Forlorn Forest

A coastal evergreen forest in the far north of the Flanaess that is rich with hideous monsters.

  The Forlorn Forest is an evergreen wood of fair size, just south of the Icy Sea. Its western edge marks the boundary of Iuz's "Barrens" territory. The forest is rich with hideous monsters, but it screens a few coastal settlements of the Rovers of the Barrens.   Few Rovers are so desperate as to try to survive in this evergreen northern forest. The living is bleak indeed as there are few animals for hunting and trapping. The deer, caribou-like animals, northern bison and other herd animals are found in small numbers which are also preyed upon by creatures eager to eat human flesh too. Bears and wolves are the major hazards, but the cunning kech are deadly indeed, and the forest is home to some 1,000 ogres who stalk it, clubbing anything which looks edible.   Some Rovers hunt, trap and take wood at the edges of the forest, but the troops from Hornduran inflict significant casualties on them. Those troops rarely enter the forest, unless they are tracking a group of Rovers they have seen, but the men of Stonefist often enter the eastern portion of the Forlorn Forest in large hunting bands. Stonefist men wear the skin of a bear or great wolf proudly, but the tattooed skin of a slain Rover makes a very acceptable trophy too. Because the Fists enter in large numbers, never having fewer than 50 in a group, they are virtually always victorious over the weaker and less numerous Rovers who try to hide out here.  

Cold sea mist moves through the Forlorn Forest

Empire of Iuz
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
  Location in the Flanaess


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