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41st Millennium

0 999

  • 0 M41

    Raid Against the Star Gods
  • 143 M41

    151 M41

    12th Black Crusade - Gothic War

    The Twelfth Black Crusade, or Gothic War, was a vast campaign launched by Abaddon the Despoiler which engulfed the Gothic Sector. It consisted of hundreds of planetary invasions and naval battles and only ended when Abaddon was forced to retreat to the immaterium with the arrival of Imperial reinforcements. It saw the destruction of several planets and four of the six Blackstone Fortresses as well as the deaths of billions of Imperial citizens.

  • 198 M41

    Eisenhorn Born
  • 222 M41

    Eisenhorn becomes an Inquisitor

    Aged 24.

  • 240 M41

    Eisenhorn on Hubris
  • 241 M41

    Eisenhorn on Sameter
  • 356 M41

    400 M41

    Lord Commander Solar Macharius (Life)
  • 392 M41

    399 M41

    Macharian Crusade
  • 400 M41

    470 M41

    Suppression of the Macharian Heresy
  • 444 M41

    First War for Armageddon
  • 500 M41

    Imperium First Encounters Genestealers
  • 543 M41

    Harvest of Chogros
  • 580 M41

    632 M41

    Forgotten Wars
  • 715 M41

    731 M41

    Scourge of the Arachen
  • 731 M41

    733 M41

    Enlightenment atop Mount Kanji
  • 733 M41

    742 M41

    Arkunasha War
  • 742 M41

    Damocles Gulf Crusade
  • 745 M41

    The Time of Questioning
  • 745 M41

    First Tyrannic War

    The Imperium makes first contact with the Tyranid race when Hive Fleet Behemoth invades the Eastern Fringe and annihilates planet Tyran; Behemoth is defeated, though at great cost, by the Ultramarines at the Battle for Macragge.

  • 745 M41

    The Great Reclamation
  • 752 M41

    754 M41

    Khulan Wars
  • 755 M41

    780 M41

    Sabbat Worlds Crusade
  • 757 M41

    999 M41

    Second Plague of Unbelief

    Hydra Minoris was the sight of the first recorded outbreak of Zombie Plague in 757.M41 after Typhus and his Death Guard penetrated the heart of the world's capital Hive.

  • 760 M41

    The Farsight Expedition
  • 762 M41

    Battle of Kato

    Catachan MXIV 'Unseen Lurkers' lead by Colonel 'Steel Eye' Black, fight Ork from the 'Death Skulls' clan.

  • 765 M41

    Battle of Balhaut

    Archon Nadzybar slain by Warmaster Slaydo, who died of his wounds.

  • 765 M41

    772 M41

    The Ghosts fight on Fortis Binary
  • 765 M41

    Tanith First-and-Only Founded
  • 769 M41

    The Ghosts Defend Verghast

    The Ghosts defend Verghast from Heritor Asphodel, absorbing new recruits from Vervunhive.

  • 771 M41

    Battle Dome Mont'yr

    The young prodigy Shoh is inducted into the training academies of Vior'la.

  • 772 M41

    Ghosts on Aexe Cardinal
  • 773 M41

    Ghosts on Herodor
  • 777 M41

    Chaos at the Cadian Gate

    Spearheaded by the Black Legion, Chaos Space Marines exit the Warp at the Cadian Gate. They are repelled by the Cadian's with help from the Imperial Fists Space Marine.

  • 790 M41

    Battle of Polia

    Vostroyan IX under Graf Tosheko, die to a man defending the factory city of Polia against the forces of the T'au Empire under Commander Brightsword on Nimbosa.

  • 813 M41

    Cano'var Overrun by Necrons
  • 815 M41

    WAAAGH! Grog
  • 823 M41

    The Way of the Short Blade
  • 825 M41

    The Molochite Tragedy
  • 826 M41

    The Farsight Enclaves
  • 832 M41

    Through Independence, Enlightenment
  • 834 M41

    An Empire Mourns
  • 845 M41

    Warmaster Ingenus Captured

    The Dimmamk War escalates after Dark Eldar pirates capture Warmaster Ingenus. In response forty thousand regaments are raised and all high-ranking Imperial Guard officers are assigned personal bodyguards.

  • 845 M41


    Aun'Va receives word that Farsight lives yet, and that his Enclaves not only still exist, but have split away from the T'au Empire to form their own territories. Incensed beyond measure, the Ethereal Supreme excommunicates Farsight from the Greater Good. He orders all imagery of the rebel to be destroyed and any who speak his name to be taken away for extensive questioning, often never to be seen again.

  • 857 M41

    Sacking of Colonia

    A surprise assault by the Eldar of the Saim-Hann Craftworld threatens to annihilate the forces of the Mortant VII 'Headhunters' during the Sacking of Colonia. The Eldar retreat after a single squad of Catachan Devils, lead by Gunnery Sergeant Harker, emerges from concealed positions and heavy bolter fire kills the warhost's Autarch.

  • 863 M41

    Saint Cyllia Massacre

    The Cadian 423rd, lead by Knight Commander Pask, rally to engage rearguard elements of the Adamant Fury Titan Legio during the Saint Cyllia Massacre.

  • 870 M41

    873 M41

    Loxar IV Offensive

    In a rare instance where regiments from Attila deploy in force, Mogul Kamir leads a decisive three-year offensive against the Necron tomb wardens of Loxar IV. The enemy forces are finally defeated during the ill-fated charge of the Lumen Valley, the largest cavalry charge in the Imperium's recorded history.

  • 883 M41

    Battle of Planus Stepps

    The 423rd Cadian Armoured spearhead the largest armored assault since the Battle of Tallarn.

  • 899 M41

    903 M41

    Hive Fleet Gorgon Invades the T'au Empire

    The Gorgon was a splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Behemoth that invaded the space of the T'au Empire in 899.M41, it represented the T'au's first horrific encounter with the Tyranid; the hive fleet was destroyed in 903.M41, through the combined efforts of the T'au Fire Caste and the Imperial Guard. Regions of the T'au Empire that have been left barren by the rampaging hive fleet are known as the "Zone of Silence."

  • 901 M41

    912 M41

    Badab War

    The Badab War is the name given to one of the most serious rebellions in recent Imperial history. While the conflict is named for a planet (or system of the same name), the war actually took place throughout the several sectors of Imperial space known as the Maelstrom Zone. The war saw four entire Space Marine Chapters secede and rebel against the Imperium.

    The Badab War is notable for several reasons; the leader of the rebellious forces, Lufgt Huron, would survive the end of the war and return to trouble Imperial space once more as the Chaos-alligned warlord known as Huron Blackheart, while the conflict itself involved a significant number of warring Space Marine Chapters as the primary participants.

    While the war is officially reckoned to have lasted between 901 and 912.M41, outright warfare did not break out until 904, while the situation that led to the Badab War began much, much earlier.

  • 910 M41

    911 M41

    Siege of Hypnoth
  • 919 M41

    Keffia Campaign
  • 920 M41

    Slawkenberg Campaign

    (Unsure of date?)

  • 924 M41

    First Siege of Perlia
  • 925 M41

    935 M41

    WAAAGH! Grax

    WAAAGH! Grax decends on the Ryza system.

  • 926 M41

    Dulma'lin Cleansing

    The Dulma'lin Cleansing was a year-long campaign fought by the Catachan II regiment under the command of Colonel "Iron Hand" Straken in 926.M41. It mainly occured in the Ork-infested cavern network of the planet Dulma'lin, where the Catachans used guerrilla tactics to wreak havoc amongst the Orks.

  • 927 M41

    Green Skins and Black Hearts: The Ork Invasion of Perlia

    by Hismyonie Kallis

  • 927 M41

    Fallaxian Scourging

    The renowned armoured siege units of the Hammeront IV, under the command of Grand Marshal Lourgant, are wiped out during the Fallaxian Scourging when an army of Daemons overwhelms the Imperium's forces.

  • 928 M41

    Defiance of Ulani
  • 928 M41

    929 M41

  • 928 M41

    Waaagh! Skroll Invasion of Volistad
  • 929 M41

    Liberation of Abraxis Citadel

    Such is the delay in transmitting information and updating the Administratum's records, that news of the demise of Hammeront IV regiment fails to reach the Departmento Munitorum and Grand Marshal Lourgant is ordered to lead the liberation of Abraxis Citadel on Prassium.

  • 930 M41


    Crossfire takes place some time in the later 900s M41. At least after 912 M41.

  • 930 M41

    Battle of Arandra V

    The Catachan XXIV 'Waiting Death' destroys Krakskull's Orks on Arandra V, luring the entire horde into a booby-trapped ravine with 'Baiter Squads'.

  • 931 M41

    Gravalax Incident
  • 931 M41

    Hammeront IV Desertion

    The Departmento Munitorum charges the Hammeront IV with desertion and, along with Lord General Lourgant, they are all posthumously sentenced to death.

  • 932 M41

    Simia Orichalcae
  • 933 M41

  • 934 M41

    Stranthium Orbital Space Docks Blockade

    Elysian troops drive off Ork Kaptin Blacklaw and his Freebooterz from the Stranthium Orbital Space Docks, ending a decade long blockade by the alien pirates.

  • 936 M41

    Derondii Investigation
  • 937 M41

    Adumbria Defense
  • 937 M41

    Hive Fleet Scarabus Annihilated

    Hive Fleet Scarabus was annihilated by the troops of the 9th Cadian Shock Troopers Regiment at the walls of Fortress Carcasson in 937.M41. The 9th Cadian did not lose even a single company of troops in this conflict.

  • 938 M41

    Defense of Lentonia
  • 938 M41

    Yaquit 27 Campaign

    Colonel Straken personally leads the Catachan II in the chargeat the Battle of Morden's Ridge.

  • 939 M41

    Yarrick learn Orkish

    Whilst serving with the 70th Luther Mcintyre regiment. Commissar Yarrick learns the Ork language from a captured greenskin and develops a unique insight into Ork psyche.

  • 940 M41

    Conquest of Atria IV

    After a five year stalemate on Atria IV. The Catachan XXIII elite sapper units breach the palace walls within the week.

  • 940 M41

    Saint Celestine Appears
  • 941 M41

    943 M41

    Second War for Armageddon
  • 942 M41

    Nusquam Fundumentibus
  • 944 M41

    Battle of Golgotha

    Commissar Yarrick comes out of retirement and devotes the remainder of his years to hunting down Ghazghkull and ending the threat he poses to the Imperium forever.

  • 945 M41

    Imperial Infantryman’s Handbook

    The new standard issue Imperial Infantryman’s Handbook replaces the old Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer. Any guardsman found to have not exchanged their copy of the 'Primer' for the Handbook will be shot.

  • 959 M41

    Creed Born
  • 967 M41

    Cultists Attack Kasr Gallan
  • 975 M41

    980 M41

    Drussite Crusade

    The young Ursarker E. Creed and his Whiteshield squad are hurried into the five-year Drussite Crusade. By the time the Cadian army celabrates its victory in the blaze of the xeno-pyres, Creed has been promoted to Captain.

  • 975 M41

    The Huntress Awakens

    Aun'Va releases O'Shaserra from stasis and tells her of Farsight's treachery and exile, setting her on a collision path with her ex-comrade.

  • 979 M41

    T'au Empire Expansion

    The T'au Empire expands into the Imperium's territory and many world defect, initiating the protracted Darnoces Gulf Crusade in which notable victories are won by the regiments of the Brimlock Dragoons.

    Damocles Gulf
  • 980 M41

    Lord Brule is Killed

    Chaos Space Marine Lord Brule and his renegades are destroyed on Treconondal by a combined force of the Cadian 8th and Terrax Guard.

  • 983 M41

    985 M41

    Hrud Migration
  • 987 M41

    Massacre at Big Toof River
  • 988 M41

    Damocles Gulf Crusade Abandoned

    Damocles Gulf Crusade abandoned due to emergent threat of Hive Fleet Kraken.

    Damocles Gulf
  • 990 M41

    993 M41

    Second Tyrannic War

    Hive Fleet Kraken invades and is, again, narrowly defeated.

  • 991 M41

    Saint Praxedes Martyred

    Battle Sister Canoness of Order of Our Martyred Lady. Sacrificed self on Cardinal World Okassis to allow refugees to escape from Second Tyrannic War.

  • 992 M41

  • 992 M41

    Siege of Fecunda
  • 992 M41

    Siege of Quadravidia
  • 992 M41

    Defense of Diogenes Gap
  • 992 M41


    Amazon Scout Fleet Enquiry
  • 994 M41

    Foundinng of the 91st Cadian

    The 91st Cadian was formed on the feast of St. Capilene. It comprised of ten companies.

  • 996 M41

  • 997 M41

    999 M41

    Third Tyrannic War

    Hive Fleet Leviathan, the largest Tyranid force yet, invades.

  • 997 M41

    Hidden Allies
  • 997 M41

    Choose Your Enemys
  • 997 M41

    The Supreme Commander Speaks
  • 997 M41

    Farsight Enclaves assaulted by Hive Fleet Kraken
  • 997 M41

    The Jaws of the Kraken
  • 998 M41

    Voice of the Emperor Capturied
  • 998 M41

    The Revelation of Kauyon
  • 998 M41


    Third War for Armageddon
  • 999 M41

    13th Black Crusade
  • 999 M41

    Battle of Biel-tan
  • 999 M41

    The Fall of St. Josmane's Hope
  • 999 M41

    Second Siege of Perlia
  • 999 M41

    4 /105

    Sly Marbo destroys Gorkanought

    Catachan Guardsman Marbo is credited with single-handedly destroying the Ork Gargant Gorkanought, though these reports are dismissed as farfetched by Segmentum Command.

  • 999 M41


    Cypher eludes Belial

    Cypher eludes Belial for the third time on Piscina IV.

  • 999 M41

    2 /975

    Battle of Tyrok Fields
  • 999 M41


    Destruction of Cadia