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A species of humanoid creature with various celestial traits.  One of the few creatures that are able to breed with any type of deity.  They are very rare, and usually treated as a sort of herald through dark times, although in places such as Metropolis, they are sometimes used to show up.  They are very similar to human except for the marks of their celestial making and their celestial power.

Basic Information


Very similar to humans, although they carry various divine touches.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Sometimes imprisoned or hired in places like Metropolis as a way to show wealth.

Civilization and Culture


Created by Duk and subsequently hunted down by Chaos, causing them to interbreed with Humans and have their genes become very diluted.

Historical Figures

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sometimes consider other species beneath them, although their guardian discourages such thoughts.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
160 years
Conservation Status
Very rare, so they are usually assigned a sort of guardian celestial at birth.


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