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Commanding Officer


The regiment’s commander is ill-tempered and paranoid, eternally suspicious of betrayal, and watchful of enemies and allies alike. He regards vigilance as the greatest of virtues, and encourages suspicion and watchfulness amongst his men.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Talents: Paranoia


The regiment’s commander is balanced in his attitudes and careful in his decision-making, yet often overly cautious. His demeanour encourages his men to similarly consider situations before they strike, observing the battlefield before acting.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Talents: Foresight


The regiment’s commander is decisive and leads from the front, taking charge of situations personally, and never afraid to do what he orders his men to do. However, he is quick to anger, and can often be drawn into foolish actions. His men are ever ready for action, and familiar with the rigours of battle.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Talents: Rapid Reaction


The regiment’s commander is decisive and unyielding, and once set on a course of action he seldom changes his mind. While this is invaluable during many actions his regiment undertakes, it leaves his forces inflexible in the face of changing battlefields.

Cost: 1 points

Starting Skills: Command


The regiment’s commander is something of a rebel, regarded as ill-disciplined and unpredictable by his peers, but his attitude and his daring make him beloved by his men, who see their leader as one of them, rather than one of “the officers.” So long as he leads, they will follow him anywhere.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Talents: Resistance (Fear)


The regiment’s commander is careful and introspective, but his will is not what it once was, having suffered greatly in the crucible of war. While loyal, his leadership is hampered by hesitation and pessimism, and his warriors are often forced to rely more on their own initiative in battle, taking charge themselves when their superiors falter.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Talents: Air of Authority


The regiment’s commander is quiet and contemplative, a man of few words. When he does speak, it is with great and solemn purpose, to give commands that have been considered in exacting detail. He does not command loyalty through rhetoric or heroics, but through quiet competence, and his men have learnt to trust in his skill and rely on the chain of command.

Cost: 1 points

Starting Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Common Lore (War)


The regiment’s commander is confident and optimistic, though sometimes too caught up in dreams of glory and triumph. While inspirational to his men with grandiose speeches and heroism, his ambition has often seen them faced with impossible odds, caught up in their commander’s quest for glory, and they must battle hard to survive.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Talents: Die Hard


The regiment’s commander is a devout man, absolutely loyal to the Imperium, but lacking in his own initiative. Incapable of the imagination and daring that gets an officer noticed by his superiors, he serves as little more than their mouthpiece, accepting their commands and passing them on flawlessly to his own men. Bereft of any true command, the men must have faith if they are to survive in the fury of war.

Cost: 1 points

Starting Skills: Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy), Common Lore (Imperial Creed)

Personality Cost
Bilious 2
Circumspect 2
Choleric 2
Fixed 1
Maverick 2
Melancholic 2
Phlegmatic 1
Sanguine 2
Supine 1
OW - Demeanours
Generic article | Oct 10, 2023

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