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The Order of Sunphler

The Order of Sunphler are an order of knights under the rule of The Roscrean Empire. They rule from an island off the western coast of Roscrea, within the Disservive Gulf. It is here they have established their headquarters, as well as an impressive college for the most talented students of magic within Roscrea.


Ruled by The Council of Celestial Wizards, The Order of Sunphler is kept in control and unity by the strength of these powerful wizards. The Council of Celestial Wizards are only ruled over by the Emperor himself, and the Emperor's court wizard, who is the ultimate magic wielder within Roscrea. Masters of the order then lead the newer members, such as novices, adepts, apprentices, and trainees.


The Order of Sunphler has no want to interact with the people of Roscrea, and would much rather keep to themselves on their tiny little island. They live in almost complete isolationism, with minimal contact with the world besides being called upon from The Court Wizard. A single cargo ship transfers foods and resources to the island of Albenued, and the sailors on the ship have described the ship as nothing more than absolute splendor. The order of Sunphler have one mission and one mission only, and that is to further both their own and the publics knowledge on magic and the arcane arts across Roscrea. They bury themselves within thousands of books, hoping to obtain from their research, new ways to improve daily life and further their knowledge.

Public Agenda

Using nothing but their undying urge to know more, these magic wielders immersive themselves in their studies, hoping to learn if not just the slightest more about any spell or theory. They hope to eventually know everything there is to know about magic and the arcane arts, and to discover if there is even an end to such knowledge.


Created out of the thirst for knowledge, the court wizard at the time was eager to study magic and the arcane arts, however his responsibilities continued to stop him from doing so. Because of this, and realizing the wasted time, and the secrets yet uncovered, the court wizard decided to create an order based entirely on the soul purpose of learning and spreading magical knowledge. The Court Wizard went to the emperor, and asked for a plot of land, where they may create a headquarters for the new order, and the emperor gave them Albenued, a small island off the western coast of the Disservive Gulf. There, The Court Wizard began to start on the construction of a great college and headquarters hybrid, that would be a bastion for any magic user and magical knowledge.

Demography and Population

The Order of Sunphler does not exclude any race or person from joining their ranks, as long as they have a clear intention of studying and spreading the knowledge of magic and the arcane arts out into the public and sharing their research. Thus, the order is made from varying races throughout the lands, from fairies to high elves. The most notable and prominent race that makes up the ranks of the Order of Sunplher's ranks are humans, since the order's capital, Albuned, lies within the Empire of Roscrea.   Population: <1000 members lower than the rank of master


Controlling only the small island of Albuned, the territory of the Order of Sunplher is relatively small compared to that of other orders within Roscrea. The island was given to the order by the court wizard at the time of the order's genesis, from the emperor at the time. While legally owned by the Roscrean Empire, the Order of Sunplher are in almost complete control of the island. 


Created for the sole purpose of education others on magical knowledge, the Order of Sunphler's very essence lies in education. Each member no matter the rank, has varying degrees of magical and arcane knowledge that would be impossible for the average citizen of Roscrea to know and understand. The masters of the order, knowing some of the most hidden secrets throughout the world.

"We have not been created to simply know, but to understand>"

Founding Date
6910 1E
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Government System
Major Imports
Being on a small island, the Order of Sunplher need almost every resource to continue functioning. be it building resources, food, water, soldiers, or anything else, the order is completely reliant on outside help from Roscrea, which they pay for in return for magical knowledge.
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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