Egalitarian Society Sues Atlas

Political event


The Egalitarian Society Sues Atlas for Civil and Sentient Rights abuses as well as the violation of the Menagerie Treaty by settling on Menagerie. The Lawsuit failed on Menageries but successfully sued the SDC for 1.3 Billion Lien for Rights abuses and repaid victimised families for what was done to them with many 'Special Employees' being returned to their homes.   The Suit failed to affect Atlas due to an army of lawyers that defended the Kingdom. As a result, the White Fang bombed the Court House in Atlas, causing a massive backlash against all Faunus which allowed for a subsidiary lawsuit where Singer sued those specific abuses.   The Case was dismissed by Judges.

Related Location
Atlas City
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History of World of Remnant (RWBY)