Asil Talat Character in World of Seven Seas | World Anvil

Asil Talat

Prince Asil Talat

Asil was the oldest of King Taylan Talat's birth children and the second oldest of the four children raised as his in the Royal family, son of his first wife Izolde.   Asil was the smartest of the King's children: not as steady as Beyhan, not as likeable as Roshan, not as vibrant as Sibel, but brilliant and cunning. While his own mother favored the martial prowess of his siblings Beyhan and Sibel, Asil was the favorite of his father's younger wife. Lalzari despaired that he was born with the trademark looks of his mother's people, the blonde hair so light as to be white and the purple eyes, or else he would have been the perfect spy. Instead, she was forced to content herself with teaching him all of the things she could to be a curator and keeper of spies instead, even though he could never enter the service itself on more than the periphery. And learn he did - his father did not think much of his field and preferred to pretend his son was merely a scholar, but his sister Sibel was happy to have him at her side once she took the throne, and he would found the country's official spy service, building on the small networks his hearth-aunt mentor and her brother had begun to weave.   Being a young bachelor twice important because of his Royal blood and his connection to his mother Izolde's Harving kin, as well as because his brother Beyhan flatly refused a second marriage after losing his wife and child, Asil did not escape an arranged marriage. He was wed to Yoska, and they had two children, Duchess Seshen Talat and Duke Hasan Talat.


Family Ties


11507 AE 11602 AE 95 years old


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