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Satin Twilight

Anto Twilight



The regiment’s commander is confident and optimistic, though sometimes too caught up in dreams of glory and triumph. While inspirational to his men with grandiose speeches and heroism, his ambition has often seen them faced with impossible odds, caught up in their commander’s quest for glory, and they must battle hard to survive.

Cost: 2 points

Starting Talents: Die Hard


Close Assault Regiment

While comparatively rare compared to other types of infantry regiment, the Imperial Guard does raise and maintain regiments dedicated to close-quarters combat and brutal assaults. Such regiments typically come from technologically primitive worlds, where melee combat is the order of the day, but might also come from the ranks of hive gangs, post-cataclysmic worlds, or anywhere else where the inhabitants display a propensity for melee combat or close-range fire-fights. In some cases, these regiments are equipped with a transport vehicle to get them close to the enemy as quickly as possible while protecting them from enemy fire. Others, particularly those from primitive origins, are instead assigned to warzones that utilise their talents without the need to cross open terrain, such as the depths of hives, the ruins of cities, mining tunnels, or dense jungle.

Cost: 3 points

Characteristics: +3 Weapon Skill, –3 Intelligence

Starting Skills: Dodge or Parry

Starting Talents: Lightning Reflexes

Standard Regimental Kit: One combat shotgun and four reloads or one great weapon or two one-handed low-tech weapons per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, three frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character.

Special: At a cost of an additional 2 Regiment Creation points, the regiment can add a Chimera Armoured Transport or other transport vehicle (at the GM’s discretion) per Squad to its Standard Regimental Kit.

Hardened Fighters

The regiment’s warriors are vicious up close, deadly in melee as well as at range. Armed with the tools of their grim trade, they are not afraid to face their enemies in single combat, and feel the hot blood of the freshly-slain on their skin.

Cost: 2 points

Characteristics: +2 Weapon Skill

Starting Talents: Street Fighting

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment can either replace its standard melee weapon with a Common (or more available) Low-Tech Weapon, or apply the mono upgrade to its standard melee weapon.

Warrior Weapons

Warriors from primitive worlds are often ill-suited to serve on firing lines, their savage demeanour making them a poor choice to wield a lasgun. Such warriors often serve the Imperial Guard in other ways, armed with swords, axes, and mauls, to cut the enemy apart in close quarters.

Cost: 3 points

Starting Skills: Parry

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment exchanges their Main Weapon for a Common (or more available) Low-Tech weapon and a laspistol with two charge packs.


It is a sad fact that the men and women trained and equipped by the Departmento Munitorum frequently turn their weapons and training against the Imperium. Though knowledge of such treachery might be suppressed, misrepresented, or used as a propaganda tool depending on circumstances, it is an unavoidable fact that squads, platoons, and even entire regiments of the Imperial Guard can and do betray the Imperium. This regiment has done just that—forsaking its vows to defend the Imperium and turning against all it swore to protect. Whether due to some misguided sense of justice, devotion to the Ruinous Powers, or a tragic misunderstanding, this regiment has been declared traitorous by the Imperium, found guilty of the unforgivable sin. The regiment can never again turn to the Departmento Munitorum for aid or supplies, and is now hunted by the very army it once served. This drawback can also represent a treacherous planetary defence force, such as those which form the bulk of the Severan Dominate’s forces on the Spinward Front. GMs and players should think carefully when selecting this Regimental Drawback, as it fundamentally changes the nature of an Only War campaign. Rather than fighting alongside the Imperial Guard, the regiment will fight against the Imperium. The exact form of the regiment’s battles depends on what allegiance they do hold, if any.

At the GM’s discretion, he can apply this Regimental Drawback to a regiment or even a single Squad within a regiment after creation, representing in-game events. In this case, the regiment does not receive additional Regiment Creation points.

Regiment Points: 5 points

Enemies of the Imperium: This regiment cannot turn to the Departmento Munitorum for supplies. To represent the added difficulties of scrounging, stealing, or obtaining supplies through whatever treacherous organisation to which the regiment now belongs, the regiment begins with a Logistics Rating of 0 and suffers a –10 penalty to Logistics Tests. The GM may, at his discretion, modify this value to represent the resources of any group to which the regiment has sworn allegiance. In addition, characters from this regiment cannot purchase the Munitorum Influence Talent, although the GM may, at his discretion, make a functionally equivalent Talent available in its place (such as Severan Dominate Influence).

Starting Talents: Enemy (Imperial Guard) plus one Peer Talent appropriate to the regiment’s situation.


Favored Weapon: Autogun
Favored Heavy Weapon: Heavy Stubber

Improve a single item of standard kit wargear from Common Craftsmanship to Best Craftsmanship



The penitent are not those born of a single type of world, but rather those of a particular mind-set. While all the Imperium lives in the Emperor’s service, the penitent are those who eagerly give their deaths as well. Willing martyrs all, the penitent fight to demonstrate their zeal or to show their contrition for the sins of the past. The penitent may be from Shrine Worlds, or the masses of pilgrims who cross the Imperium, while others hail from worlds where some ancient crime demands countless generations of absolution. In all cases, the penitent are savagely pious, seeking to bring death in the Emperor’s name, or die trying.

Cost: 3 points.

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Fellowship, Toughness, Willpower.

Skills: All penitent characters start with Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) Forbidden Lore (Heresy), Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Intimidate, and Linguistics (Low Gothic, Chaos Marks).

The Blood of Martyrs: The penitent do not regard death in the Emperor’s service as anything to fear, and face the prospect of righteous sacrifice gladly. Penitent characters start with one of the following Talents: Nerves of Steel, Orthoproxy, or Unshakeable Faith.

Only One Life to Give: So driven to martyrdom are the penitent, that it can drive them to take unnecessary risks, lamenting that they can only sacrifice themselves once. Penitent characters must pass an Ordinary (+10) Willpower Test in order to retreat from combat or otherwise act in the interests of self-preservation.

Untempered Zeal: The pious spirit of the penitent is almost unmatched in its ferocity, and while their faith is closer to the violent ardour of the fanatic than the divine clarity of the Adepta Sororitas, it is nonetheless inspiring to behold. Penitent characters may re-roll any failed Charm Test to inspire religious fervour or righteous hatred in others.

Starting Wounds: Penitent characters increase their starting Wounds by +2.

Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
Anto Twilight
Predecessor Organizations
Successor Organizations
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities
Holy Fury (TTRPG) by Cooledcross
Watcher in the Dark (TTRPG) by Cooledcross

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