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Training Doctrines


Using man-portable surface to air launchers, dedicated antiaircraft emplacements, and armoured vehicles like the Hydra flak tank, these eagle eyed Guardsmen keep the skies clear of enemy aerospace craft and flying beasts of all varieties. Whether assigned to a static anti-air battery protecting a field command centre or aboard a Hydra protecting an infantry regiment from the wanton depredations of Ork fightas, antiaircraft regiments are a very important part of the Imperial Guard’s order of battle.

Cost: 4 points

Starting Aptitude: Ballistic Skill

Starting Talent: Storm of Iron

Special: Members of Anti-Aircraft regiments gain an additional +10 bonus to their Ballistic Skill to hit airborne targets such as aircraft, ships, and flying creatures.


This regiment specialises in disabling and destroying enemy armoured vehicles. Typically composed of light or line infantry, they are instilled with an encyclopaedic knowledge of enemy armour and equipped with rocket and missile launchers, anti-tank mines, melta guns, and other destructive devices. These Guardsmen are frequently deployed on foot or mounted in a Chimera and can cripple an enemy’s armoured advance or mechanised units with nothing but a few well placed missiles.

Cost: 4 points

Starting Skill: Common Lore (Tech)

Starting Talent: Tank Hunter

Special: Due to their special training and their encyclopaedic knowledge of enemy armoured vehicles and their strengths and weaknesses, Anti-Armour regiments are unparalleled tankkillers. Members of Anti-Armour regiments add an additional amount to the Penetration of their weapons equal to their Degrees of Success on the attack roll when attacking vehicles.

Child Soldiers

Ether this regiment's homeworld has a low minimum recruiting age, or is so despite for manpower that it will conscript anyone; regardless, the regiment is mostly composed of child soldiers. Children are Small, nimble and many notice things that adults don't, of course, but they may not be prepared for the realities of war in the 41st millennium.

All Infantry Specialist characters in this Regiment are considered to be children. Characters from this regiment cannot be Support Specialists - the rules for Mixed Regiments must be employed to generate Support Specialists for this regiment.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Traits: Size (3)

Starting Talent: Hardy

Childish Innocence: Children characters take a -20 penalty to resist and social tests from adults or authority figures. They gain their first Mental Disorder after passing 20 Insanity, instead of 40.

Quick Learner: Children characters reduce the cost of all XP expenditures by 50 until they hit their first milestone to switch Specialty.

Close Order Drill

The regiment has trained long and hard to operate in close formations, fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with their comrades. These close formations can respond quickly with overwhelming force, moving as a single entity, rather than a group of individuals.

Cost: 2 points

Talents: Combat Formation or Double Team

Close-Quarters Battle

The deadly, winding underhive of Scintilla, endless mine shafts and tunnels deep below a planet’s surface, and the narrow corridors of a towering hab block: these are just a few examples of the environs where a close quarters battle regiment shines. Lightly armoured and armed with carbines, bullpups, and other short-barrelled weapons along with numerous deadly melee weapons, close quarters specialists are trained to move and fight effectively in confined spaces. These Guardsmen tend to be reckless enough to fight the vicious enemies of the Imperium up close, and perceptive and skilled enough to survive doing so—until their luck runs out, at least.

Cost: 5 points

Starting Talent: Double Team or Combat Master

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 lascarbine (Main Weapon) with four charge packs and the Compact modification per Player Character, 1 mono knife per Player Character, 1 suit of light carapace armour per Player Character.

Special: Members of regiments that specialise in Close Quarters Battle gain an additional +10 bonus to all Ballistic Skill Tests made at Point-Blank Range.


While all Imperial Guardsmen are faithful to the Emperor, this is more true for some than others. The most zealous adherents to the Imperial Creed see their duty as soldiers of the Imperial Guard not only taking up arms to defend the Imperium, but as part of a holy crusade to cleanse these enemies from the very stars. Such regiments are invariably accompanied by Ministorum priests, preachers, and confessors, these fiery priests exalting the soldiers to ever greater feats in the Emperor’s holy name.

Cost: 3 points

Characteristics: +2 Weapon Skill

Starting Talents: Frenzy and Hatred (Choose one) or Peer (Ecclesiarchy)

Defenders of the Faith

This regiment is closely tied to the Adeptus Ministorum, the galaxy-spanning Ecclesiarchy that teaches the Imperial Truth and leads the worship of the Most Holy Emperor. This regiment is particularly pious in its devotions, and is sure to be accompanied by preachers, confessors, and other warriors representing the Ecclesiarchy. In battle, the soldiers of this regiment fight valiantly under the watchful eyes of the Ecclesiarchy and, should they be so blessed, the Emperor Himself.

Cost: 2

Characteristics: +3 Willpower

Starting Skills: Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy), Common Lore (Imperial Creed)

Starting Talents: Unshakeable Faith

Defenders of the Omnissiah

This regiment is closely associated with the Adeptus Mechanicus. It might hail from a technologically advanced hive world or orbital station, or even one of the Lathe Worlds of the Calixis sector. Due to their lifelong exposure, soldiers from this regiment are much more comfortable with technology than most regiments would consider healthy, and quickly adapt to new technologies given the opportunity.

Cost: 3 points

Starting Aptitude: Tech


This regiment specialises in demolitions work, relying on powerful explosives and their precise application to bring down enemy fortifications or even to destroy vehicles or infantry formations. This doctrine could represent specialised siege training, or adapted skills from a mining background. Demolitionists often earn a reputation for recklessness, but usually maintain that their success and continued time amongst the living shows that they are, in fact, quite cautious and methodical in their work.

Cost: 4 points

Characteristics: +2 Intelligence

Starting Skills: Tech-Use, Operate (Surface)

Starting Talents: Nerves of Steel

Standard Regimental Kit: One Cyclops demolition vehicle per Squad, and one respirator and one-kg demolition charge per Squad Member.

Special: Due to their training and experience, characters from a demolitionists regiment gain an additional +10 bonuses to Tech-Use Tests made for the Demolitions special use of the Skill.


The regiment is unyielding in the face of adversity, and will not falter amidst the fury of battle, no matter the horrors arrayed against them.

Cost: 3 points

Starting Aptitude: Toughness

Favoured Foe

The regiment’s home world has long been assailed by one of the myriad enemies of Mankind, and its troops have learned the hard way the most effective ways to slay that enemy. Without mercy and without fear, they relish opportunities to bring death to their traditional foe.

Cost: 3 points

Starting Skills: Forbidden Lore (choose one†)

Starting Talents: Hatred (choose one†)

When selecting this doctrine, a single enemy of the Imperium must be selected. The choice of Forbidden Lore speciality and Hatred must both reflect this choice of enemy.

Hardened Fighters

The regiment’s warriors are vicious up close, deadly in melee as well as at range. Armed with the tools of their grim trade, they are not afraid to face their enemies in single combat, and feel the hot blood of the freshly-slain on their skin.

Cost: 2 points

Characteristics: +2 Weapon Skill

Starting Talents: Street Fighting

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment can either replace its standard melee weapon with a Common (or more available) Low-Tech Weapon, or apply the mono upgrade to its standard melee weapon.

Heavy Lancers

These soldiers are powerful units usually mounted on massive, powerful, fleet-footed beasts bred for the charge. Heavily armed and armoured, even the beasts they ride frequently wear thick protective plates to turn aside the blasts, bolts, and blades of the enemy. Such warriors specialise in breaking infantry lines, destroying vehicles, and demoralising nearly any foe. A terror to behold with their hunting lances levelled at full tilt, a lance charge ranks as one of the most awe-inspiring sights on the battlefield.
Cost: 5 points

Aptitude: Weapon Skill

Starting Talent: Unstoppable Charge

Standard Regimental Kit: 1 mono great spear (a great weapon) or 1 hunting lance per Player Character.

Special: Heavy Lancers excel at the charge and train extensively for this purpose. Members of a Heavy Lancer regiment increase the distance their Mounts can move as part of a Crushing Charge Mounted Special Action by a number of metres equal to twice the Mount’s Agility Bonus (see page 132).


This regiment uses stealth, cunning, and every ruse de guerre known to military science to sow fear and havoc among the enemies of the Imperium. Well versed in clandestine warfare, infiltrators carry out missions that most hardened Storm Troopers would not undertake lightly.

Cost: 4 points

Starting Skill: Stealth

Starting Talents: Blind Fighting

Special: Infiltrators are extremely adept at slipping past the enemy, and use every distraction and dirty trick in the book to this end. When two or more characters from a Squad with this Doctrine are called upon to make a Stealth Test, one of the characters making the Test may choose to make his Test at a –10 penalty. If he succeeds, one other character making the Test may use the first character’s Agility Characteristic for the Test instead of his own. The characters must be within 10 metres of one another to use this ability.

Iron Discipline

The regiment is well-known for its unyielding devotion to duty and absolute loyalty to superiors. No man will hesitate to act when ordered, nor will they falter when carrying out those orders. The expectations of the common infantryman, however, are such that shouldering the burden of command is to take on a great and solemn responsibility, and only the humblest and most serious-minded of officers can be entrusted with warriors so devoted.

Cost: 3 points

Starting Aptitude: Willpower

Long Riders

Cost: 1

Starting Talent: Long Rider: Add +1 Movement to the mount for Narrative Movement purposes.

Mounted Reconnaissance

Cost: 2

Starting skill: Stealth and Awareness

Starting equipment: Magnoculors

Quick Mounters

Cost: 2

Starting Talent: Service Ready: Half the time to mount or dismount from a mount.


This regiment specialises in combat engineer duties, including erecting fortifications, building bridges and other structures, demolitions work, setting or clearing minefields, and tunnelling under enemy emplacements. While the soldiers lack the knowledge and ability of Tech-Priest Enginseers, they are trained to construct, build, and fortify, although they perform such tasks almost purely by rote. The Imperial Guard utilised many prefabricated structures, designed to be erected and emplaced with minimal time and skill.
Sappers often go beyond the theoretical limits of their duties and abilities, learning to use whatever is to hand when resources become scarce. While such actions might violate Departmento Munitorum edicts, they are often overlooked by officers so long as the results are worthwhile.

Cost: 3 points

Characteristics: +2 Intelligence

Starting Skills: Security, Tech-Use, Trade (Technomat)

Starting Talents: Technical Knock

Standard Regimental Kit: One lascutter per Player Character.

Special: Sappers are trained to both build and disassemble fortifications, undermine walls, and similar duties. Characters from this regiment gain a +10 bonus to Tech- Use and Trade (Technomat) Tests to construct or disassemble a structure.


The regiment has a well-earned reputation for producing deadly marksmen, and every soldier is expected to be able to demonstrate great proficiency with a lasgun, at the very least. Such regiments commonly produce some of the finest snipers in the Imperial Guard, and even the common soldier can be relied upon to fell foe after foe with a storm of precise shots.

Cost: 4 points

Starting Aptitude: Ballistic Skill

Starting Talents: Deadeye Shot

Shock Trample

Cost: 2

Starting Talent: Trampler: When making a Rearing Strike Action against a foe that’s one or more sizes smaller than the mount, the Survival test becomes one a -10.

Shock Knock-down

Cost: 2

Starting Talent: Knock ‘em off: When making a Crushing Charge Action add +10 to the opposed Strength test.


Typically mounted on small, fierce, agile creatures, some regiments are specialise in using cover, terrain, weather, and darkness to shroud their movements. Skirmishers are trained to use every advantage to stealthily approach their quarry then overwhelm them in a single cascading assault. Once they strike, they disappear as quickly as they arrive, leaving shattered and confused enemy troops in their wake.

Cost: 4 points

Starting Aptitude: Agility

Starting Talent: Skilled Rider or Ambush

Special: Skirmishers are adept at using terrain and the speed of their mounts to devastating effect, and are masters of strikeand- fade tactics. When member of a Skirmisher regiment hits a Surprised or Unaware target as part of a Strike and Fade Mounted Special Action, he increases the distance his Mount can move after the attack by a number of metres equal to his Mount’s Agility Bonus (see page 134).


Some light infantry or reconnaissance regiments specialise in eliminating their enemies from a distance. Utilising the long las or sniper rifle, the soldiers of this regiment hone their abilities to strike at range, preferably neutralising their targets without ever revealing their own presence. Regiments raised from Ratling home worlds are almost invariably trained and equipped as snipers rather than with the lasguns of normal infantry regiments.

Cost: 2 points

Characteristics: +2 Ballistic Skill

Starting Talents: Marksman

Standard Regimental Kit: One long las and 4 charge packs or one sniper rifle and four clips per Player Character (Main Weapon).


The regiment is skilled at surviving in the wilderness, and its soldiers are masters of operating in a particular kind of terrain, normally the one in which they’ve grown up and trained extensively. Hunters and trackers almost without peer, there are few who can escape their pursuit.

Cost: 4 points

Starting Aptitude: Agility

Special: When selecting this doctrine, nominate a single type of terrain—Desert, Jungle, Tundra, Ash Wastes, Urban Ruins, etc. When operating in that kind of terrain, characters from a regiment with this Doctrine can re-roll failed Survival and Navigate (Surface) Skill Tests.
Training DoctrineCost
Anti-Aircraft 4
Anti-Armour 4
Child Soldiers 2
Close Order Drill 2
Close Quarters Battle 5
Crusaders 3
Defenders of the Faith 2
Defenders of the Omnissiah 3
Demolitionists 4
Die-Hards 3
Favoured Foe 3
Hardened Fighters 2
Heavy Lancers 5
Infiltrators 4
Iron Discipline 3
Long Riders 1
Mounted Reconnaissance 2
Quick Mounters 2
Sappers 3
Sharpshooters 4
Shock Trample 2
Shock Knock-down 2
Skirmishers 4
Snipers 2
Survivalists 4

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