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Dwarves (Dwa-or-vs)

A proud people, more proud of their craft


"I have created you in the depths of rock, waiting for you emergence, to see if you were worthy of the life I had bestowed upon inside you. You breached the heavy rock better creations than I have made you. It was not I that have made you what you are today, for that was the work of yourselves, and that is the best gift I could bestow upon you."   -Helifex to the dwarves upon their emergence to the surface of Guilnile
The first dwarves were created on an unknown date within the depths of the Great Peak. They were given nothing but a singular flame that burned upon a brazier, given to them by Helifex so their eyes would not turn white. The dwarves would then dig themselves out from underneath the mountain until they reached the top of the mountain and to the outside world around the year 3079 1E. Helifex himself would appear to the dwarves that had successfully came from the darkest depths of the world to the highest point. Helifex told them this was done so that no other species could claim they had anything handed to them, and to build the character of the dwarves as they ascended. The flame that was given to the dwarves was brought to the new castle in the Great Peak and brought to the center of the court before the throne, and named; "The Flame of Gods."


The Dwarves made their new home in Guinile, the most Northern land in all of Archtun. They settled in this land because of the great mountains that dotted across it, and the extreme cold that would come, that would keep away most animals and monsters that could be a threat to them. They found their capital at the highest mountain in all of Archtun, in the middle of Guilnile, and one of the great six peaks in Wold. They would create their underground empire here, as well as their above ground architecture.  

The Volkan Empire


Magical Abilities

Dwarves usually pretend to ignore anything involving with magic, since they would much rather carve out their stone in their natural ways, although since the Adbak's are magic prone, they could make quite the magic users if one trained hard enough. Since, however, the dwarves have largely stopped using magic, their abilities have begun to thin out, and they are slowly losing their magical abilities. Only the scholars who study magic remain determined to carry on magic throughout the dwarven people. Dwarves excel at all types of earth magic.  

Dwarf Sub races

Not all dwarves are the same to compared to one another. Many sub races of dwarves exist across the world. These include, the White Beards, the Grey beards, the Firestone, the Earthstone, the Long Beards, the Wartbacks and the Snow Beards. All these different types of dwarves prefer different climates and environments to one another, as well have entire different sub cultures for each sub race. Although a dwarf could do any job, most dwarves stick to what their sub race excels at, and the dwarves prosper in their unity and acceptance of one another.  

The Greybeards

The most common of dwarf to be seen outside of Guilnile, these dwarves have no specific preference as to where to live, -except underground of course-. These dwarves make up the vast majority of miners, and warriors for the dwarven armies. They are the most plentiful in population compared to the rest of the dwarven races. These dwarves, despite their names, do not always have greybeards. In fact, they can have blonde, black, brown, and even very rarely, red beards. These dwarves also love to travel, and experience life outside of Guilnile.  

The Whitebeards

The wisest of all of the dwarf races, these dwarves are few in number, yet the smartest minds that could rival those of the elves. These dwarves prefer quiet mountain tops, where they can reflect and study alone, only offering their wisdom when the other dwarf races come to them, although some can be found living alone among the dwarven strongholds. These dwarves are known to live alone for the majority of their lives, leaving home when only a teenager, and finding a small mountain to settle, although there are a few communities which hold more than fifty white beards, usually on highly populated mountains. Because of their aversion to socializing, these dwarves are also the fewest in population, with only around a thousand existing at a time. These dwarves can also be seen jewelry making or studying magic in their free time.    

The Longbeards

The strongest and tallest of all of the dwarven races, these behemoths of dwarves are known to grow to five feet tall! They are best known for their strength, and their beard length, which grows so long that it trails behind them as they walk. A Longbeard will never shave his beard in his entire life. These dwarves are so strong, that they have their own entire unit classification in the dwarven armies, The Titans. Equipped with heavy duty armor and a plethora of weaponry, these dwarves are tanks on the battlefield. They are also excellent leaders, being in many leadership positions, such as commanders, or shift managers.  

The Earthstone

These dwarves are known for their excellent building, creating entire dwarven communities in just a few weeks, these dwarves are excellent builders. They have a preference to live underground, but can just as easily live above ground, or even in the fiery depths of mountains. They can be identified by their pale complexion, and rather large, hairy hands, which rival that of even the Longbeards hands. They are also good jewelry crafters, and surprisingly, good cooks as well, with many famous dwarven chefs being Earthstones.  

The Snowbeards

The Snowbeards are the most extraverted of all the dwarven races, with their living preference to actually live on the surface, as opposed to under the ground like their brethren. These dwarves thrive above ground, especially in snowy regions like Guilnile. They are responsible for most of the building and civilization seen above ground in Guilnile. These dwarves can be recognized by their thick skin, and whitish beards, although not completely white until older. They also have impressive bush eyebrows adorning their face.  

The Firestones

The Firestone dwarves are found at the very lowest of grounds, near lava and fire pits, where the world barely looks recognizable. These dwarves thrive around extreme heat and fire. Many have their communities built by lava lakes. These dwarves rarely see the surface of Wold, spending their entire lives below ground. Because of their distance to fire and lava, they have become expert forgers, forging most of the metal used for armor, weapons, building tools, and building itself. These dwarves can forge almost any metal with their impressive heat. They can be most recognizable by their lava red beards, and armor, which is usually set aflame with purple flame.  

The Wartbacks

The Wartbacks are the very bottom of dwarven society. Most recognizable by their hunched backs, and warts that cover most of their body, along with their distorted facial structures, these dwarves are not a welcome sight to the eyes. A Wartback spends most of his days providing manual labor for other dwarves, moving stone back and forth, and helping Earthstones with their building. they also carry army supplies for war time, and form production lines when assisting Firestones with their forging.

Basic Information


Dwarves are small, slightly magical creatures that have a wide frame. Created under the Adbak family, they share similar genes with Gnomes and fairies, but are quite different in many ways. Over the many years, the dwarves have lost many of their magical abilities, instead preferring brute strength and ingenuity rather than ice or fire. Dwarven skeleton structure is similar to that of a human, albeit much shorter. The average Dwarf height is around 4'5. Beards are a very common sight amongst dwarves, with many of their cultures depending on them. Even the females of their species have such beards, although much less burly and thick.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves repopulate the same as humans, with a male and a female. A female dwarf, however, only has a brief time in her life, around the age of 40-45, where she may become pregnant. A female dwarf also has a rather low fertile rating, only becoming pregnant about 30-50% of the time. It is because of this, the dwarven population takes time to replenish and grow.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves grow rather slowly than other sapient species on Wold. They first hit childhood when they are of 10 years of age, and do not stop developing until they are at least 60 years of age. Dwarves also have low birth rates, since the infertility of female dwarves, and the lack there of as well. For this reason, dwarves are slow to expand their territory, as it takes quite a while for their population to expand enough to be able to settle more territory. They are quite happy digging and forging under ground.

Ecology and Habitats

All dwarven sub species prefer different climate to one another, but almost all dwarves prefer the underground. Above ground, they have few settlements, which are usually in the freezing cold of Guilnile. Dwarves, because of their compact bodies, are able to handle cold much better than the average human could ever. But the vast expanse of their civilization lies under the frozen ground, where hundreds of thousands of small dwarves carve out the rock, and make it their home.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves naturally came from vegetarian species, their neighboring cousins, the fairies and gnomes being both vegetarian. But the dwarves have decided to begin to eat meat. They often heard cattle and other animals and fatten them for their great feasts every night. Although plants have not been entirely removed from their diets, as great farms of fruits and vegetables can be found underneath the ground.

Biological Cycle

When the freezing cold of Guilnile becomes almost unbearable, even to dwarves during the winter, many often retreat underground, to continue to build and perfect their kingdom underneath the earth. Only the bravest and hardiest of dwarves stay in the above ground settlements during the winter, standing ground, guarding, and taking care of the fortifications, awaiting for their brothers to return when spring comes. During the spring when the cold of Guilnile is almost bearable to humans, some dwarves come out from underground, and continue to mine, farm, and build above ground.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves have all the basic 5 senses that one would normally have, being sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Although dwarves, spending most their lives below ground, have developed exceptional eye sight in the dark, and have even acquired a new ability, to be able to hear though hard rock.

Rivalry with the Ulthrank

When the dwarves had settled into Guilnile, they were made known of a race of beast, that live north of Guilnile on a large island. Every year, these beats, also known as the Ulthrank would come south to raid whoever found themselves unfortunate enough to be in Guilnile during the Ulthrank raid. However, when the Ulthrank would come to do their yearly raid on Guilnile, they found short, stubborn little dwarves there, creating a new home for themselves. The battles raged for an entire month, with heavy losses on both sides. The Ulthrank were eventually beat back, and their raid was largely a failure. The Ulthrank swore to wipe out the race of dwarves, and the dwarves declared the Ice Demons to be their rival. Ever since, the Khan-oku have come to do their yearly raids on the dwarves with ranging success, and the frozen islands and sheets of ice that lie between the Ulthrank and the dwarves have seen many skirmishes between the two races.

Relations with the other races

The dwarves prefer to keep to themselves, and to simply mine away at their underground rock and stone, not bothering of what goes on in the rest of the world, but that has not kept them from having relations with the other races of Wold. Their relations with their cousins, the fairies and the gnomes, has been their strongest relation. Since the Elves have closed off M'na, they have had little contact with their fairy cousins, but the dwarves have sent many envoys back and forth towards the gnomes across the sea. They hold cultural festivals with one another, and laugh and enjoy one another. As for the humans, elves, and orcs, contact is minimal, with only small trade agreements between them.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
150-200 Years
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities

Dwarven Women

  Dwarven women make up a minority of the population compared to the males of the dwarven race. Because of this, and there long time to mature, it takes notable time for dwarves to repopulate. Dwarven women look incredibly similar to men of their race, so in order to stand out, women will make their lashes long and curly, and make themselves large in size in order to show a man she is capable of many children- a pride for any dwarven male considering the slow birthrate of their species.

Articles under Dwarves


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