Aerdi Sea

This sea has long been heavily used by the Aerdi people for trade, travel, and warfare.

  The Aerdi Sea is a stretch of water between the east coast of the Flanaess and the Asperdi-Duxchan isles. This region has long been heavily used by merchants and warships alike, with battles fought between the Sea Barons and the Lordship of the Isles, with occasional raids by Frost, Ice, and Snow Barbarians. The destruction of Medegia, the fall of the Lordship of the Isles to the Scarlet Brotherhood, the isolation of the elven Lendore Isles, and the turmoil in North Kingdom depressed sea travel for a time. Trade is rebounding, thanks to Ratik's treaty with the Frost Barbarians, the exploration of Hepmonaland, aggressive trading by Rel Astra and its allies, and the Lordship's attempts to maintain its status as a major seafaring power. The Aerdi Sea is infamous for its variety of sharks, some of which are man-eaters. Piracy is common here, as the Sea Barons no longer patrol the southern waters.  

The busy shipping lanes of the Aerdi Sea

Oljatt Sea
 Location in the Flanaess


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