The Nation of Ilmitar Organization in World of the Book | World Anvil

The Nation of Ilmitar

Here is the link to the pinterest inspo board:   The first true nation founded in the world of Ilmitar, settled by the first humans to be "rifted" into the world by accident. Distantly related to ancient pre-written language semitic peoples they have far separated from their earthly cousins, and have created their own society.       A wide country takes up the space of the second largest northern island continent, with its northern most point hovering just below the northern storm in the arctic circle. Its eastern shore borders the sea between them and the newest island of humans (YET TO BE NAMED BUT THE STEAMPUNKO ONES). Beyond their southern border lies Ociphen and the great deserts therein. to the west lies a great ocean, under which the capitol of Horomar lies, as well as the continent of Goshe. Its landmass is similar to that of north america, though, somewhat smaller. There are a wide range of climates from snowy mountains to rolling grasslands, and many sea cliffs on the western and northern shores. In the eastern central plateau magic has been used for so long in the cultivation of great trees, that they create large enough foundations for entire villiages or city districts. Verdant plains and lowlands with chalky sea cliffs fill the southern peninsula that stretches towards the ocean between Ilmitar and Ociphar. To the north are a massive stretch of mountains with snowy winters but surprisingly productive growing seasons in summer. There lies the capitol of Telmarie the city of lights / the garden city (I haven't decided which to go with, honestly both apply).     


The Ilmitarian government is made at the highest level of a council of 8 Ilmitiarian leaders, each who is the head of a branch of civilian or government bodies, ie. agriculture, military, knowledge(education), Magic, etc. They each have 1 vote on every matter. If they are in a tie they will confer with someone who has been elected as a dedicated tiebreaker and is purposefully kept in a separate room with many books and such, in case a tie is needed so he is impartial. Anyone can watch the Octem, and within a time limit raise an issue or question that is resolved by the Octem. Every 50 years a new member is elected, those who are elected have been elected from two beforehand in their guild/company/(department). You must (rank up) in any one department to be in the Octem. Below the Octem, sit the recorder who records the meetings, and the several translators who keep a record of the meetings in the language of the dragons, one of the human dialects, and the language of those Ilmitarians who live in the desert. These meetings occur every week in Telmarie. Every member of the Octem, when elected moves into their positions house, that has been kept by every previous Octem. One of the Octem is elected by a show of hands by those watching to be a treasurer every decade.   The Octem are as follows:   The Octem of Magic  oversees the creations of magical law and is charged with an intense study of all magic known and unknown. The Octem of Knowledge and Learning oversees libraries and organizes guild (not going to be called guild but is guild for now) education programs. The Octem of the Militaries is the chief military leader and oversees all branches of it and military education. The Octem of Agriculture oversees farming, and other production of produce. Also manages the distribution of food to those who cannot grow it for themselves. The Octem of Sanitation  water distribution throughout cities and canals + waste matter. Usually water magic involved. The Octem of Trade . Oversees trade between cities, the monetary system, and crafts. The Octem of Diplomacy . Oversees all foreign relations and is often traveling and discussing with other civilizations. The Octem of Mysteries . Oversees the Mysteries guild to discover what is unknown and to search the deepest mysteries and anomalies. Often connected to celestial and teleportation magic. Very eccentric figure. Usually.


Ilmitar's culture is diverse, with some distinct regions that have specialized in their function. Throughout the land, agriculture and the growing of food, crops, as well as timber and other resources are a major part of both peoples lives and the economy. I need to add some more specific cultural ideas than... magic farming and scholars and warriors and and and...

Public Agenda

The nation of Ilmitar has a heavy ecological and agricultural focus in their actions, having had several millenia to craft their continent into a paradise of nature, and have found incredible ways to live alongside it. Besides this they generally advocate for peace, though are no slouches when it comes to warfare. They also have been a main proponent of magical advancement throughout the ages.

Demography and Population

Ilmitar’s population is mostly comprised of Humans, but in addition to them there are a healthy portion of dragons and few lockrenath. In most places the Ilmitarians, dragons, and humans live in harmony, although there are a few places where tensions reside. There are certain areas in Telmarie, and other places where dragons are not allowed to take their natural form, because of weight, and clearance limits in and on certain buildings. In winter Dragons can find excellent work by helping to remove snow from streets, or defrosting water sources that need to stay open.


The The Octem of the Military is the commander in cheif of the military, though to declare war they need at lease two thirds support from the Octem. Under that position are a high council of strategists, generals, and other proffessionals who organize and control the military of Ilmitar. The Hidden are under their leadership as well, though are not a public facing entity.    Like its sibling nations, Horomar and Ociphar, Ilmitar greatly utilizes both wizardss and sorcerers among their ranks, both in the infantry and officer positions. Despite having a reputation as a generally peaceful nation the Ilmitarian military has one of the most advanced training regimines. Their soldiers and battlemages are amongst the most skilled, if not the most powerful. Ilmitar's Military doctrine is one that is honorable and straightforward, sometimes leaving them open to less charitable attacks from more opportunistic enemies. One note is that besides golems, Ilmitar uses very few if any vehicles in their warmaking, unlike most other nations. This can leave them open to certain strategies that rely on vehicles, but it does give them some unusual advances at times, such as stealth and having fewer large targets on the battlefield.

Technological Level

If you were to look at the resources and opportunities and abilites the people of Ilmitar have without calling it "Magic", they would have a more technologically advanced society than 2024 earth, though with some aspect of a spectrum of different places where they are more and less advanced than us.    From a purely technological point however, due to magic that has not been nearly as advanced as us. while they understand electricity in a rudimentary way they have no need to light their homes with it or create machines that require it to run as other options are far more effective. I think it would be safe to say despite their sheer magic power, a wizard from ilmitar would still be impressed by the functionality of a cell phone.    Despite this, they have no need for certain things like algorithms and AI, and have no equivalents in their own capacity.

Foreign Relations

Ilmitar has kept a very close relation to the Nation of Goshë since the Goshe War. They have decent ties with Horomar , and engage with them in trade for Silver Steel in exchange for moderate exports of food and above ocean goods like timber and dry livestock. Their relationship with Ociphar has been tenuous since the previously mentioned war, and the Hidden often catch Ociphen spies snooping around the nation. Similarily, there is a mild arms race occuring with the HUMAN NATION A.    Since their defeat millenia past, Ilmitar and the nation of the Lockren(Name) are cordial, though some harbored resentment or waryness remains on both sides.     Human Nation B's relations are unknown, (at this time)   And Lastly Ilmitar is allied closely with the storm spirits, and they work together to protect newer groups like the dragons who arrive to the world.

Agriculture & Industry

Of any of the other nations, Ilmitar by far produces the most food. From the millenia they have had to develop their agricultural chops, they have converted almost every mile of their continent to fertile, diverse growing soil.    They also produce mass amounts of strong timbers that are very condusive to enchantment. Few species of trees outside of Ilmitar are more enchantable, except for a select few in the southern continent.    Though not as large of a producer of valuable minerals, metals and precious stones as several other countries, many important underground resources are harvested in Ilmitar, for domestic and international use. Chalk especially is a plentiful and valuable resource.    Ilmitar has their fair share of fine craftsmen, though they may not be held at the highest tier of craftsmanship.

Trade & Transport

Ilmitar makes trade with Horomar and Goshe regularily, and for great profit on both sides. Some cautious trades are made, mostly as an open arms political statement with Ociphar and HUman  Nation A. I don't know what human nation B is up to.


Edcuation is overseen by the The Octem of Knowledge and Learning, and the Guild of Knowledge and Learning. Schools have been set up in every city and the large towns, with some village children traveling to larger towns for schooling if they are close.    Language, History, Art and Magic are all vital components of the education system, and magic functions as a bridge between math and art, between the different sides of Wizardry and sorcery, and school is a chance for children to attempt both kinds of magic and see which they prefer/are better at. Some natural science and math are taught as well, but often with magic or business in mind. Other guilds will present in the schools to engage interest from children at different ages, so that they might pursue a career later at a specific Guild-School.


The The Octem of Sanitation  handles all infrustructure, supported by the Guild of Sanitation. Roads, plumbing, sewage communication channels, all are goverened by the guild, but serviced by independent contractors who hold guild membership. Of the guilds the Guild of Sanitation holds elections for the Octem position the most, as different expertise is needed for different problems that arise in the country's government.

Divine Origins

The ancient people who once walked the lands of Earth put their sheep to bed one starry night, and laid to rest in thier camp. They were a nomadic and wandering people, but of a sizeable number of about 2000 individuals in a large encampment. They and their sheep were awoken by a great shaking, and a roaring noise, and when they arose from thier tents the world had changed, the very ground beneath their feet was new, and different. It was green and firtile, not the desert they left behind. The stars in the sky themselves seemed to have been shaken, arranging themselves into new patterns to be learned. Nowhere they knew of still existed, and they were alone in a great wide land. Now, that was long enough ago that modern Ilmitarians do not remember from whence they came. Oral histories, akin to the Illiad remain of a great cataclysm that shook the land and heavens and rearranged the entire earth, but they do not remember their long lost kin of old. Instead they theorise of their origins and creation.     When they did arrive, eventually they met another sentient being, the first emmisary of the Storm Spirits. When they first met a storm spirit they thought it might be a god or an angel, as they are highly intimidating. It was yet unable to communicate by language with them, but it gave them an important gift. The storm spirit gave their leader a glimps of the possibilites of magic, something foriegn to the early families of Ilmitar. This moment would change their entire society and rocket them into more advancement than could be achieved without this power. They created a written language very quickly, and in the next centuries that followed, a civilization was born. The storm spirits would send emmissaries evrey few years to study the language and engage with the humans, teach them of the nature of the world, and yet in time they would retreat back into the storms that raged above.    When the Division of the House of Ethol occured, the storm spirits descended, as this conflict was extremely foreign to them. They were concerned for the sons of Ethol, and were hoping that they were safe. They departed into the skies, now sending one emmisary to the sons who followed Tyr, and one to the sons who followed Ourania, while keeping one assigned to those who dwelled in the house of Ethol and his sons.
We'll put the map here
and geographical divisions here
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Officially, (and perhaps subject to change) Ilmitarian money is called Koi or Coi, and are small bits of crystal in teeny tablet shapes for the more valuable, and smaller polyginal shapes of other valuable crystals for lesser currency. They crystal used is mined only in Ilmitar, and so has a relatively set value, since gold and other currencies based elswhere are constantly fluctuating. Despite this gold is used strategicly when trading with Goshe, as that is a prized asset for them.
Major Exports
Primarily food, Food is sent to Horomar, Goshe, Human B and Ociphar (in exchange for gems). Human nation A has accepted gifts of food in times of famine, though they strive to be independent fully from the rest of the world. Enchanted items are also a common export, as well as magical learning. Lumber is also sent out to Ociphar and Horomar somewhat frequently, and on occasion to Goshe.
Major Imports
Ilmitar imports Silver Steel and seafood from Horomar, as well as certain fibers that are unobtainable from land-based plants. Sometimes they also trade in rare magical ingredients that are ocean based, and oceanic minerals like Manganese.    From Goshe they import spices, all sorts of artisain goods for consumer, magical research, and military purposes. In addition to this Ilmitarian mages are often sent to Goshe, and Dragons to Ilmitar to aid in various joint projects by both governments. Dragons also facilitate Ilmitar's trade with Human Nation B and occasionaly, if upsettingly with Ociphar.    Occaisionally rare gems will be bought in bulk from Ociphar.
Neighboring Nations
Important list of characters?

Articles under The Nation of Ilmitar


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