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Screeching Company

Kalaten Jorn — Rapid Reaction Talent
Sarolius Fulaz — Foresight Talent
Gikha Kagenn — Resistance (Fear) Talent

Starting Characteristics: +3 Strength, –3 Intelligence, +3 Willpower.
+3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Agility, Fellowship, and Perception.

Starting Skills: Athletics, Common Lore (Slaanesh Cult), Common Lore (Imperial Creed), Parry, Common Lore (Imperium), Deceive, and Linguistics (Low Gothic).

Starting Talents: Rapid Reload, Unshakeable Faith, Enemy (Imperial Guard), Peer (Slaanesh Cult).
One of the following Talents; Heightened Senses (Hearing), Paranoia, or Unremarkable.

Wounds: -1
  Per Player Character.

Standard Regimental Kit: May exchange their Main Weapon for a Common (or more available) Low-Tech weapon and a Laspistol/Autopistol with two charge packs/ammo clips (eg. Axe, Knife, Spear, Sword, Truncheon, Warknife).

Accustomed to Crowds: Hive worlders grow up surrounded by crowds, and they are used to weaving through even the densest mobs with ease. Crowds do not count as Difficult Terrain for hive worlders, and when Running or Charging through a dense crowd, hive worlders take no penalty to Agility Tests to keep their feet.

Hivebound: Hive worlders seldom endure the horrors of the open sky or suffer the indignities of the great outdoors. Whilst outside of an enclosed or artificial environment (such as a hive city, starship or similar), they suffer a –10 penalty to all Survival Tests, due to their continued unfamiliarity with such places.

Improve a single item of standard kit wargear from Common Craftsmanship to Best Craftsmanship.
The option to replace a M36 Lasgun with a Combat Shotgun and 4 clips.
One item of Very Rare quality (eg. Boltgun and 4 clips).


Line Infantry

The backbone of the Imperial Guard, line infantry form the bulk of every battle line, the core of every assault, and the heart of every defence. The humble, doughty, and loyal infantryman is the subject of countless propaganda picts and inspirational murals across the Imperium. They form the iconic image of the Imperial Guard for most Imperial citizens, and for good reason. It is a rare battlefield that is not graced by the presence of line infantry.

Cost: 2 point

Characteristics: +3 Strength, –3 Intelligence

Starting Skills: Athletics

Starting Talents: Rapid Reload

Standard Kit: One M36 lasgun and four charge packs per Player Character (Main Weapon), one suit of Imperial Guard flak armour per Player Character, two frag grenades and two krak grenades per Player Character.

Defenders of the Faith

This regiment is closely tied to the Adeptus Ministorum, the galaxy-spanning Ecclesiarchy that teaches the Imperial Truth and leads the worship of the Most Holy Emperor. This regiment is particularly pious in its devotions, and is sure to be accompanied by preachers, confessors, and other warriors representing the Ecclesiarchy. In battle, the soldiers of this regiment fight valiantly under the watchful eyes of the Ecclesiarchy and, should they be so blessed, the Emperor Himself.

Cost: 2

Characteristics: +3 Willpower

Starting Skills: Common Lore (Slaanesh Cult), Common Lore (Imperial Creed)

Starting Talents: Unshakeable Faith

Warrior Weapons

Warriors from primitive worlds are often ill-suited to serve on firing lines, their savage demeanour making them a poor choice to wield a lasgun. Such warriors often serve the Imperial Guard in other ways, armed with swords, axes, and mauls, to cut the enemy apart in close quarters.

Cost: 3 points

Starting Skills: Parry

Standard Regimental Kit: The regiment exchanges their Main Weapon for a Common (or more available) Low-Tech weapon and a laspistol with two charge packs.


It is a sad fact that the men and women trained and equipped by the Departmento Munitorum frequently turn their weapons and training against the Imperium. Though knowledge of such treachery might be suppressed, misrepresented, or used as a propaganda tool depending on circumstances, it is an unavoidable fact that squads, platoons, and even entire regiments of the Imperial Guard can and do betray the Imperium. This regiment has done just that—forsaking its vows to defend the Imperium and turning against all it swore to protect. Whether due to some misguided sense of justice, devotion to the Ruinous Powers, or a tragic misunderstanding, this regiment has been declared traitorous by the Imperium, found guilty of the unforgivable sin. The regiment can never again turn to the Departmento Munitorum for aid or supplies, and is now hunted by the very army it once served. This drawback can also represent a treacherous planetary defence force, such as those which form the bulk of the Severan Dominate’s forces on the Spinward Front. GMs and players should think carefully when selecting this Regimental Drawback, as it fundamentally changes the nature of an Only War campaign. Rather than fighting alongside the Imperial Guard, the regiment will fight against the Imperium. The exact form of the regiment’s battles depends on what allegiance they do hold, if any.

At the GM’s discretion, he can apply this Regimental Drawback to a regiment or even a single Squad within a regiment after creation, representing in-game events. In this case, the regiment does not receive additional Regiment Creation points.

Regiment Points: 5 points

Enemies of the Imperium: This regiment cannot turn to the Departmento Munitorum for supplies. To represent the added difficulties of scrounging, stealing, or obtaining supplies through whatever treacherous organisation to which the regiment now belongs, the regiment begins with a Logistics Rating of 0 and suffers a –10 penalty to Logistics Tests. The GM may, at his discretion, modify this value to represent the resources of any group to which the regiment has sworn allegiance. In addition, characters from this regiment cannot purchase the Munitorum Influence Talent, although the GM may, at his discretion, make a functionally equivalent Talent available in its place (such as Severan Dominate Influence).

Starting Talents: Enemy (Imperial Guard) plus one Peer Talent appropriate to the regiment’s situation.



Kalaten Jorn — Starting Talents = Rapid Reaction
Sarolius Fulaz — Starting Talents = Foresight
Gikha Kagenn — Starting Talents = Resistance (Fear)


Hive Worlds

“The immense populations of hive worlds, and the often harsh conditions found upon them, make them valuable recruiting grounds for new regiments, and many hive worlds serve to manufacture vast quantities of commonly-used materiel, making it far simpler to equip regiments. As a result, a single muster from a hive world can produce potentially millions of Guardsmen, forming thousands or even tens of thousands of regiments within a relatively short span of time.”
– Extract from the Tactica Imperialis
  Characters from hive world regiments are one amongst many. Due to the colossal populations of hive worlds, musters from them tend to be large, sometimes numbering over a thousand regiments at a time, each of which may number as many as ten thousand men. In many areas of a hive world—not just the twisted depths of the underhive—murder, rioting, and gang warfare are rife. Constantly having to aor take part in) such dangers turns the people into capable warriors and survivors, made nimble by the tangle of urban decay, wary by the dangers in the darkness, and gregarious by the mass of humanity that has always surrounded them. Due to the suitability of hive worlders as Imperial Guardsmen, and the sheer quantity of people on each hive world, there are a vast number of hive world regiments in the Imperial Guard at any one time.

Cost: 3 points.

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to any two of the following Characteristics—Agility, Fellowship, and Perception.

Skills: All hive world characters start with Common Lore (Imperium), Deceive, and Linguistics (Low Gothic).

Accustomed to Crowds: Hive worlders grow up surrounded by crowds, and they are used to weaving through even the densest mobs with ease. Crowds do not count as Difficult Terrain for hive worlders, and when Running or Charging through a dense crowd, hive worlders take no penalty to Agility Tests to keep their feet.

Hivebound: Hive worlders seldom endure the horrors of the open sky or suffer the indignities of the great outdoors. Whilst outside of an enclosed or artificial environment (such as a hive city, starship or similar), they suffer a –10 penalty to all Survival Tests, due to their continued unfamiliarity with such places.

Urban Violence: Hive worlders are constantly alert for the first hint of trouble, be it a hivequake, a gang shoot-out, or a hab riot, allowing them to quickly detect danger and elude it, if need be. Hive worlders start with one of the following Talents: Heightened Senses (Hearing), Paranoia, or Unremarkable.

Starting Wounds: Hive world characters begin play with –1 starting Wound
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