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Sea Elf Isles

A circle of islands surrounding a hole in the floor of the ocean that holds a faction of Elves that escaped the destruction of the Elvish kingdoms and the most powerful krakens in existence.


There are five large islands surrounding a large hole in the ocean floor.  There is a large reef between the islands that nearly breeches the surface, except for the area between two of the islands which has a large gate.

Fauna & Flora

Since the island's creation, mainly hardy grasses and small brush has migrated to it.  The Elves have tried to introduce trees and larger mammals, and have a few still in captivity, but introduction of larger flora and fauna has failed.  Smaller creatures such as mice and foxes, some of which have absorbed ambient magical energies and are used as familiars, have been successfully introduced however.

Natural Resources

Stone from the ground, dirt, clean water and fish from the ocean,


When the Elvish kingdoms were destroyed by the demon princes, a small amount of Elves neither died nor entered the Shadowfell.  Instead they used their knowledge of watercraft and sailed away.  They sought refuge in other kingdoms, but not even Suthphor would accept them, fearing that they would be cursed, and the other kingdoms not wishing to accept a race that had caused so much destruction, fearing such destruction would come for them too.  Many Elvish druids sacrificed their lives and body in order to generate enough power to drag earth from the floor of the ocean and deposit it in the islands, forming both the hole and islands.  However, there still were not creatures on the islands.  The Elves tried to fish for food, and for a time the amount of fish that were trapped in the center of the island were enough to sustain them.  When the available fish ran out, the Elves turned to piracy.  Many of their larger and more powerful ships had been grounded or buried when the islands were created though, so some of the more powerful wizards, druids, and sorcerers summoned krakens from The Abyss.  Some of these escaped and now are the corrupted krakens that surround the The Forgotten Continent, but many of them were successfully tamed and fed off the fish that were deep enough in the ocean the Elves could not catch them, and were used as weapons to raid ships.  Many sailors simply gave up their ships when they saw the krakens, and through this method the Elves both gained food and built up a fleet.  After a few decades of this, the Elves grew bold enough to attack military and trading vessels, getting better weapons and materials to build better houses and schools.  The more academically inclined collected scrolls, and this started the isles's only library.
Alternative Name(s)
Kraken Isles
Location under


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