AquaPass Subculture

The AquaPass subculture is a distinct maritime community centered around the principles and regulations of the AquaPass Maritime Coalition. Coalitionists value duty, loyalty, and honor, maintaining order and discipline on the seas. They speak a unique dialect, Mariner's Cant, and uphold formal etiquette and respect for hierarchy.   Their attire is practical and nautical, and their art and architecture celebrate maritime heritage with sturdy, sea-themed designs. Cuisine revolves around seafood and preserved foods, reflecting the realities of sea life. Communal traditions include ship christenings, AquaPass renewals, and ceremonial oaths, while funerary customs often involve sea burials.   The subculture is rich with myths, legends, and superstitions, and it honors key historical figures like High Admiral Thalorin Wavecrest and Master Artificer Elion Thorneblade. Technological innovations, such as the Aetherlink Pouch, demonstrate their advanced blend of magic and engineering.


Major language groups and dialects

While the common language of the AquaPass subculture is Standard Common, there is a unique dialect known as "Mariner's Cant" that is prevalent among its members. This dialect includes specialized nautical jargon and slang, such as "anchors aweigh" for departure, "crow's nest" for lookout point, and "reefing" for adjusting sails. Additionally, the use of the ancient "Pirate's Murmur" persists, especially among older members, blending traditional pirate terminology with modern maritime language.

Culture and cultural heritage

The AquaPass subculture is steeped in a rich maritime heritage. Stories of legendary sailors, epic voyages, and mythical sea creatures are passed down through generations. The Coalition's history is celebrated through festivals, reenactments, and commemorations of key events. Maritime skills such as navigation, knot-tying, and shipbuilding are highly prized and taught from a young age, ensuring the preservation of seafaring traditions.

Shared customary codes and values

The AquaPass subculture is built upon principles of loyalty, duty, and honor. Members value the protection and order provided by the AquaPass Maritime Coalition and are deeply committed to upholding the Coalition's regulations and directives. The community thrives on a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, fostering a sense of unity among sailors, merchants, and adventurers. Respect for hierarchy and authority is paramount, with a strong emphasis on discipline and professionalism.

Average technological level

The AquaPass subculture has attained advanced technological levels in maritime engineering and arcane integration. The development of the Aetherlink Pouch by the Arcane Engineering Guild of Rhitersvale exemplifies this blend of magic and technology, allowing for sophisticated communication and coordination. Shipbuilding techniques have also evolved, producing state-of-the-art vessels equipped with advanced navigational tools, weaponry, and enchantments, ensuring the Coalition's dominance on the seas.

Common Etiquette rules

Respect and courtesy are cornerstones of AquaPass etiquette. Greetings often include a nod or a brief salute, particularly when addressing superiors. It is customary to address individuals by their titles and ranks, emphasizing the importance of the chain of command. Punctuality and reliability are highly valued, and breaking one's word is considered a serious offense. Sharing information and resources is encouraged, reflecting the cooperative nature of the community.

Common Dress code

The AquaPass dress code is functional yet distinctive. Members typically wear durable, weather-resistant clothing suited for life at sea. Uniforms are common, especially among higher-ranking officials, featuring the colors and insignia of the AquaPass Maritime Coalition. Practical accessories such as tricorn hats, boots, and utility belts are standard. For formal occasions, more elaborate attire with nautical embellishments and decorative sashes is worn.

Art & Architecture

The art of the AquaPass subculture is heavily influenced by maritime themes. Nautical paintings, ship models, and maps are popular, often depicting famous sea battles or legendary voyages. Architecture in AquaPass-controlled ports and settlements reflects a blend of functionality and maritime aesthetics, with sturdy, weatherproof buildings featuring lighthouse-inspired towers, anchor motifs, and expansive docks. Public spaces are adorned with murals and sculptures celebrating naval prowess and seafaring heritage.

Foods & Cuisine

AquaPass cuisine is a fusion of diverse maritime cultures. Seafood is a staple, with dishes like grilled fish, clam chowder, and salted cod being common. Exotic spices and preserved foods are prevalent, catering to long voyages at sea. Meals often include hardtack, ship's biscuits, and dried fruits. Communal feasts are a tradition, bringing together crews to share in the bounty of the sea and strengthen bonds.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Customs include the ceremonial christening of new ships, the annual renewal of AquaPasses, and the observance of key historical dates, such as the founding of the Coalition and significant naval victories. Rituals like the "Sailor's Oath" are performed to pledge allegiance to the Coalition, and "Harbor Days" celebrate the safe return of ships with music, dancing, and fireworks.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Funerary customs in the AquaPass subculture honor the seafaring life. Sailors are often buried at sea in a solemn ceremony that includes the recitation of prayers, the casting of flowers, and the lowering of the body into the ocean. Memorials and plaques are erected in ports to commemorate fallen sailors, ensuring their legacy endures. Annual remembrance services are held, where names of the departed are read aloud, and candles are lit in their memory.

Common Taboos

Taboos within the AquaPass subculture include acts of piracy, betrayal of the Coalition, and disrespect towards superiors. Superstitions are also prevalent; for instance, whistling on a ship is believed to bring bad luck, and spilling salt is considered an omen of misfortune. Violating these taboos can lead to severe social and professional consequences, including ostracism and loss of rank.

Common Myths and Legends

The AquaPass subculture is rich with myths and legends. Tales of the "Ghost Fleet," a phantom armada that appears to protect sailors in distress, and the "Sea Serpent of the Abyss," a monstrous creature said to dwell in the deepest ocean trenches, are popular. Legendary figures such as Captain Aurelia Wavebreaker, who reputedly sailed the entire world without losing a single crew member, are celebrated as heroes.

Historical figures

Key historical figures include High Admiral Thalorin Wavecrest, the visionary leader who modernized the AquaPass system; Captain Samuel "Ironheart" Rodriguez, a legendary pirate turned Coalition hero until his recent disappearance; and Master Artificer Elion Thorneblade, the inventor of the original Sending Bag. These individuals are revered for their contributions to the Coalition and their enduring legacies.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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