Withered Worlds


The History of Withered Worlds so far

There was once the Nephilim and the Celestial City, a massive domain that has since been buried deep underneath the surface after the tragedy of the 10,000 Days and the subsequent Schism. Although a fair amount of Nephilim stayed upon Earth while the others were dying or escaping to other realms, this would not last as eventually, a Great Flood would occur, extinguishing the last of the Nephilim, leaving only Humans.

Current Species & Cultures

Humanity makes up a large amount of the inhabitants of Earth, being the least capible in terms of magic but holding a large amount of strength and ingenuity. Although the world has been devastated, Humanity still will give its damnedest to survive. Alongside humanity, there are Vampires-- whom thrive off of the blood of others and prefer the dark, Nymphs-- whom enjoy the comforts of the deep, deep sea and try to keep to themselves, and Artificial Intelligences-- whom reside mostly within the digital side of the internet and try to keep to themselves.
The two most dominant species upon Strakh are the Lyudi and the Nizkiy. The Lyudi are heavily in-tune with the dark forces of the realm, communicating typically via telepathy due to a lack of mouths on their bodies. The Nizkiy are short, imp-like creatures that are rather agile and surprisingly strong, as well as able to retain a large amount of knowledge. They both are led by demigod-like entities that call themselves Bozhestvo.
Terra Eclipsis has a large and varied amount of civilizations upon it, from the mystical nature-focused Elves to the inventive cavern-dwelling Dwarves, to the mountain-climbing, animalistic Inu to the quiet, dark-loving Goblins. Of note are also Dolls, living constructs created to serve the Elves. Lastly, there are the supernatural, impossible-to-comprehend Dragons, with which whom the civilizations of Terra Eclipsis are at war with.
The Sands don't hold much in regards to hospitable life, but sure enough even in the desert, it finds a way. The Reptilia are a species of reptilian-humanoid-like creatures that are able to withstand and survive the heat. Although that has become a significantly harder task with temperatures fluxulating as much as they have, the Reptilia live as they would a Cowboy from Earth.
The Blackstar is a mysterious realm long locked away to the others, whereupon the holy figures known as Stars reside. Highly religious and able to transform shape into anything they desire, Stars can be compared to that of Angels. However, they are rare to encounter outside of Blackstar, and as such, they are seen as revered figures by many.
In the realm of Sheol, Demons reside. They are quite simply the souls of deceased humans, having been transported here upon their death, living within the massive, sprawling city of Dis. Alongside Demons, there is a social order of demonic classes that, depending on the life you've lived or the choices you make in the afterlife. From the strict, law-abiding Vires to the energy-draining Cubi, to the unnatural Fae to the minotaur-worshipping Goatmen, there are a lot of varied folk within the afterlife.