Atlas City

Atlas is one of the Largest Cities in the world, Boasting a robust Middle-Class Demographic, the City isn't as massive as Whitecliffe but the massive focus on Middle Class and higher Class living means that the city is still highly competitive with its rival Sister City.  Whitecliffe is a novel city and Atlas' designers were sure to not be outmatched by the Sister nationals and developed an equally dense city with Iconic towers that narrow out on the top and give the City increased wind resistance making the towers hardier.   The City is novel in that it is flying, and while this limits space and thus curbs exactly how many people can live in the city, some thought has been put into self-sufficiency with well-developed trade networks and a large network of very dense settlements that house the rest of the Kingdom's Populace with Mantle being below the city. There are farmlands in the actual city itself but most of the food is imported.   The City has some of the most advanced infrastructures in the world complete with Aurarails which are glowing lines of dust that allow Dust trains to move through the air, increasing the flow of people and resources in an already highly mobile city. The city is famed for its advanced high society and massive economic and Industrial influence. Fitting Giga factories and the world's largest banks where the global banking organizations would base themselves.   It also has the world's largest stock exchange making the City a massive global hub of foreign investment and finance, pretty much tying almost all of the countries to the Kingdom of Atlas in some way.


The city has about a 0.7% unemployment rate with about 2.3% of its population being poor, both these demographics are kept down by separation to places like Mantle which yes, is basically exporting Poverty to protect bottom lines. The City has a 'Special Employment' demographic which are functionally slaves in all but name which Faunus make the majority of and the S.D.C. is the biggest employer of these 'Special Employees'. The second largest demographic of 'Special Employess' is Androids.   The Rest of the city is pretty much the majority human with an incredibly diverse set of ethnicities within the city, the biggest majority being Manites with Valites trailing behind. Age-wise the city has a large elderly population and similarly large middle age population and finally a smaller young population due to the mass deportation of struggling families who often have children due to bad management of the childbirth systems and the rising cost of childbirth.   As a result, the city depends wholly on immigration in order to replace losses but many of these immigrants are purposefully not Faunus.


The City has a City Hall with a Mayor handling day-to-day affairs and is elected every 5 years, this mayor is not a member of the Council of Atlas but rather a servant of them. City Hall has its own Small Council which runs things like finance, Infrastructure, development and Education. The city has the largest courthouses in the Kingdom outside of Whitecliffe where the city's judges deal out justice and interpret the law.   Atlas PD is pretty much a slightly less armed Atlas Military branch with military police pretty much doing the majority of police work, outside of that is the Company PMCs which are majority S.D.C owned meaning that there is no actual public civilian security which suits the Elite Population as they benefit while any poor people in the city are subject to extreme brutality and lack of protection before being deported out of the city.   Every month there is a Hall Meeting where major Communities convene with city leadership to address issues that concern them, the most major of these communities are the Corporate Elite and Middle-Class Families with some animosity between them but share an unspoken secret alliance against every other Class demographic in the city.   In terms of sovereignty, over the years General Ironwood or Jacque Schnee have had greater and greater say over the city rather than the actual officials who were elected. As Such the city resembles more of a Dictatorship rather than a Mayoral Democracy by Volume 5. This was complete with the total disbandment of the Atlas P.D which was replaced by Civil Protection which was an openly Militaristic Law Enforcement Organisation that enforced strict dictatorial Order upon the city, something the Rich benefited from but something the Middle Class understandably had a few problems with...not that their opinions mattered much by that point.   To make matters worse, Voting Trends for Atlas swung further and Further Authoritarian Right after the Fall of Beacon, cementing the Decline of Liberty within the city.


Atlas is completely protected by a massive force field that has two main systems of projection, the Shield Spires which project a shield in front of them and then The Atlas Academy Shield Hub which can also project a weaker version of that same shield. The City is completely surrounded by Military ships with swarms of mantas and Jets protecting the airways of the city at all times of the day.   The City also has Intercontinental Ballistic Systems enabling them to destroy larger Grimm with Missiles. They also have the world's biggest Grimm Sensor Arrays which allow them to track the precise location of every Grimm across the entire continent through the use of Sensor Relays. When down the City can still see every single individual Grimm so long as they're not underground but in Atlas' mind, there in the sky. Why worry about the subterranean Grimm? It's only Mantle they're risking and who cares about Mantle? Their dirty, Smelly and probably like Faunus.   If that sounds like an incredible oversight that totally will not bite them in the ass later on, that is probably because it is a giant oversight that ironwood continually complains about every single day. Besides the oversight, the City also has an extremely long and elaborate set of outposts and forts that defend the approach yet Grimm still end up getting through in large enough quantities to attack mantle daily.   This is again, because of the Underground Oversight. The City is also protected by many legions of soldiers who are led by Specialists who are pretty much Academy Huntsmen with military ranks that direct military operations, chief of which is Winter Schnee. This only increased after the events of Volume 3 where Atlas recalled almost its entire military leaving token forces to defend poorly thought-out defences and keep the Other Kingdoms protected (And conveniently in line) with Atlas.   The number of ships guarding Atlas by Volume 7 is about 1234 Large airships, much smaller aircraft and pretty much every army Atlas ever had either defending the city itself or other settlements...except Mantle because again, who cares about Mantle. Even though the city is directly below Atlas, most Military Analysts pretty much dismiss its importance barring a few sectors, letting the rest rot.   Just in case the City is somehow attacked through all of these highly elaborate defences, the city has multiple sentry turrets from missile Sentries, MG sentries and AA Sentries it can use to take out Grimm with Walls that can slide out of the roads and create highly fortified strong points within minutes of an attack. Just in case the enemy is really tough, Atlas has Trench panels that slide open the exchange allowing forces to swiftly deploy outside the city and defend the exchange swiftly within seconds.   Just in case the Grimm gets past all of those defences, the city can unleash deadly nerve agents that mostly only affect Grimm and flood the city with gases and just in case they get past that, Atlas Academy has a long list of highly safe bunkers that can feed people for months and just in case if the Grimm despite all odds managed to break through that, the sheer amount of Dust in the city is enough to blow an entire quarter of the continent sky high and skill millions of Grimm for many kilometres as a final piece of revenge and just in case if they even manage to survive that.   Atlas City will continue leaking those deadly nerve agents, killing any surviving Grimm, meaning that any army that defeats Atlas will be absolutely crippled by the time they gain victory, or at least that's the hope.   If you thought that was all, you thought wrong because there is one final measure the city has in case if the world was to fall to the Grimm. The city has large stashes of Dust Missile Munitions and if the Secretary of Defense and the Atlas Academy headmaster agreed they can turn the key and fire Missiles on every known rich Dust Vein in the entire world and likely fracture the world into pieces with a global daisy chain of explosions and ensure that if Humanity can't have Remnant, then no one can.   James Ironwood has both keys because he is both the Academy Headmaster and the Secretary of Defense, if that makes you worried, it should.


Atlas has some of the most advanced Infrastructure such as High-speed Piping, High-speed rails, clean energy, full Dust Power infrastructure and many, many, many roads as well las Air ways and Dust Trains that go along the Dust rails that dot the skies of the city. Air is a major thing in Atlas so its no surprise that the Atlas International Airport is the single largest Flight Transit Centre in the entire world.   Giant Highways have 6 lanes with many smaller roads that allow access into deeper parts of the cities with Elaborate Undercity Metro systems that kept life in the undercity vibrant and flowing.  Atlas has the world's largest Dust Reactor right on top of it which helps power the city including its Grav Propellers which use Grav Dust to keep the city afloat...even if the Relic is actually the one doing it.    The Grav Propellers actually buy the city time, in case the Relic goes missing but the Dust Consumption Rate is insane making it in no way a long-term substitute. The City has a lot of options for deploying military forces. As if all of that was not enough, Airships also land and dock at the Skyscrapers meaning that people can travel around without ever having to touch the ground.


The City is broken up into distinct Districts, there is little focus on what goes into these districts but what is in them is largely decided by what the city actually needs rather than drawing boundaries on a map and keeping to them.  

1. Spire District

  This is where Atlas Academy is located as well as some of Atlas' largest Manors like the Schnee Manor, the Marrigold Manor and the Carter Manor. Many more manors exist than just these here but what aren't manors are often high-class establishments like the Glass Unicorn or Luxury Plexes which are huge skyscrapers that house thousands of residents with high standards of living and are often reserved for the well-to-do of Atlas.   Many Company headquarters are located here, chief of which is the Schnee Dust Company with Schnee Tower, a massive Complex that houses the International Company's operations.  

2. Scroll District

  Some Company HQs are here but most of this District is taken up by Higher Middle-Class Residental buildings and Court houses with large universities for many things and large labs. Finally, many tech-orientated Giga Factories are stationed here. The other major feature of the Scroll District is the massive Stock Exchange Centre and The Atlas Grand Bank which is a colossal structure filled with banks and serves as a huge hub of financial activity within the city.  

3. Serenity District

  Massive Botanical Gardens, Theme parts, giant shopping malls and large high-rises house the Middle Class. Here is where all of the Commercial money is made, with large theatres, cinemas and more being located here. It functionally serves as a CBD as subsidiary bank sites, Company offices and more are also located here. Other Giga Factories are located here with education being very much centred on Non-University campuses like elementary schools, High schools and Professional schools for jobs like Hunters or Bankers.  

4. The Undercity

This counts as any structure 2 ft underground and is truly a mix of classes going on here but is mainly centred around the lower middle class who go about their lives, having their own clubs, stores and malls. The Undercity is also pretty much where all of the crime is committed due to terrible policing coverage and lower Socio-Economic opportunity as well as various parts of the undercity just being straight up empty at parts of the day, promoting crime.  

5. The Exchange

Everything approaching the edges of the Floating Island is the Exchange, this is where all of the massive sky docks are located including the Atlas International Port as well as its farms and other production facilities like Biofuel plants and warehouses for storage of commercial goods. The Exchange has a mix of classes too with many driving out here to do their jobs. All roads lead into the exchange and all roads from the exchange eventually end up in the Spire District.  

6. Barge District

This only includes massive airships that house thousands and stick close to Atlas City, these are popular picks for those wanting to visit Atlas and Do business but come from places that the city doesn't appreciate like Whitecliffe. As such quite a lot of Diplomatic outreach happens on these barges as well as negotiations for trade. Cheaper Tourism is also an option here as many foreign nationals get to see Atlas City if their poorer.
Founding Date
19 BGW
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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