Feyrith Inahorn Character in World of Faêrun and Baptomet | World Anvil
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Feyrith Inahorn

Captain Feyrith Inahorn

Feyrith Inahorn is the Captain of the Guards for Elturel. He is a wealthy Noble of The Earls and Countess'.   He used to serve as a general in the army. But retired to a good life managing the guards in the capital of Elturgard.   As he is wealthy and believes in order of the town, and the military. He has recently donated a lot of money for having the armors of the guards replace. Thus springing to live the Chapter: Sacrifice of the Festival of the Guards. The Festival of the Guards is when such a big event happens. And Earl Inahorn is now awarded.   As he is the one donating the money, he also gets the privilege to host Chapter: Ball of the Guardians. This is the per-festivities that only the social elite is invited to. This ball markes the start of the Festival of the Guards.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Medium height for a dwarf. Still in good shape for his age.

Mental characteristics


Knows Elvish to be able to command Elves who usually serve as archers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Led many victorious battles in the past. But he is unwilling to speak of them in detail.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1469 Present 126 Years old
Short and well kept
5' 2"
200 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven, Elvish


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