Chapter: Sacrifice of the Festival of the Guards Plot in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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Chapter: Sacrifice of the Festival of the Guards

The Cult of Baptomet is going to try to curse people with trinkets to try and have as many cursed as possible during the Festival of the Guards.   The person plotting this and running the Cult of Baptomet in Elturel is Firesu Dremun.   He also houses Truman Wyvernshard in his house as is the base of operations for the Cult of Baptomet in Elturel.   Then at the end of the festival. During the Guards Parade they will issue the command to all cursed people to kill every one around them. And keep killing until they get destroyed themselves.   Truman Wyvernshard has been helping with cursing the trinkets. But Firesu Dremun also has the knowledge of the curse. Firesu Dremun and Truman Wyvernshard have cursed 50/50 of the items and are able to give commands separately.   At the same time cultists in Asbravn will have sacrificed the town, and themselves to Baptomet. Leaving the town a ghosttown, excpet no ghosts or spirits remained. This will be used as power for Baptomet to give the entrapement magic to his cultists in Elturel

Plot points/Scenes

The Festival of the Guards start with Ball of Guardians  and then end with Guard Parade .   Ball of Guardians  starts few days after the heroes arrive.   Then from there they need to figure out the cults plan to sacrifice people by the peoples own doing before Ball of Guardians .





They will notice the town getting ready for the festivities.   If they succeed with Chapter: Deliver letter for Baron Brandybock they will be introduced to the festivities by Lady Brandybock. Otherwhise they may talk to any citizen and get the information.   Also they will either be invited to, or hired as guards for Chapter: Ball of the Guardians.


The Cult of Baptomet have two enchanters in the town if Truman Wyvernshard escaped from Hinforte.   The main cultist running Elturel is Firesu Dremun. He is ranking the same as Truman Wyvernshard.   The both control half the people they have managed to get trinkets to. And both needs to be stopped before the parade starts.

Rising Action

During the Chapter: Ball of the Guardians a thief (Castien Urihana) will try to steal some jewelry for the cult.   The heroes will also notice some of the market people very aggressively try to sell trinkets to people (cursed ones).


The parade of the Guards where they parade in their new uniforms.



Stop the cult from forcing a lot of citizens to commit murder.


Chapter: Deliver letter for Baron Brandybock, as well as Chapter: Ball of the Guardians.   Notice the market people peddling trinkets aggressively.   Decode the letter from Father The High Cultist

Red Herrings

The one hosting the parade is Feyrith Inahorn who is Captain of the Guards in Elturel. He is however completely innocent and not associated with the cult.   He is an old military man and values good equipment to his men.   The new armors he has donated are not cursed. Nor is any of the guards.






Squares and markets. Streets around the town. Depending on where the heroes end up, maybe amongst royalty up on a closed of bridge.


Tha cultists and all the charmed people.
Plot type
Chapter: Sacrifice of the Festival of the Guards
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