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71st Édafos PDF

Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Toughness, +3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Agility, Ballistic Skill, and Perception.

Starting Aptitude: Agility

Starting Skills: Navigate (Surface), Command, Awareness, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Navigate (Surface), and Survival.

Starting Talents: Sprint, Hatred (Choose one†) and Enemy (Choose one†)

Standard Kit: One lascarbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one flak vest and flak helmet per Player Character, two frag grenades and two smoke grenades per Player Character.

1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) with four charge packs or 1 combat shotgun (Main Weapon) with four clips per Player Character, 1 combi-tool per Player Character, 1 data-slate per Player Character, 1 9-70 entrenching tool per Player Character, 1 anointed toolkit per Player Character, 1 lascutter per Squad, 6 demolitions charges per Squad, 1 siege auspex per Squad, and a single Chimera armoured transport per Squad armed with a turret mounted autocannon, a hull-mounted heavy flamer, and a pintle-mounted heavy stubber, as well as a dozer blade and camouflage netting.

An additional uniform for field use to standard kit
Add Survival Suit to standard kit
Add a single advanced medikit to the squad as standard kit
One Respirator

Special: When selecting this doctrine, nominate a single type of terrain — Tundra. When operating in that kind of terrain, characters from a regiment with this Doctrine can re-roll failed Survival and Navigate (Surface) Skill Tests.

Life on the Verge: While frontier worlders are sometimes less refined that members of other regiments, their skills in the field are undeniably useful. Frontier world characters gain the Combat Sense or Quick Draw Talent.

Independent Operation: Frontier worlders are more accustomed to working far from others than many of their counterparts in other regiments. Their activities on their home planet often call for them to range far and wide, often alone, and as a result they develop a sense of confidence in this solace. On the battlefield, this frequently translates into a willingness to strike out beyond the sight of allies, confident that their compatriots will react swiftly to danger. The Comrades of a frontier world character count as being within Cohesion so long as they are within 15 metres of their Player Character.

Distrustful of Authority: Though they are valued for their ability to act independently, frontier worlders can also be difficult to control thanks to this tendency. This can be particularly problematic for newly raised regiments placed under the command of officers from outside, or for regiments merged with others after suffering losses. However, with time and patience, this friction can be overcome by outsiders who prove that they can stand on their own and contribute to the regiment. Frontier world characters tend to distrust outsiders, especially those handing out orders. They suffer a –20 penalty to Interaction Skill Tests made to interact with unfamiliar figures of authority (such as new Commissars, officers from other regiments. Senior members of the Ecclesiarchy and Adeptus Mechanicus, and other such individuals) and impose the same penalty on Interaction Skill Tests made on them by those people. These penalties can be waived at the GM’s discretion, if the frontier world characters are dealing with individuals who have earned their trust.

Starting Wounds: Frontier world characters generate their starting Wounds normally.

Unwilling: This regiment was forcibly conscripted, perhaps at gun point, and its members serve the Imperial Guard only grudgingly. Characters from this regiment suffer a –10 penalty to all Willpower Tests, and all Command Tests to influence members of this regiment (including Comrades) suffer a –10 penalty.

Favoured Basic Weapon: Heavy Bolter
Favoured Heavy Weapon: Mortar



The regiment’s commander is decisive and unyielding, and once set on a course of action he seldom changes his mind. While this is invaluable during many actions his regiment undertakes, it leaves his forces inflexible in the face of changing battlefields.

Cost: 1 points

Starting Skills: Command


Light Infantry

Lightly-equipped infantry units are key to the complex tactical manoeuvres required on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium. Lacking the firepower to effectively fight on the front lines, their talents are better employed in dense terrain, where they can lay ambushes and engage in shortlived skirmishes.

Cost: 2 points

Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Toughness

Starting Skills: Navigate (Surface)

Starting Talents: Sprint

Standard Kit: One lascarbine and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one flak vest and flak helmet per Player Character, two frag grenades and two smoke grenades per Player Character.


The regiment is skilled at surviving in the wilderness, and its soldiers are masters of operating in a particular kind of terrain, normally the one in which they’ve grown up and trained extensively. Hunters and trackers almost without peer, there are few who can escape their pursuit.

Cost: 4 points

Starting Aptitude: Agility

Special: When selecting this doctrine, nominate a single type of terrain—Desert, Jungle, Tundra, Ash Wastes, Urban Ruins, etc. When operating in that kind of terrain, characters from a regiment with this Doctrine can re-roll failed Survival and Navigate (Surface) Skill Tests.


Considered elite among siege regiments, these regiments combine the deadly combat prowess of elite infantry with the cunning and technical acumen of siege engineers. Where the average siege engineer’s mission is more defensive, digging trenches, breaching walls, and building fortifications, a vanguard unit’s mission is more focused on offence and mayhem. These Guardsmen travel deep behind enemy lines, either on foot or mounted in well-equipped Chimeras, to destroy infrastructure, sabotage logistical and communication lines, and cause as many problems for the enemy as they can. Many of their missions are highly classified, and are often carried out in cooperation with Storm Trooper units.

Cost: 6

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) with four charge packs or 1 combat shotgun (Main Weapon) with four clips per Player Character, 1 combi-tool per Player Character, 1 data-slate per Player Character, 1 9-70 entrenching tool per Player Character, 1 anointed toolkit per Player Character, 1 lascutter per Squad, 6 demolitions charges per Squad, 1 siege auspex per Squad, and a single Chimera armoured transport per Squad armed with a turretmounted autocannon, a hull-mounted heavy flamer, and a pintle-mounted heavy stubber, as well as a dozer blade and camouflage netting.


Favoured Basic Weapon: Heavy Bolter
Favoured Heavy Weapon: Mortar

  • An additional uniform for field use to standard kit
  • Add Survival Suit to standard kit
  • Add a single advanced medikit to the squad as standard kit
  • One Respirator


Frontier World

Frontier worlders are rugged survivalists, and many frontier worlds are chosen for the founding of Imperial Guard regiments because of the relentless drive to endure and practical ingenuity that their harsh home worlds breed.

Cost: 4

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Agility, Ballistic Skill, and Perception.

Skills: All frontier world characters start with Awareness, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Navigate (Surface), and Survival.

Life on the Verge: While frontier worlders are sometimes less refined that members of other regiments, their skills in the field are undeniably useful. Frontier world characters gain the Combat Sense or Quick Draw Talent.

Independent Operation: Frontier worlders are more accustomed to working far from others than many of their counterparts in other regiments. Their activities on their home planet often call for them to range far and wide, often alone, and as a result they develop a sense of confidence in this solace. On the battlefield, this frequently translates into a willingness to strike out beyond the sight of allies, confident that their compatriots will react swiftly to danger. The Comrades of a frontier world character count as being within Cohesion so long as they are within 15 metres of their Player Character.

Distrustful of Authority: Though they are valued for their ability to act independently, frontier worlders can also be difficult to control thanks to this tendency. This can be particularly problematic for newly raised regiments placed under the command of officers from outside, or for regiments merged with others after suffering losses. However, with time and patience, this friction can be overcome by outsiders who prove that they can stand on their own and contribute to the regiment. Frontier world characters tend to distrust outsiders, especially those handing out orders. They suffer a –20 penalty to Interaction Skill Tests made to interact with unfamiliar figures of authority (such as new Commissars, officers from other regiments. Senior members of the Ecclesiarchy and Adeptus Mechanicus, and other such individuals) and impose the same penalty on Interaction Skill Tests made on them by those people. These penalties can be waived at the GM’s discretion, if the frontier world characters are dealing with individuals who have earned their trust.

Starting Wounds: Frontier world characters generate their starting Wounds normally.


While most Imperial Guardsmen are proud to serve their Emperor on the field of battle and gladly go to war, this is not always the case. On some worlds that lack proud martial traditions, their tithe of manpower must be forcibly conscripted. Commissars attached to such regiments have an unenviable task, ensuring that these unwilling soldiers fulfil their duties and obey the orders of their officers, who typically are much more inclined to serve. Although few regiments can truly be considered volunteers, this Drawback represents a regiment that truly opposed being drafted into service.

Regiment Points: 3 points

Unwilling: This regiment was forcibly conscripted, perhaps at gun point, and its members serve the Imperial Guard only grudgingly. Characters from this regiment suffer a –10 penalty to all Willpower Tests, and all Command Tests to influence members of this regiment (including Comrades) suffer a –10 penalty.

Regimental Rivalry

Rivalries exist between nearly all units in the Imperial Guard. On the whole, these are mainly friendly rivalries between brothers-in-arms that express themselves in drinking contests, braggadocio, contests of escalation, and even the occasional good-natured brawl. Unfortunately, some regimental rivalries are carried too far and become less a friendly rivalry and more a seething hatred accompanied by an increasingly bitter series of confrontations and betrayals. Regimental rivalries can exist between discreet units within larger regiments such as squads or platoons, or can encompass entire regiments from the Regimental Commander all the way down to the greenest conscript. Regimental rivals take any opportunity to undermine or sabotage one another, stealing supplies, tampering with orders, duelling, spreading lies, and framing opponents for crimes. These rivalries can even, as was the case with the deadly rivalry between the Tanith 1st Light Infantry regiment and the Jantine Patricians during parts of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, go so far as outright betrayal and murder.

Regiment Points: 2

Talents: Hatred (Choose one†) and Enemy (Choose one†)

When selecting this Regimental Drawback, a single Imperial Guard regiment must be chosen. The Hatred and Enemy choices must be the same regiment, and cannot be another unit from the Player Character’s own regiment.

Military, Army Regiment
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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