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Special Equipment Doctrine


The regiment has had long ties with the Adeptus Mechanicus, and though not privy to the many secrets of that organisation, they willingly accept the wisdom of the Priests of Mars. As a testament to this unity, the regiment’s warriors sport many more bionics and augmetics than is typically the case, with veterans often sporting bionics to replace organs and limbs lost to the horrors of war.

Cost: 2 points

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment gains an additional +10 on all Logistics Tests made to obtain bionic replacements and implants.

Automated Artillery

A wide variety of regiments make use of Tarantula Sentry Guns, using these automated artillery pieces to supplement their own offensive capabilities or to provide additional defence. While sentry guns are especially prized by regiments that are understrength or engaged in seemingly endless wars of attrition or urban campaigns, they also find use supplementing manual artillery pieces or fortifying a drop-trooper beachhead.

Cost: 2 points

Standard Regimental Kit: One Tarantula Sentry Gun per Squad.

Bicycle Troops

Though less common than other forms of mounted infantry, bicycle troops are useful in urban environments or on extremely rough terrain, where the small size of their vehicles can allow them to cover surprising amounts of distance. The added logistical benefits of bicycles, which require no fuel and little maintenance, often appeals to guerilla or reconnaissance units as well.

Cost: 2 points

Standard Regimental Kit: One Bicycle, One anointed maintenance kit, One spare tire per Player Character.

Bonded to the Machine Cult

This regiment is bonded to the Tech-Priesthood of Mars by ancient decree. The regiment’s home world maintains close ties with the Adeptus Mechanicus, producing advanced weaponry that is usually the purview only of the forge worlds. Consequently, the regiment is able to obtain such weapons more easily either from their home world or even directly from the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Cost: 3 points

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment gains an additional +10 on all Logistics Tests to obtain Plasma, Melta, and Power weapons, and other items of advanced technology at the GM’s discretion.


A variety of specialised equipment is available for use by siege regiments and other Imperial Guard forces assigned to attack enemy fortifications. Some specialized combat engineer, sappers, or assault units are granted the use of a Hades Breaching Drill to tunnel under enemy lines or undermine existing, enemy-held tunnels or fortifications. Such work can be extremely dangerous, both for the desperate close-quarters fighting that inevitably results and for the lack of structural stability of such tunnels.

Cost: 2 points

Standard Regimental Kit: One Hades Breaching Drill per Squad.

Cavalry Mounts

Each member of the regiment has a personal mount such as a horse, Grox, or other riding beast (see Mount Profiles on page 138). Along with the mount, the trooper has all the necessary equipment or “tack” required for riding and fighting from their mount, items such as saddles, saddlebags, hobbles, bit and bridle, harnesses, armour, and the like. Troopers are responsible for the care and feeding of their mounts, and typically form a bond with their animal as deep and lasting as between other types of Guardsmen and their squad mates.

Cost: 5

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 riding beast per Player Character, 1 saddle per Player Character, 1 saddle blanket per Player Character, 1 set of bit and bridle (or equivalent) per Player Character, 2 saddle bags per Player Character, 2 weeks’ rations for the mount. Any barding or other mount armour varies by regiment.


The regiment’s duties require them to move unseen across the battlefield, and for this reason, they have been equipped with colour-shifting chameleoline, which helps them blend in with their surroundings.

Cost: 3 points

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment is equipped with either chameleoline cloaks or chameleoline-coated armour.

Combat Drugs

Commonly given to Penal Legions and other units whomay require additional encouragement to fight their hardest, combat drugs can provide the additional psychological or physical kick needed to spur a unit to action.

Cost: 2 points

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment adds an injector or inhaler and three doses of frenzon or five doses of stimm. Additional doses must be obtained through requisition or additional standard kit items.

Covert Strike

This regiment’s missions require them to operate well behind enemy lines, often amongst the enemy soldiers themselves, and their equipment reflects their need for speed, stealth, and flexibility.

Cost: 5

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 suit of synskin per Player Character, 1 set of preysense goggles per Player Character.

Special: Members of this regiment gain a +10 bonus to all Logistics Tests made to acquire chameleoline cloaks or armour, clip/drop harnesses, rebreathers, survival suits, auspex/scanners, demolitions charges, grav chutes, multikeys, multicompasses, stummers, static generators, and any other such equipment designed for stealth and infiltration. The Logistics bonus also covers the following stealth weapons: needle rifles, needle pistols, and sniper rifles, as well as the Silencer and Tox Dispenser upgrades.


This regiment has very close ties with the Adeptus Mechanicus, or perhaps is even of the Lathe Worlds. In either case, the regiment believes in the superiority of the machine over flesh, and its members gladly accept the blessings of the Omnissiah to replace their biological parts. From bionic limbs to enhanced senses, these cybernetic enhancements serve to increase the regiment’s abilities in battle.

Cost: 3 points

Standard Regimental Kit: All characters in this regiment begin with two Common-Craftsmanship cybernetics or one Good-Craftsmanship cybernetic (the specific cybernetics are subject to the GM’s approval).


Destruction is the unit’s calling, and they are equipped and trained to follow that calling, with access to a variety of explosive munitions.

Cost: 3 points

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment gains a +10 bonus on all Logistics Tests made to obtain grenades, missiles, explosives, and special tank ammunition.

Electro-Vox Warfare

Requiring an in-depth knowledge of the ins and outs of battlefield communication such as broadcast frequencies, electronic attack, cryptography, power generation, maintenance, and the dizzying array of communications gear fielded across the galaxy, electronic warfare is typically the purview of Operators, Tech-Priest Enginseers, and the occasional astute and tech-savvy Guardsman. No matter where they fight, these Guardsmen are equipped with some of the most sophisticated listening and broadcasting equipment issued by the Departmento Munitorum.

Cost: 4

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 data-slate per Player Character, 1 micro-bead per Player Character, 1 anointed electronics toolkit per Player Character, 2 auspex/scanners per Squad, 2 static generators per Squad, 1 vox-caster per Squad, 1 signal jammer per Squad.

Forward Observation

Forward Observers use stealth, speed, and knowledge of navigation and survival to observe the enemy and call in air strikes, orbital bombardment, or artillery barrages. This unit excels in directing indirect fire, and their special load-out helps them ensure their colleagues in the air and behind the lines hit what they are aiming for.

Cost: 4

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 pair of magnoculars per Player Character, 1 chameleoline cloak per Player Character, 1 handheld targeter per Player Character, and 2 pict recorders per Squad.

Ogryn Weapons

For regiments raised from Ogryn home worlds, or regiments that include a sizeable contingent of Ogryn auxilia amongst their number, it is vital that these hulking abhumans have access to appropriate weapons. Such regiments often attempt to reach a special understanding with the Departmento Munitorum so as to assure the availability of weapons suitable for use by Ogryns.

Cost: 1 point

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment gains an additional +10 on all Logistics Tests to obtain items with the Ogryn- Proof Weapon Quality. In addition, Ogryn characters in the regiment may add a Common Craftsmanship ripper gun and two clips (Main Weapon) to their kit, if it does not already include one.


For truly pious regiments, there is no greater honour than to carry a holy reliquary into battle. While most often seen amongst shrine world regiments, Ecclesiarchy support elements attached to other regiments might sometimes arrange for the presence of a reliquary to inspire the troops or in recognition of their righteousness on the battlefield.

Cost: 1 point

Standard Regimental Kit: One reliquary per squad. The reliquary might take any number of forms, from a simple wooden box to an elaborate triptych or golden sarcophagus. What is important however, is the reliquary’s contents—either some portion of the bodily remains of a saint or another object of great religious significance for the worshipers of the Emperor. Depending on the reliquary’s size, it might take only a single person to carry, or five or more, but typically two characters (including Comrades) must carry it. As long as the reliquary remains in the Squad’s possession, all Squad Members gain a +10 bonus to Willpower Tests and count as possessing the Unshakeable Faith Talent. In addition, the Player Characters reduce all Corruption Points gained by 1 to a minimum of 1.

Sabre Battery

A favorite of line infantry regiments, regiments specializing in anti-aircraft work, and elite regiments with low numbers, Sabre Defence Platforms allow a single Guardsman to man two or more heavy weapons, and even engage aerial targets. Such platforms are also sometimes used by artillery regiments, siege regiments, and others likely to remain stationary, as the platforms are immobile once set up, and dismantling them is a time-consuming affair. This lack of mobility means that Guardsmen issued with Sabres are expected to defend key objectives, holding their ground against all odds with no option for retreat. In these cases, the issuing of Sabre Defence Platforms is seen not so much as a blessing as a death sentence.

Cost: 3 points

Standard Regimental Kit: One Sabre Defence Platform per Player Character.


Some regard the strict rationing, draconian regulations, and complex bureaucracy of the Departmento Munitorum as needless restrictions upon the capabilities of the Imperial Guard. Others seek personal gain, or simply steal out of habit or necessity. Whatever the reason, the regiment is populated with those who steal and scavenge additional equipment from the battlefield.

Cost: 3 points

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment may choose to gain a +10 bonus on any Logistics Test. However, on any test where this bonus is used, if any doubles are rolled (22, 33, 44, etc.) whether the Test was a success or a failure, then the scavenging and stealing attracts unwanted attention from higher authorities within the Imperial Guard or the Departmento Munitorum.

Servitor Accompaniment

Regiments with close ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus are sometimes known to make extensive use of servitors, bolstering squads with these hardy and fearless soldiers. Such regiments might also rely on their Tech-Priest Enginseers to ensure that mortally wounded Guardsmen continue to fight on in the Emperor’s name, although fighting alongside a lobotomised cyborg with the face of a former friend can inevitably cause morale problems.

Cost: 2 points

Standard Regimental Kit: Characters in this regiment may select Servitor Comrades (see page 121) for their Comrades.

Ski Troops

This regiment is specially trained to operate with high mobility in snow or icy conditions, using skis to move at great speeds over terrain that would normally be impassable to infantry on foot. Such regiments favor fit and healthy soldiers - an unfit skiier is a dead skiier on a battlefield.

Cost: 2 points

Standard Regimental Kit: One pair of Skis, One pair of Ski Poles, One Survival Suit per Player Character.


Considered elite among siege regiments, these regiments combine the deadly combat prowess of elite infantry with the cunning and technical acumen of siege engineers. Where the average siege engineer’s mission is more defensive, digging trenches, breaching walls, and building fortifications, a vanguard unit’s mission is more focused on offence and mayhem. These Guardsmen travel deep behind enemy lines, either on foot or mounted in well-equipped Chimeras, to destroy infrastructure, sabotage logistical and communication lines, and cause as many problems for the enemy as they can. Many of their missions are highly classified, and are often carried out in cooperation with Storm Trooper units.

Cost: 6

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) with four charge packs or 1 combat shotgun (Main Weapon) with four clips per Player Character, 1 combi-tool per Player Character, 1 data-slate per Player Character, 1 9-70 entrenching tool per Player Character, 1 anointed toolkit per Player Character, 1 lascutter per Squad, 6 demolitions charges per Squad, 1 siege auspex per Squad, and a single Chimera armoured transport per Squad armed with a turretmounted autocannon, a hull-mounted heavy flamer, and a pintle-mounted heavy stubber, as well as a dozer blade and camouflage netting.

Warrior Weapons

Warriors from primitive worlds are often ill-suited to serve on firing lines, their savage demeanour making them a poor choice to wield a lasgun. Such warriors often serve the Imperial Guard in other ways, armed with swords, axes, and mauls, to cut the enemy apart in close quarters.

Cost: 3 points

Starting Skills: Parry

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment exchanges their Main Weapon for a Common (or more available) Low-Tech weapon and a laspistol with two charge packs.


The regiment has been marked as a supply priority by the Munitorum, keeping them well-supplied with ammunition, food, medical equipment, and other consumables. Wellprovisioned regiments tend to be those expected to face the worst of the fighting, with regular resupply to allow them to remain at fighting strength for far longer.
Cost: 3 points
Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment increases the number of clips for their main ranged weapon and the number of weeks’ rations they carry as standard by +2, and gain an additional grenade of each type in their standard kit (if applicable). If the regiment contains vehicles, this also grants a +10 bonus on all Logistics tests to obtain fuel and parts for repairing and maintaining those vehicles.
Special Equipment Doctrine Cost
Augmetics 2
Automated Artillery 2
Bicycle Troops 2
Bonded to the Machine Cult 3
Breachers 2
Cavalry Mounts 5
Chameleoline 3
Combat Drugs 2
Covert Strike 5
Cyber-Enhanced 3
Demolitions 3
Electro-Vox Warfare 4
Forward Observation 4
Ogryn Weapons 1
Reliquary 1
Sabre Battery 3
Scavengers 3
Servitor Accompaniment 2
Ski Troops 2
Vanguard 6
Warrior Weapons 3
Well-Provisioned 3

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