BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

09. January 24, 2021

General Summary

• The party wanders around the camp, checking in with the various NPCs, and determine that there may have been another way out near the elvish ruins
• Upon arrival, they didn’t find any route, but they managed to find several magical items scattered around.
• In the courtyard of the keep they meet Mush-Mush, a myconid sorcerer travelling the underdark looking for love
• They head back to camp to regroup and attune to their magic items. During this time, Mush-Mush cures a human adventurer who was permanently paralyzed because of an encounter with other Myconids
• The party decided to check Sloobloodop for Mush-Mush's missing lover
• Upon arrival, they are let into the town under escort and are taken to the Shrine of the Deep Father, where they find the kuo-toa making various sacrifices ranging from fresh fish to a gray dwarf.
• The party decided to stop the ritual, grabbing the duergar, casting sunlight to blind the kuo-toa, setting fire to the Deep Father Shrine, and running to the docks to grab a boat.
Report Date
24 Jan 2021


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