Barren Wastes

A tract of desolate rock covering most of the southern shore of the Icy Sea and 100 miles inland.

  The "Wastes" is a tract of desolate rock covering most of the southern shore of the Icy Sea, going inland for over 100 miles in the central portion. Tradition says that this area was laid waste in some magical calamity many centuries before the Invoked Devastation. Only moss and lichen grow here, with sparse grasses and stunted trees in sheltered locations. Cold winds blow incessantly across this dreary landscape.   A notable feature here are the Burning Cliffs, a huge region of broken slate covered with unquenchable fires and dense smoke. Some believe the area is fused to the Elemental Plane of Fire, as creatures native to that plane are known to dwell hereabouts. Farther east, remnants of the Rovers of the Barrens are encamped at Dogwind Bay.  
Empire of Iuz
 Location in the Flanaess


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