Solnor Ocean

The Solnor is believed to be the mightiest of Oerth's four oceans, and it is estimated to stretch over a thousand leagues to the east.

  The Solnor ("birthplace of the sun" in Old Oeridian) is believed to be the mightiest of Oerth's four oceans. It has long been estimated to stretch over a thousand leagues to the east. A huge clockwise current sweeps up the coast of the eastern Flanaess, carrying ships from the Thillonrian Peninsula out to sea, and bringing curious debris (doubtless from whatever land is on the Solnor's far side) to the shores of Hepmonaland and the Lordship of the Isles. The wind direction is primarily from east to west, but a mild counterclockwise trade wind seems to exist in the northern Solnor, against the current, The vast Solnor beckons adventurous souls across the Flanaess. Fantastic islands, undersea kingdoms, terrifying aquatic and aerial monsters, and a "jungle of lost ships" fill most fables told by old sailors of this sea. Bronze dragons are known to fly east over the Solnor and not return, so an unseen "dragons' graveyard" figures in many stories.  
A brave ship sails for the sunrise across the vast Solnor Ocean
The Flanaess (Full)
 Location in the Flanaess


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