Howling Hills

These cold and evil hills were the scene of terrible bloodshed throughout history, and located as they are within the domain of Iuz, they are truly a dreadful place indeed.

  The cold Howling Hills seem to be cursed not because they lie within the haunted lands of Iuz, but because throughout history they were the scene of terrible bloodshed. The ruins of human, giant, dwarf, and orc habitations, many nearly a millennium old, are scattered throughout this craggy upland, which also hides several ancient burial complexes and deep caves. Not surprisingly, the hills are home to a host of incorporeal undead, though fierce nonhumans are far more abundant. Few giant clans remain, and those who do are malformed and hideous, warring with the forces of Iuz. The eastern lands are firmly in the hands of the Old One, while the western half is raided often by Wolf Nomads.  
Empire of Iuz
Rolling Hills
 Location in the Flanaess


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