Oljatt Sea

The blue-green tropical waters north of Hepmonaland are believed to be extremely deep and are known to be inhabited by great sea monsters that can drag down ships with ease.

  The blue-green tropical waters east of the Duxchans, south of the Lendores, and north of Hepmonaland are known as the Oljatt Sea. This region of the Solnor is believed to be extremely deep and is known to be inhabited by sea monsters able to drag down solitary merchantmen with ease. Ships voyaging into the Oljatt are known to chain themselves together, with men-at-arms ready with pikes and bows to drive off giant octopi and sea serpents. Sharks of unbelievable size trail convoys in hopes of stealing scraps from a fight; giant crocodiles from the saltwater Pelisso Swamp do likewise near that area. Ships from the Lordship of the Isles and Scarlet Brotherhood sail here freely, hunting down vessels from other realms that dare invade "their" territory. Hobgoblin pirates are noted near Hepmonaland.  
The fate of most vessels that tempt the Oljatt Sea
Oljatt Sea
 Location in the Flanaess


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