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Grumir Longhand

Credit to Patrick Beaulieu
Level 9 Dwarf Cleric
Forge Domain

When the Dwarves first dug the North Pit in Kraggenhammen Grumir Longhand was a young Cleric of the Forge. He worshipped the god Reorx and served at the temple in this new Dwarven home. When dwarves started going missing in the north pit and tales started going around of strange and mysterious creatures that lay below, Grumir along with the other Clerics in the temple were tasked by the Jarl (Vali Ironhammer) to investigate and purge the caves of any evil beings that may be inhabiting them. It was when they did not return that the Jarl started to realize something was up and forbid entrance to the north pit. A hundred years passed without much of a though of Grumir Longhand until one day he emerged from the underdark, or at least part of him did. In addition to being a very old dwarf the Grumir that came out of the pit was completely blind, and the (small weapon, maybe a hand axe?) that he always carried was completely black. He was taken to the new Jarl Jorik Granitehand where he babbled on endlessly about creatures with a thousand eyes and women made of flame among other impossible things. This was nothing new, as every dwarf who had come out of the mine had fantastical stories about what lay below. He was deemed insane (and let’s be clear he is mostly insane) and was sent to a house in the east pit to rant to no one in particular. But although everyone always kept it to themselves, they all new that the case of Grumir Longhand was far from normal. For one he got around remarkably well for a blind person. Although it was quite clear that he couldn’t see a foot in front of him no one could ever recall him bumping into his furniture or losing his way when he was out and about. There was also the bit about his age. He would go on to outlast the new Jarl, and the next, and the one after him as well, but never seemed to be any different than the old man that left the north pit all those years ago. It seemed that, whatever happened to him underground not only took his vision, but gave him an exceedingly long life, even for a dwarf. Oh, and he always seemed to know when it was about to rain. For a while after his return Grumir was regarded as some sort of urban legend by the townsfolk, but as time went on, he became known as just that crazy man that lives down the street. While he still insists that everything he says is true, he has become resigned to the fact that no matter how many times he says it (and he will continue to say it quite frequently to anyone nearby for as long as he lives), no one will ever really believe him. And thus, his life goes on in the East pit where he sits on his porch and pours flour on his dead petunias to “help them grow” and scares the children with stories of what lies below. People still come to him often as being a cleric of the forge he is remarkably good at crafting small items, and people will often get him to make a toy horse for their child or trowel so they can tend to their garden. And there he lives to this day.

Motivation: Grumir is often heard ranting that ‘if those ninnies in the Jarlsgard would ever let me back into that Moradin-forsaken pit I’d kill ‘em all”. He would very much like to go back down there to avenge his cleric brethren and almost just as much, to be proven right.

Greatest Fear: While he’s far too crazy to be afraid of much he’s always become quite agitated at the mention of the sea. The dwarves suspect that he never learned to swim and Grumir himself thinks that any fish bigger than his beard is “a creature of Abbathor”. And honestly if I was blind, I’d probably be afraid of large/deep bodies of water too.

Why is he in Kraggenhammen: He has lived there for hundreds of years (see backstory).

Favourite colour: Having only seen black for hundreds of years Grumir has forgotten what the other colours looked like. So when asked he supposes that it must be black then.

Instrumental in the creation of the Gracklstugh-Kraggenhammen alliance, Grumir continued adventuring to his dying days, seeking out what happened to him and what befell his comrades.


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