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Goat Company

Capra Cohors


71st Édafos Planetary Defense Forces Regiment (Colonel Daithí MacMurrough)
3rd Squadron (Lieutenant Colonel Dylan O'Cahan)

Company Command Element

⬤ C Company (CC:3C) (Captain Arwin Korsch)
⬤ 1st Platoon (CC:3C1) (1st Lieutenant Rhys O'Brien)

Command Vehicle Big Boy (CC:3C11-V0)
◒ Vehicle Commander [KIA]
Cpl. Poe
Pvt2. Lassi

Section Command Element

◒ 1st Section (CC:3C1) (Chief Petty Officer Stéphan)
Staff Corporal Deeply
〇 Private Four
〇 Private Five

1st Vehicle

Sexual Tyranosaur (CC:3C11-V1) Vehicle Commander (Sergeant Bateman)
⧋ Driver Lance Corporal Snuffy
〇 Vehicle Gunner Pvt.2nd Isaiah

⊖ Dismounted Team Leader - Machine Gunner Sergeant Biggly
〇 Assistant Machine Gunner - Marksman Lance Corporal Tallywacker
〇 Private Six
〇 Private Seven
〇 Private Eight
〇 Private Nine
〇 Private Ten

2nd Vehicle

Blood Bank (CC:3C11-V2) Vehicle Commander (Staff Sergeant Liam Rearden)
△ Private Two
〇 Private Three

⊖ Dismounted Team Leader Corporal Four
〇 Private Five
〇 Private Six Machine Gunner
〇 Private Seven Assistant Machine Gunner
〇 Private Eight
〇 Private Nine
〇 Private Ten


Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Toughness, +3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Agility, Ballistic Skill, and Perception.

Starting Aptitude: Agility

Starting Skills: Navigate (Surface), Command, Awareness, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Surface), and Survival.

Starting Talents: Sprint, Hatred (New Caliban 1st) and Enemy (New Caliban 1st)

Special: When selecting this doctrine, nominate a single type of terrain — Tundra. When operating in that kind of terrain, characters from a regiment with this Doctrine can re-roll failed Survival and Navigate (Surface) Skill Tests.

Life on the Verge: While frontier worlders are sometimes less refined that members of other regiments, their skills in the field are undeniably useful. Frontier world characters gain the Combat Sense or Quick Draw Talent.

Independent Operation: Frontier worlders are more accustomed to working far from others than many of their counterparts in other regiments. Their activities on their home planet often call for them to range far and wide, often alone, and as a result they develop a sense of confidence in this solace. On the battlefield, this frequently translates into a willingness to strike out beyond the sight of allies, confident that their compatriots will react swiftly to danger. The Comrades of a frontier world character count as being within Cohesion so long as they are within 15 metres of their Player Character.

Distrustful of Authority: Though they are valued for their ability to act independently, frontier worlders can also be difficult to control thanks to this tendency. This can be particularly problematic for newly raised regiments placed under the command of officers from outside, or for regiments merged with others after suffering losses. However, with time and patience, this friction can be overcome by outsiders who prove that they can stand on their own and contribute to the regiment. Frontier world characters tend to distrust outsiders, especially those handing out orders. They suffer a –20 penalty to Interaction Skill Tests made to interact with unfamiliar figures of authority (such as new Commissars, officers from other regiments. Senior members of the Ecclesiarchy and Adeptus Mechanicus, and other such individuals) and impose the same penalty on Interaction Skill Tests made on them by those people. These penalties can be waived at the GM’s discretion, if the frontier world characters are dealing with individuals who have earned their trust.

Starting Wounds: Frontier world characters generate their starting Wounds normally.

Unwilling: This regiment was forcibly conscripted, perhaps at gun point, and its members serve the Imperial Guard only grudgingly. Characters from this regiment suffer a –10 penalty to all Willpower Tests, and all Command Tests to influence members of this regiment (including Comrades) suffer a –10 penalty.

Favoured Basic Weapon: Mk.IV 'Thresher' Support Gun
Favoured Heavy Weapon: Mortar


Standard Player Character Kit

Standard Squad Kit

  • One Lascutter
  • Six Demolitions Charges
  • One Siege Auspex
  • Single Chimera Armoured Transport, armed with turret armament remove to provide additional storage space for survival gear, a hull-mounted heavy flamer or heavy bolter, and a pintle-mounted heavy stubber or Mk.IV 'Thresher' Support Gun, as well as a dozer blade and camouflage netting. Choose between tracks or wheels.
  • A single advanced medikit
  • Vox-Caster
  • Signal Jammer (Cannot make friendly Vox contact while active)
Military, Army Company
Alternative Names
C Company/Capra Cohors
Training Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Related Ethnicities
Goat Company (TTRPG) by Cooledcross

Xéno Édafos Series
Generic article | Jun 14, 2024

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