus shall be Earth as Withered Worlds begins, however, as time goes on, the focus shall be set upon the other realms around Earth that are connected to it. They, too, will have their own history to try and distinguish them enough from the other realms.